God Has a Body (Flesh & Blood) Is That a Mormon Teaching?

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I have read several places that Mormans say that God has a body made of flesh and blood. Also that there is a female God along with a male God. Are there any Mormans out there who’d like to comment?

I can provide documentation if I have the time.
I have read several places that Mormans say that God has a body made of flesh and blood. Also that there is a female God along with a male God. Are there any Mormans out there who’d like to comment?

I can provide documentation if I have the time.
They say that, however the mosts notorious proponents of this heresy are the “Word of Faith” Pentacostals, aka, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Haggin, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, et al.
I have read several places that Mormans say that God has a body made of flesh and blood. Also that there is a female God along with a male God. Are there any Mormans out there who’d like to comment?

I can provide documentation if I have the time.
I am an ex-Mormon. Actually the LDS teaching is that God has a body of “flesh and bone” not “flesh and blood”. they believe that a god has spirit, not blood, in his veins.

Mormons believe that their “god” is really a resurrected human who was born on another planet. He in turn had a god, who was a resurrected human who had a god… (you get the idea).

This god has a harem of goddess wives with whom he copulates for eternity and produces spirit offspring (us). Then he sends these spirit children down to earth to get bodies. If while we’re here, we obey the Mormon Church in all things, then we too can be resurrected as gods and goddesses, organize planets, produce spirit children and be worshipped. As each god brings some of his children to godhood, he moves up in the heirarchy of gods, and the gods above him move up, gaining more glory and power. Sounds like Amway, doesn’t it?

They also believe that their god came to earth and had sex with the Virgin Mary to produce Jesus, and many other strange things the missionaries will never tell you. :eek:
Grace to you,
This god has a harem of goddess wives with whom he copulates for eternity and produces spirit offspring (us). Then he sends these spirit children down to earth to get bodies. If while we’re here, we obey the Mormon Church in all things, then we too can be resurrected as gods and goddesses, organize planets, produce spirit children and be worshipped. As each god brings some of his children to godhood, he moves up in the heirarchy of gods, and the gods above him move up, gaining more glory and power. Sounds like Amway, doesn’t it?

They also believe that their god came to earth and had sex with the Virgin Mary to produce Jesus, and many other strange things the missionaries will never tell you. :eek:
Grace to you,
Do the Islamist know about this? They blow themselves up for 72 virgins. They might get a better deal here being a Moromon and they don’t have to kill themselves in the process.:rotfl:
I will only reply to this Thread once because I will not be the subject of your cold hearted and FALSE comments. I dont know what “Mormon” doctrine you have studied. It certainly was not that of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Perhaps it was the RLDS Church, which is a distorted branch that broke off from the original Chuch some time around the1940s.These people claim to be Mormons also but thier practices differ from ours greatly!
If you would like to bat around your falsehoods, you go right ahead. If you are truly interested in the teachings of our church please feel free to visit our official web sight lds.org. There is a question and answer forum some what like this one.
I will only reply to this Thread once because I will not be the subject of your cold hearted and FALSE comments. I dont know what “Mormon” doctrine you have studied. It certainly was not that of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Perhaps it was the RLDS Church, which is a distorted branch that broke off from the original Chuch some time around the1940s.These people claim to be Mormons also but thier practices differ from ours greatly!
If you would like to bat around your falsehoods, you go right ahead. If you are truly interested in the teachings of our church please feel free to visit our official web sight lds.org. There is a question and answer forum some what like this one.
I understand your frustration at people who seem to be truly putting down your religion. I do think though, that the originator of this thread was asking an honest question, and who better to answer that than a member of the LDS faith?
They say that, however the mosts notorious proponents of this heresy are the “Word of Faith” Pentacostals, aka, Kenneth Copeland, Kenneth Haggin, Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, et al.
Benny Hinn, the guy that touches people and they faint, teaches this? Just caught me off guard.
I will only reply to this Thread once because I will not be the subject of your cold hearted and FALSE comments. I dont know what “Mormon” doctrine you have studied. It certainly was not that of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Perhaps it was the RLDS Church, which is a distorted branch that broke off from the original Chuch some time around the1940s.These people claim to be Mormons also but thier practices differ from ours greatly!
If you would like to bat around your falsehoods, you go right ahead. If you are truly interested in the teachings of our church please feel free to visit our official web sight lds.org. There is a question and answer forum some what like this one.
Could you please explain which part of Mr. Dupre’s statements are false and why?
I am an ex-Mormon. Actually the LDS teaching is that God has a body of “flesh and bone” not “flesh and blood”. they believe that a god has spirit, not blood, in his veins.

