Choosing evil is necessarily choosing limitation and reducing omnipotence and omniscience to a choice which opposes fullness of being. In other words, the dilemma you propose is one “on paper” or “in theory” only, but is ontologically meaningless.It’s not a false dilemma. You are correct that God is perfectly free. But he does not have moral free will like human beings. Please read the title of the thread.
But thanks for the link.
Evil always involves degeneration or privation. Why would absolute free will (omniscient omnipotence) make a self-limiting choice to constrain itself? Just seems an odd claim that the capacity to choose evil would be a positive quality when it is just the opposite.
There is a reason why Jesus said that anyone who sins is a slave to sin. It is a general principle that evil makes even human wills less free, not morally more capable. The most free will is the most moral one.