After witnessing a few gentle lambs being eaten alive in a lion’s den because they were “different,” my spirit writhed with the overpowering perception of evil that was demonstrated in that section. I took it to prayer asking God whether He was displeased with my reading this stuff, and I received the impression of “wailing and gnashing of teeth” that gave me a foretaste of what hell on earth can be like for many. This was an unusual thought received from prayer that I had never really considered in depth before.
Therefore, I searched to find out what God was trying to say to me. Here is one of the articles which gave me understanding of this exceptional wording.
How easily discerned are those whose spirits are filled with bitter rancor and sarcasm, and are utterly bereft of the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit. Amen, if gnashing their teeth at others is their only preoccupation, they are already living a hell on earth.
Therefore, I searched to find out what God was trying to say to me. Here is one of the articles which gave me understanding of this exceptional wording.
In that great time of trouble there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth–bitter disappointment, great chagrin. The gnashing or gritting of teeth symbolically expresses the vexation and anger of those in whom the truth only awakens a spirit of opposition and hatred against the Lord’s messengers and against his plans which run counter to their prejudices, pride and plans. Those who have not the spirit of truth, will not, and do not meet the truth with candor and an earnest effort to prove what is truth and what is error. The truth they do not want, and even so much of it as they see, they endeavor to cover and hide; and their reasonings against it partake more of the nature of sarcasm, sophistry and enmity, than of sound scriptural reasonings.
It quickly became apparent that I should definitely not under any circumstances engage in discussion with these wailers, for their minds are not open to truth, not even to defend the persons whom I saw being chewed up like raw meat. In God’s way, He will bring them this message and anoint their spirits with wisdom.In their fruitless efforts to substantiate errors which they have come to reverence and love, they will contradict each other’s arguments, as well as the arguments of their predecessors who helped to found or establish the errors. This, in the symbolic language of Revelation, is called “gnawing their tongues in pain.” All such opposition to the truth is the gnashing of teeth predicted; and we may expect to see more and more of it as the harvest work continues.
How easily discerned are those whose spirits are filled with bitter rancor and sarcasm, and are utterly bereft of the joy and peace of the Holy Spirit. Amen, if gnashing their teeth at others is their only preoccupation, they are already living a hell on earth.