Is this why “Father Adam” = AKA Michael ?] had no blood before the Fall ?​

Mormons believe that their “god” is really a resurrected human who was born on another planet. He in turn had a god, who was a resurrected human who had a god… (you get the idea).

This god has a harem of goddess wives with whom he copulates for eternity and produces spirit offspring (us). Then he sends these spirit children down to earth to get bodies. If while we’re here, we obey the Mormon Church in all things, then we too can be resurrected as gods and goddesses, organize planets, produce spirit children and be worshipped. As each god brings some of his children to godhood, he moves up in the heirarchy of gods, and the gods above him move up, gaining more glory and power. Sounds like Amway, doesn’t it?

They also believe that their god came to earth and had sex with the Virgin Mary to produce Jesus, and many other strange things the missionaries will never tell you. :eek:
Grace to you,

Is the Holy Spirit still “a personage of spirit” - and if so, why is He not confined to the “telestial heaven” along with the various members of the human race who go there, who are not “sealed for eternity”, and who do not “come into the presence of the Father and the Son” ?​

If the HS has no body, He sounds rather inferior to the Father and the Son. So much for the LDS Church being monotheistic 😦 ##
Benny Hinn, the guy that touches people and they faint, teaches this? Just caught me off guard.

I heard that Benny Hinn taught that there were three Fathers, Sons, & Holy Spirits - however:​

  • What alarmed most critics of Hinn is his statement that “there are nine of them [Spirits of God].” Some took this to mean that there are nine persons, which is not what Hinn was saying. “Nine of them” referred to the separate elements of the Trinity: three bodies, souls, and spirits.
discernment.org/faithhealers/benny.htm ##
I will only reply to this Thread once because I will not be the subject of your cold hearted and FALSE comments. I dont know what “Mormon” doctrine you have studied. It certainly was not that of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Perhaps it was the RLDS Church, which is a distorted branch that broke off from the original Chuch some time around the1940s.These people claim to be Mormons also but thier practices differ from ours greatly!
If you would like to bat around your falsehoods, you go right ahead. If you are truly interested in the teachings of our church please feel free to visit our official web sight lds.org. There is a question and answer forum some what like this one.
I was a member of the LDS Church (yes, the one in Salt Lake City) for 11 years. I served a full-time mission in Taiwan and was married in the Washington DC temple. I taught Gospel Doctrine classes, served in many callings including Counselor to a Branch President and a Bishop. I have read all of the “standard works”, and at least 30 of the most commonly read LDS books by Joseph Fielding Smith, LeGrand Richards, Bruce R. McConkie, James Talmadge and others.

I suspect it is you who have never really studied LDS history and doctrine. I have quotes from early LDS prophets and apostles (Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, the Pratts, Jedediah Grant and many others), showing they taught that:

God the father has multiple celestial wives
God the father had sex with his daughter Mary
Jesus was a polygamist and had children
Early and present LDS leaders are direct descendants of Jesus
and much more.

I have posted these references, all from LDS sources and Deseret Books, on other threads in this forum. If you like, I will post them again here.

The LDS Church has tried in recent years to mainstream itself. Part of that effort is that they have stopped teaching these doctrines to all but the most die-hard members. They now try to sound like just another Protestant religion, even deceptively using many of the same terms Christians use. But they have completely different definitions for thise terms. Most Mormons have no idea what their religion really teaches. They also have no idea what they are promising or buying into during the temple endowment.

