None of this says anything about the argument.Change is an inherent condition of the material universe, & it is an objective truth. We witness it all of the time, movement of all kinds producing change. Causes & effects. Movement is used to measure change or time. eg. a clock is designed to measure time, & how is it done? the movement of the hands of the clock pointing to numbers representing hours & minutes are calibrated by math principles used in the design of the clock. there is no perfect clock simply because the material used in its design are changing, wearing out. So the clock is not a perfect instrument to measure time, but close. Math deals with conceptual principles that represent perfection, but thats because the concepts are of a spiritual nature & can contemplate infinity. Material things are finite, therefore limited. But a clock is close enough, an atomic clock,is even closer but even the frequency changes, so it is not perfect because of change inherent is material things. I can go deeper by speaking of Potency & Act, but I will reserve that at this time.
I suppose you are going to say next, “Well, it’s just a theory that the Sun will come up tomorrow,” because that’s how ridiculous your statement is on Einstein. Time is completely subjective. And time DOES move slower for one who is traveling near the speed of light. Watch this short video to understand time dilation: youtube.com/watch?v=ttZCKAMpcAoTime is not completely subjective, a produce of mind, it is movement producing change in created things that we are aware of in the objective world. We didn’t make it up. Time does not move slower for one who is traveling the speed of light, which is to me is science fiction, than a person taking a nap. The only difference I see is if one can travel the speed of light, then he will cover more distance, then the person sleeping in the same amount of time. You can’t relate one who is not traveling, but is sedated, to one who is traveling, so the relationship dosen’t apply. And how can you measure relationship, if there is no absolute or concrete anchor, or permanent reference? Einsteins theory is just that a theory, a mixture of truth & & error.
Again, this is very much dependent upon the Classical notion of Time, which Einstein proved did not exist. The further implication of which is that Aristotle’s, & consequently, Aquinas’ use of the potency & action model to explain God simply isn’t adequate. We now know that such a model cannot possibly begin to describe anyone’s essence. This is further compounded by the fact that act is nothing more than a concept. It describes what a being is doing (potentially at least), but it does not describe the being itself. It does not define the essence itself.Change is always taking place, time is divided into past, present & future, all involving movement. Human life eg. Is a movement from a fertized ovum, the conceptus, to a fully developed adult, then a movement to decomposition. The conceptus had to have the capacity for change (the potential) & to fulfill that capacity, there had to be a movement, when the movement took place then the potential became the act, that perdetermined effect produced by the movement, the adult. The adult is one of the stages, a becoming human being, for he keeps changing, decomposing once physical maturity has been reached. Then old age, & death to the body, it changes into the material element found in earth. In God there is not such movement, because He is all that He can be, His being in not a becoming being, but with no change, He is Pure Being, no potency, just act, no capacity, just completion or fulfillment, His is all He can be. He is Existence, & all of His attributes, they are one in Him
By ontology, I merely mean that God has an essence & true existence. It has nothing to do with cause & effect in this case. Thoughts do not have ontology. That would be like saying wars truly exist. No, wars are only abstract concepts & are not concrete. Thus they do not have a real existence. The people who live & die during a war are, however, concrete. At this point, you seem to be endorsing Platonism, & I cannot go down that route with you, because I find it leads to a lot of meaningless problems. Another problem with your assumption is that you believe we can truly know the outside world. But Newton proved that was quite impossible when he literally destroyed the Cartesian project for body within the “mind-body” conceptual model. Since then, science has not worked on true knowledge of the universe, but rather has worked on the most intelligible theories that describe the universe the best way possible. We observe the universe through our empirical sense, but this is by no means reliable, which thus highlights that Descartes (and Augustine) were correct about one thing. The only thing we can truly know is: cogito ergo sum. In other words, I am promulgating epistemological solipsism, NOT metaphysical solipsism. Hence, such is why I presume that other beings exist & not myself alone. But I will never truly know that they exist because I cannot truly grasp their essence.Ontology is the science of Being qua Being, the ultimate cause & effects in reality, I am trying to understand you use of the concept. thoughts are real, & there are different levels of thought. The concept, or idea derived from objective reality, the outside world, the quantitative level, (mathematical), & the qualitative ( the Metaphysical which encompasses the Ontological which is just one branch of Metaphysics. When speaking of God it is in the Ontological, the ultimate cause, the uncaused-cause, & the unmoved mover, who is God, Pure Act, & Pure Being from which all being is derived, & all motion is derived.