Continued from above post -
Here is a list with the links to Katya’s short books free to read and download online (my favourite being “The Holy Mass” “In Adoration” and “From Sinai to Calvary” but they are all truly remarkable and invaluable!)
Books on the Eucharist
The Holy Mass -
Holy Hour -
In Adoration -
Books on Spiritual Testimonies & Devotions
Divine Providence -
My Broken Christ Walks Over the Waters -
Praying the Rosary -
The Visible Face of the Invisible God -
Books on the Passion
The Passion -
The Stations of The Cross -
From Sinai to Calvary -
I Have Given My Life for You -
You can find all of this including the most part of the documentry “Signs from God” free to watch, read and download online here -
Now I may not know the meaning of suffering, but I do know that it’s not because God doesn’t love us. “16 God loved the people of this world so much that he gave his only Son” - John 3:16 and in turn the Son loved the world so much that he gave his own life for us (the love of Agape confirmed through works by the Father and the Son).
Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins etc all focus on this in their books on atheism, they begin their books with a catastrophe or some evil act and than they say “If God is Omnipotent, than he chose to let this happen, is this a God you should believe in?” I notice how it’s not so much an intellectual argument against God, but rather an emotional one playing on our lack of understanding.
I find it amazing at just how similar their arguments are with the ones from Christ’s time.
I believe it’s the very same thing that was said to Christ as they made fun of him on the Cross and it’s the number one call I believe of many atheists today, at the heart of alot of atheists is usually a fist raised toward God from this lack of understanding between God’s omnipotance and the reality of suffering, the reality of evil.
Those very same taunts.
“If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself!”
“Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and save us!”
“He saved others. Now he should save himself, if he really is God’s chosen Messiah!”
I believe this Gospel passage is a perfect one to reflect on with the subject of God’s omnipotence and suffering.
Gospel of Luke:
Luke 23:34-43
Jesus Is Nailed to a Cross
34-35 Jesus said, “Father, forgive these people! They don’t know what they’re doing.”
While the crowd stood there watching Jesus, the soldiers gambled for his clothes. The leaders insulted him by saying, “He saved others. Now he should save himself, if he really is God’s chosen Messiah!”
36 The soldiers made fun of Jesus and brought him some wine. 37 They said, “If you are the king of the Jews, save yourself!”
38 Above him was a sign that said, “This is the King of the Jews.”
39 One of the criminals hanging there also insulted Jesus by saying, “Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and save us!”
40 But the other criminal told the first one off, “Don’t you fear God? Aren’t you getting the same punishment as this man? 41 We got what was coming to us, but he didn’t do anything wrong.” 42 Then he said to Jesus, “Remember me when you come into power!”
43 Jesus replied, “I promise that today you will be with me in paradise.”
I strongly encourage everyone reading this to reflect on the extract I provided above from the book “From Sinai to Calvary” in which shows the two ways that men carry their crosses. Our crosses are inevitable, we will all have to carry them at some stage in our life, (e.g. Death) some heavier than others, but I certainly know which cross I will prefer to carry, and that is Dismas’ cross, humbly recognising himself as a sinner and asking that though his sufferings, mercy remembers him. It’s in this way of carrying teh cross that warrented such a reply from our lord “I promise that today you will be with me in paradise.” - Luke 23:43
“Humility opens the doors to the kingdom of heaven.”
Extract from "Divine Providence":
On the 29th day the Lord told me: “Gold is tested in the burning crucible. Everything that all of you are living is necessary for growth… I love you very much. Believe it and love Me more. Even if you think that you are incapable of loving more, continue to exert yourself in that for love is like a rubber container that expands, with the only difference being that the container never explodes, it is refined until it becomes noble material.”
Men and womens sufferings all to often turn into desperation and even suicide, because in such cases, it’s a cross alone and we can only bear a cross with Christ on it’s arms.
God Bless
Thank you for reading