Specifically, which of the teachings I cited do you deny?
The only reason that I am writing again is because I read the sincere requests of other readers. Here is the truth about our religion…
I am an ex-Mormon. Actually the LDS teaching is that God has a body of “flesh and bone” not “flesh and blood”. they believe that a god has spirit, not blood, in his veins.
Where in the world did you hear that? We believe that Christ was of flesh and blood and Christ is not God the Father but the son of God. He is Christ, the savior, born to the virgin Mary and Raised as the son of Joseph until he began to go about his Heavenly Father’s work. (read the Bible)
This god has a harem of goddess wives with whom he copulates for eternity and produces spirit offspring (us).
This, once again, is False. While we do belive that there is a Heavenly Mother. We do not believe that he has a “harem” nor do we believe that he “copulates” with any one. He’s God.
Then he sends these spirit children down to earth to get bodies. If while we’re here, we obey the Mormon Church in all things, then we too can be resurrected as gods and goddesses, organize planets, produce spirit children and be worshipped. As each god brings some of his children to godhood, he moves up in the heirarchy of gods, and the gods above him move up, gaining more glory and power. Sounds like Amway, doesn’t it?
-First of all, I will say that I believe that my church is the true church. I will not deny that ever. Just as the Catholic Church teaches that they are the one true church, we feel the same about ours. We believe that if we know the truth in our hearts and turn away from it we will not join our Father after our time here on earth.
-Second, We do believe that we are sons and daughters of God as most christian religions do…Here is where our religion differs from yours. We believe that we are born with the potential to become LIKE God. We think of it like a birth right. We are his children why wouldn’t he want us to becomeas knowlegable, giving, and loving as him. We do not believe that any man will accomplish this on earth but we will continue to learn after we die. I would be happy to explain this in more detail if you would like. I wll not continue to discuss this if my religion is going to be constantly attacked
-Third, the comment about Amway seems very childish an bitter. I would question from the comments that this person has made, whether this person left the church or was excomunicated and is now very angry and taking it out on the entire religion.
They also believe that their god came to earth and had sex with the Virgin Mary to produce Jesus, and many other strange things the missionaries will never tell you. :eek:
Grace to you,
I was raised in the Church. I am an endowed member that has been to the temple. I have made all of the covenants (promisses) with God that I will make and hold to through out my life. Today is the first that I have ever heard about this disgusting lie. Yet it is the second time on this web sight that I have seen it! We believe that Christ (the son of God) was born to Mary a virgin. The Virgin. While we believe that God gave her that gift we certainly do not believe that she had sex with him. Is God not capable of placing life in the womb of a woman with out having sex with her?
The LDS Church has tried in recent years to mainstream itself. Part of that effort is that they have stopped teaching these doctrines to all but the most die-hard members. They now try to sound like just another Protestant religion, even deceptively using many of the same terms Christians use. But they have completely different definitions for thise terms. Most Mormons have no idea what their religion really teaches. They also have no idea what they are promising or buying into during the temple endowment.
I am sorry for my hateful tone earlier. I can assure you that in no means is the Mormon religion conforming with main stream Christianity. I have been a member all of my life and I feel that I was very prepared for the commitments I made in the temple. Though I will not speak of them in detail for they are sacred. I will admit that our religion has some “radical” beliefs as some would say but I want our church to be known for it’s true radical beliefs and not some rumors that anti-mormons spout.
Paul Dupre,

After I started this thread, I went to our city library and found an old book, copyright 1924. Each and every one of the things you said that Mormons teach was there in that book. Plus there was more. You were correct!

The book says Mormons have a different concept of the Trinity than Catholics hold.

The Mormon Trinity is three separate persons - not in one, but totally separate.

It said that an extremely good Mormon man can become a God and have his own planet after he dies.

It said a murderer who is put to death must be put to death in such a way that blood is spilled. That is why Utah still has the firing squad. Why must they spill blood you ask? The spilling of blood comes from Jewish sacrifice, Jesus spilled blood as a sacrafice for our sins. So the muderer has a chance to pay for his sin they say. Thanks Dupre for the great lesson.:tiphat:
Exporter said:
Paul Dupre,

After I started this thread, I went to our city library and found an old book, copyright 1924. Each and every one of the things you said that Mormons teach was there in that book. Plus there was more. You were correct!

The book says Mormons have a different concept of the Trinity than Catholics hold.

The Mormon Trinity is three separate persons - not in one, but totally separate.

It said that an extremely good Mormon man can become a God and have his own planet after he dies.

It said a murderer who is put to death must be put to death in such a way that blood is spilled. That is why Utah still has the firing squad. Why must they spill blood you ask? The spilling of blood comes from Jewish sacrifice, Jesus spilled blood as a sacrafice for our sins. So the muderer has a chance to pay for his sin they say. Thanks Dupre for the great lesson.:tiphat:

