God lets Lucifer Deceive the World! Why?

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The problem I have with this choice is that no one want to choose Lucifer unless you are luciferian and so the majority of people that are being taken to hell have lack of knowledge about what is happening them and then get harassed by demons that lead them astray surely this is not fair treatment
No, this is not true.

According to the children of Fatima, the MAJORITY of people in Hell are there for sins of the flesh.

Christians who commit sins of the flesh KNOW what the Church teaches, but the disobey anyway. And some of them eventually wind up leaving the Church because they disagree with the Church over the sinfulness of these sins.

Everyone in Hell KNEW what they were doing was against the teachings of the Church & God. They just didn’t care.
As long as the act does not meet all criteria for mortal sin, the act in itself is not enough to send one to hell.
St Faustina in her book said most people in hell did not know it exists i would think if people on earth new of the punishment that awaited them they would not act the way they do.

My point is I was a lost sheep one year ago not for lack of trying I looked for the truth and could not understand it because I was told constantly by teachers and people I was surrounded by that religion was man made meaning it was made up that the church which represents God we’re full of sexual predators and that science was the only hope of knowing the truth not God…

I was not ignorant for lack of trying because since I was 17 years old I spent hours every day reading trying to figure out the truth what I’m saying is that I had a experience with a angel in spirit form after religious hallucinations I asked God to send a angel to help me when I spoke to the angel the angel said I was possessed by a high level demon during the years of research for truth I started studying the occult to see if it was real I was hungry for knowledge this opened me up to the demonic world as told by my now spirtual director a Franciscan priest what I’m trying to say is that how can Jesus come down and visit sinner and say the sick need a doctor or medicine not the healthy when God let’s lucifer and his demons deceive the same sick that need him more then the ones under grace who have a relationship with him!
St Faustina in her book said most people in hell did not know it exists i would think if people on earth new of the punishment that awaited them they would not act the way they do.
This is not the teaching of Holy Mother Church. St Faustina lived a life that is worthy of our respect, however, she was as prone to mistakes in her writing as any of us are.
if people on earth new of the punishment that awaited them they would not act the way they do.
Christ said exactly the opposite thing. Read that parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man in Luke 16.
31“He said to him, ‘If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead.’”

My problem with this is that today the church in Ireland has no respect any more from all the cover ups of sexual abuse so if you don’t respect the church because of the members of evil have done you are not going to listen to church teaching when it’s members were corrupt now I know this is not right thinking but growing up as a child you don’t associate with a group of thugs because you don’t want a bad name this is the same thing I guess a lot of doubts are in people’s mind when we’re told that God is all powerful yet does not intervene in the world to prevent his own priests from molesting kids and he does not show himself to the world unless you are a prophet which there was very few.

I don’t agree with God letting Lucifer deceive people when I read of the story of Judas and Lucifer convinced Judas to betray Jesus when this happened Judas was full of remorse threw back the coins he had gotten and hung himself and his punishment was to be eaten alive by a giant satan in hell as wrote by Dante in the inferno life is hard enough without a nearly God like being influencing what you do to send you to hell i can never agree with this !
Dante’s Inferno is a work of fiction.

Please, speak to a priest or a counselor.
Demons are not free to destroy people. Many times they try,I know from experience. The Holy Spirit and God’s grace can help us not give into temptations and say no to Lucifer.
In St Faustina book she said she helped free souls from demons and Lucifer by her suffering obediance to God and prayer !
Much of this thread is to do with private revelation. Bible, cathechism, magisterium. If you are a ‘worrier’ and overthink things stay the heck away from private revelation. I fall into that category and I am just being honest 😂
But you know God allowed Lucifer destroy Jobs family this is my point Lucifer is given huge power on earth !
Please, understand, Job is not a literal history book. It is a form of parable.

I am stepping away now, praying you will find someone to guide you to see the difference between Doctrine and Private Revelation and Parables.
There not sure if Job was a real person I think he was wether there is doubts in once’s mind if real or not the premise of truth in the story still holds God allows Lucifer to deceive people look what happened Judas !
Satan is the prince of this world. God allows it because we are created with free will. Therefore, the good path is narrow.
Why did God allow a fallen Angel one of the highest in heaven to deceive people to hell !
We were told in RCIA that a lot of the Old Testament were about people from the time and their accounts about God working in their lives and their attempts to explain Him. Job is about a man’s suffering. In the end , God gave him everything back many times over. It’s an attempt to understand God working in your life. Yes there is evil but God has given you the victory
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