God before shopping?

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I’ll have to let someone else explain the technical aspects.

TiVo allows us to record TV shows without a “tape” (like in the old days of VCRs). We keep them on our TiVo and watch them whenever we wish.

So for the NCAA Basketball Tournament, we just TiVoed it, and if I decided not to watch a game, I would just delete it. TiVo lets you watch TV whenever you want.

I have TiVo set up to tape any episodes of The Great British Baking Show! My husband has several of his shows TiVoed, and he watches them on Sunday morning. (They are shows I despise, e.g., The Good Doctor).

We can program TiVo to tape any show that has our favorite actors in it–I’ve caught several wonderful Robert Patrick movies with TiVo.

If we’re out of town or gone, TiVo automatically records all our choices. No more tapes! Those were awful! Many times we would accidentally tape over a show we had planned to keep. And tapes fall apart as they get older.

TiVo has other great features. We can skip commercials (which i don’t always do because I watch the commercials that I like).

Like I said, I don’t understand all that it does or how it’s set up. But I find it simple enough to use, and that’s saying a lot, considering that I’m not sure how all the little buttons on CAF work!

It truly does allow you to schedule your TV viewing for your downtimes, instead of using your prime evening time to watch Dancing With The Stars!
OP, do you feel that God occupies the first place in your life?

That’s all that matters. Do not concern yourself with what everyone else is doing.
But for future threads, consider this: Catholics that are on CAF for the most part, are regular church goers. Asking them questions as you have in your OP sounds intrusive and yes, a bit condescending.
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TiVo came out like 10-15 years ago and was the original DVR. Now your cable or Satellite box is your “TiVo”. Actually, our new digital cable box is powered by TiVo.
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But for future threads, consider this: Catholics that are on CAF for the most part, are regular church goers. Asking them questions as you have in your OP sounds intrusive and yes, a bit condescending.
Especially since this is the second thread with a similar tone that the OP has started in a short time frame.

I don’t doubt that some posters here have had negative experiences with people they meet in daily life who airily talk about skipping Mass on vacation or whatever, but those people are for the most part not on this forum. People on the forum are generally trying very hard to go the extra mile as Catholics, but don’t want to talk about it because they are also cognizant of humility and of the fact that not everybody may be as blessed/ as able as they are to get to a Mass.
Is the OP asking if we go out of our way to “inconvenience” ourselves? I fulfill my weekly obligation…but schedule it around the other things I’m obligated to do. With 3 Catholic churches within 10 minutes of my home, I have 7 opportunities to attend weekly services. I see no merit in choosing one because it conflicts with things I need/want to do. That’s not “sacrificing” for God.
Football and basketball are not played or telecast on Sunday mornings or any other mornings, which is when the vast majority of Masses in USA take place.
Agreed but if you live in a city where there’s a home game, many will skip the 11am Mass to get to the stadium on time if that game begins at 12 or 12:30pm.
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God is always 1st in our lives.

Didn’t watch the Final Four. Couldn’t care less about it. That always occurs well before the Easter Vigil. But if it ever occurred at the same time, I would still choose Mass because I love spending time with Jesus in His House.

As I told Bear, many in our parish do miss Sunday Mass if the Titans have a home game that starts at 12 or 12:30pm. But they may have gone to the Vigil Mass the night before. So they will have fulfilled their Sunday obligation.

Me, I love the Titans. I love the Preds. I love all our teams. But I’m not willing to miss Mass to see them. I can DVR if the game is that important.

The Moody Blues, on the other hand, yes, I have missed Mass for them because a last minute schedule change in rehearsals made it impossible for me to attend Mass. And while I missed Mass that day, my priest knew exactly where I was. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: 😊

I don’t go anywhere for vacation. But if I did, it would depend on where the nearest Catholic Church was and whether or not I could get there. Because I love Mass! I would go 24 hrs a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year if I could.
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To be clear, my remarks were not that Mass is an inconvenience. More that there’s nothing wrong with living your life for friends and family as long as you fulfill your obligation.

Friend: “What are you doing this weekend?”
Me: “Absolutely nothing out of the ordinary…wide open.”
Friend: “We’re having a housewarming party at 7:00 PM on Saturday! Please come!”
Me: “Oh… I just decided I’m going to 8:00 PM Mass! I’m giving glory to God!”
Or, in charity “if your party is Saturday evening, I will go to Mass on Sunday! Thanks for the invite, what can I bring?”
While I do make sure to attend Mass on vacation, have no interest in football, love the Easter Vigil tremendously, and would have to call a friend to find out what sport “the final four tournament” even refers to, I still feel like I often fail at making God first in my life.
and would have to call a friend to find out what sport “the final four tournament” even refers to

Hubby and I tell people we are “Sports Agnostic: we acknowledge that sports exist but we do not know which one is best nor where they fit into our lives.”
So you are saying The Moody Blues is your Final Four, the the thing you would miss mass for. 😉
So you are saying The Moody Blues is your Final Four, the the thing you would miss mass for. 😉
They’re my Final Three. Justin, John and Graeme. For a once in a lifetime historical event and the priceless memories of that glorious weekend culminating in that wonderous night, yes, yes, I did miss Mass to see them.

I shamelessly make no apologies for having the best whirlwind weekend of my life. I love the DVD I got of the show. (Randy decided at the last minute that only those who helped with the show would get the DVD.) It was cool seeing the show live from my vantage point and then seeing the DVD later.

My priest teased me about it later. He was there that night too. A priest in his 70s enjoying the Moody Blues in bluegrass.😎
You’re the complete opposite of our house. Sports rule the roost here.

Our 10 year old is juggling the winding down of hockey season with the beginning of baseball season (he actually has a game in both sports this week), and wouldn’t have it any other way.
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