The reason that the blood has to be spilled is due to the Blood Atonement doctrine taught by Brigham Young. He taught that some sins are so bad that the blood of Jesus is not sufficient to attone for them. The sinner’s own blood must be shed to attone for those sins. With the “Progressive Revelation” theory taught by current mormons they have ttried to bury and forget what was once a minastream mormon teaching. Phttp://www.geocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/6528/sda.htm
This is my first time to reply to a chat, but I had to answer leschornmom. I am also LDS and was born in the Church, but left for 20 years and recently was rebaptized. My husband is Catholic and is very active. We have gone to both churches for the past 6 years and enjoyed learning about each other’s religion. I read with great interest the postings on this subject and the one by Paul(the ex mormon) made me ill. Leschornmom is correct in her explanation of our beliefs and my husband would agree if you asked, because he now knows our beliefs pretty well and has been shocked by some of the thoughts expressed here about Mormons, as I have also. I think that as practicing members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, leschornmom and myself should not be visiting this site, unless we want to feel great pain for the way our Church and our beliefs are described and put down. I have read other postings where Mormons are described as non-Christian and a cult who hate Catholics. This is not true, the Catholic Church in Salt Lake just bestowed a high award on the Prophet of our Church, Gordon B. Hinckley. We as Christian churches help each other in humanitarian projects and work together in many areas. We believe we are all brothers and sisters and children of God. Catholics, LDS, Jews, Protestants. I have many friends in all religions and I would never trash them or their beliefs.
I respect them and allow them the same freedom I have, to worship God in the manner that pleases them. There has been enough hatred and warfare in the name of religion. I do not think that this is a forum that should be used for saying derogatory things about another religion. I thought this was a Christian chat room and have been disappointed in what I have found here. Shame on Paul DuPre for his distortions.
Just one more thing, I believe we, meaning Catholics and Mormons have Genesis in our bibles and in chapter 1 verse 26 it says "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. verse 27 continues…“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” Mormons believe God meant this literally and so we believe we are in his image, that means we look like him, but since he is God, his body is of flesh and bone, it is a resurrected body as is Jesus Christ and as we will be after the second coming when our spirits are reunited with our bodies and we return to live eternally with our Father in Heaven. All of this is predicated on keeping the commandments and living the gospel, being baptized by emersion by one who has the authority to baptize and other ordinances which must be accomplished on earth. This is why we do Temple work for our ancestors who never had the opportunity to hear the gospel and died without being baptized. We believe all are children of God and we are all literal brothers and sisters. As such we love and try to help all who need help. Example, my husband who goes to the Catholic church every Sunday, had brain surgery in April 03 whicn paralyzed him on the right side. He was in a Catholic hospital for 3 months. I wheeled him down to the chapel every Sunday and the Priest visited him in his room, but also the Bishop from the LDS church visited him, and when he came home the elders from the church had come to our home and built wheelchair ramps so he could get in and out of the house. All no charge, just because we are brothers and sisters and they knew we needed help. They would do it for anyone who needed help, not just Mormons. That is what we should all strive for, and stop trying to find fault with one another’s belief in God. The important thing is that we believe in Him and do our best to live the way He wants us to. It is our hope that we ALL(Mormons and Catholics and Protestants and Jews) will live with Him some day.
BJ, please don’t stop posting here just because you may feel somewhat under attack. All of us are after truth, and sometimes that means asking challenging questions or making challenging statements. Mormon and Catholic beliefs are obviously radically different, so these issues need to be discussed and not taken as personal attacks. Please don’t back away from the discussion. We want to hear what you think and believe. Now, as to what you said in your last post–you were talking about what you believe it means to be made in the image of God:
BJ Colbert:
…Mormons believe God meant this literally and so we believe we are in his image, that means we look like him, but since he is God, his body is of flesh and bone, it is a resurrected body as is Jesus Christ…
One question I’ve always had concerns your mention of God’s resurrected body. When you say “resurrected body,” do you mean that God the Father is a resurrected being, and if so, who resurrected God? Do Mormons believe that God the Father had a god before Him and so on and so on, or did I completely misinterpret what you said?
In answer to Exporter’s question (post #1):

“The Father has a body of flesh and bones as tangible as man’s; the Son also; but the Holy Ghost has not a body of flesh and bones, but is a personage of Spirit.” Doctrine & Covenants 130:22.

“God was once as we are now, and is an exalted man, and you [Mormon men] have got to learn how to be Gods yourselves, the same as all Gods(s) have done before you.” Joseph Smith, Journal of Discourses, Vol. VI, p. 4. The word “blood” isn’t used, but it’s certainly implied. Where there’s flesh and bone, there’s blood.

To speak of God as a spirit in a non-material, non-human way is a “false creed” (Mormon Doctrine, p. 318).

There are God-Mothers who are not specifically identified, with whom God-Fathers have “spirit children” through sexual intercourse. We all lived in a “spirit world” with our God-Parents before we were born to earthly parents. (Gospel Principles, p. 15)

Jesus is the son of Heavenly Father through an act of physical intercourse with an unidentified God-Mother. Lucifer is Jesus’s brother (Gospel Principles, pp 15-16), born of the same God-Parents. *

Mormons call the God of earth Heavenly Father because they believe we all are literally his children, the product of his prodigious sexual energy during a previous existence in the ‘spirit world.’ “As spirits they [that means us] are the offspring of celestial parentage.” (Man: His Origin and Destiny, pp. 351, 355, quoted in Mormon Doctrine, p. 589.)

