You have two options, lets say X and Y. You prefer X over Y so you choose X hence you are a slave of what you want.
Feeling has nothing to do when logic tell us the truth. We are only free when we like two options equally. That is when we don’t have any constrain over our choice hence we can decide freely. But this means that we are not a functional being hence we could not be designed and created.
Logic is not really what tells us the truth.
Actually, repeated comparison with what we experience and experimentation with what we experience, all combined with logic brings us to a conclusion of truth, the conclusion of knowing. The acts of comparison, experimenting, and use of logic are our slavery.
We are slaves to searching for and only being satisfied when we find truth.
We are not free by liking two objects equally, and by both being true. We, in our slavery to experimentation, comparison, and logic, found out the truth that both were Ice Cream and in our slavery to see which was most satisfying found out that we liked both in our mouth.
These are temporal goods. For Catholics, Lent begins on February 10th. And many of us will freely choose to ignore the goodness of the chocolate and vanilla during the time of Lent. They are good. We like them, we are slaves in knowing we like them. But we are not slaves in choosing to do what we like. Logic says, It is True, It is Good, Do it.
But freedom is able to say, “No thank you, not today, I am doing Penance. The world will not see me following the logic of appetite today but the world will see a new thing today of me preferring to be in hunger rather than eat either good thing.”
By the way, when you like things equally and do choose one over the other, that is not because you are free; that is because you do not consider yourself big enough or rich enough or hungry enough to have both. So it is still slavery of being constrained to only have one - it is slavery to being Forced to Choose. True freedom according to your reasoning would be to have both.
But actually, a “choice” between two equally liked objects is simply chance. It happens all the time in rolling the dice - all combinations are equally possible for the result. Freedom, however, unlike chance, is the Intention to LOVE one and REJECT the other, full of the Passion of Desire. Freedom is the passion of Love. Slavery is the restriction of Fear where Choices are concerned.