States of creation is changeless to God. God cannot have changeable knowledge considering the fact that he and his mind is changeless.Sorry I just don’t get it. Could someone else, as well as Bahman, please respond to this and show me the error of my ways.
Now I agree the state of creation is changeable to us, but how is the state of creation changeable to God?
We can attack to this problem in two different ways. Either we construct our argument from God perspective or creation perspective. First and second argument in post #113. Which one do you prefer?If creation needs to change say a gazillion times to be sustained and God already has seen and knows, basically has experienced, everyone of these changes, how can he not sustain them?
That depends whether you believe that creation can run at its own or it cannot.If I know by heart every step of the instruction manual, do I need to read and concentrate on every step to keep the car running or build the widget?
I believe that we are putting God in a bubble that he could not exist because of our way of defining God.Are we placing ourselves in a bubble that God is unable to penetrate? And why can’t he penetrate the bubble? He already has in the form of Jesus.
That is a problem for a God who is in state of timeless.The Bible speaks of many times God has sent an Angel to earth to bring us a message. Who can say he doesn’t also do that to sustain creation, if he had to that is, I don’t think he does. I mean if all else fails if I were God and was “stuck” in the timeless realm I would just send my angels to earth to bring me back real time updates.Yeah that’s how I would do it.