For a Mormon, the God of the earth and all other gods are physcal beings in the midst of other physical beings, including numerous other gods; they have body parts and passions. These are actually no more than “exalted” human beings who worked their up to being gods.

Earth women become goddess-mothers by marrying Mormon men, who themselves will become gods after death, rule over their own “dominion” and beget “spirit children.” But they have to be “sealed” to their man in the temple, or they can’t become goddesses (Gospel Principles, pp. 239-41, 247-48). And only obedient-to-the-letter Mormon males become gods, and that includes tithing on every $. (Gospel Principles, p. 291-92)

God has intercourse with Mary(?), next post.

I’m not Mormon, but I’ve studied the religion. Exporter’s Q was well answered by others; I thought some documentation would be helpful.

JMJ Jay*
Benny Hinn, the guy that touches people and they faint, teaches this? Just caught me off guard.
Hinn and others do teach this. Most of them get the idea from Finis Dake’s work which teaches God has a “spirit body” and that heaven is a planet on which God lives. Quite a few of the preachers on TBN and similar stations use Dake frequently. He’s very rarely quoted these days but his influence is still great.

Hinn’s so-called teaching that there are 9 Gods wasn’t really his teaching but he was taken as meaning that. His unfortunately chosen words were based directly on the works of Dake, but on a misinterpretation of the works of Dake.

I saw a bit of a Benny Hinn crusade last week and was shocked. The people fell over backwards - fair enough if you’re into that sort of thing. But then Hinn had his helpers immediately lift the people back to their feet. This didn’t seem to be done exactly gently. It looked painful for the person being pulled. And the people lifting obviously hadn’t been taught how to lift people safely and without discomfort. Once back on their feet the people were immediately caused to fall over backwards again. Lifted up again. Caused to fall again.

Now, I don’t want to say (here) that the power of God doesn’t knock people down. But if that happens, surely God should be left to do whatever internal work he’s doing without man repeatedly getting in the way.

Anyway - here’s some God has a body teaching from Dake. This is part of the footnote to John 4:24 from the Annotated Study Bible. You can see from this how much Dake loved cross-referencing Bible verses - his Bible has 500,000 of them. Personally I disagree with some of his conclusions based on an over-literal view, but often the cross-references, word definitions etc can be very useful in study.

Blessings (& sorry for the diversion from the Latter Day Saints)


Here’s the quote

He is a person with a personal spirit body, a personal soul, and a personal spirit, like that of angels, and like that of man except His body is of spirit substance instead of flesh and bones (Job 13:8; Hebrews 1:3). He has a personal spirit body (Daniel 7:9-14; Daniel 10:5-19); shape (John 5:37); form (Phil. 2:5-7); image and likeness of a man (Genesis 1:26; Genesis 9:6; Ezekiel 1:26-28; 1 Cor. 11:7; James 3:9). He has physical parts such as, back parts (Exodus 33:23), heart (Genesis 6:6; Genesis 8:21), hands and fingers (Psalm 8:3-6; Hebrews 1:10; Rev. 5:1-7), mouth (Numbers 12:8), lips and tongue (Isaiah 30:27), feet (Ezekiel 1:27; Exodus 24:10), eyes (Psalm 11:4; Psalm 18:24; Psalm 33:18), ears (Psalm 18:6), hair, head, face, arms (Daniel 7:9-14; Daniel 10:5-19; Rev. 5:1-7; Rev. 22:4-6), loins (Ezekiel 1:26-28; Ezekiel 8:1-4), and other physical parts. He has bodily presence (Genesis 3:8; Genesis 18:1-22) and goes from place to place in a body like all other persons (Genesis 3:8; Genesis 11:5; Genesis 18:1-5,22,33; Genesis 19:24; Genesis 32:24-32; Genesis 35:13; Zech. 14:5; Daniel 7:9-14; Titus 2:13). He has a voice (Psalm 29; Rev. 10:3-4); breath (Genesis 2:7); and countenance (Psalm 11:7). He wears clothes (Daniel 7:9-14; Daniel 10:5-19); eats (Genesis 18:1-8; Exodus 24:11); rests (Genesis 2:1-4; Hebrews 4:4); dwells in a mansion and in a city located on a material planet called Heaven (John 14:1-3; Hebrews 11:10-16; Hebrews 13:14; Rev. 21); sits on a throne (Isaiah 6; Daniel 7:9-14; Rev. 4:1-5; Rev. 22:3-6); walks (Genesis 3:8; Genesis 18:1-8,22,33); rides (Psalm 18:10; Psalm 68:17; Psalm 104:3; Ezekiel 1); and engages in other activities.
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