God lets Lucifer Deceive the World! Why?

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I think the question is why God allows Lucifer to deceive the world is this not the same as a man deceiving another man to death on earth is this not fundamentally wrong ?
CCC 395 'It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but ‘we know that in everything God works for the good with those who love Him’
God must have created angels with free will and unfortunately it didn’t go well. Same with us. The whole thing basically boils down to : will you follow God or not ? You don’t have to worry about another being’s choices - just loving others
You can do this and you can torture yourself but ultimately we don’t need to worry about the motives of a God who literally died for each of us. We are his concern
Once again, NO one goes to hell without knowing, choosing where they go.
CCC 395 'It is a great mystery that providence should permit diabolical activity, but ‘we know that in everything God works for the good with those who love Him’
I’m struggling lately with my understand I just can’t seem to justify the process people go through in life and then leads them to hell my current problem is that I know people are currently completely oblivious to the truth that hell exists my family and friends I’m afraid even me sometimes I think are not going to make it and I just can’t/don’t know how to stop this from happening I feel like I can’t devote myself enough to God to cause him to help me and my family !
So you believe are choosing to get tortured I just can’t believe that.

I believe they are oblivious to the cause of actions in most cases carry serious repercussions but don’t know that.

I’m just trying to relate my own life and when I may have committed mortal sin I never knew the seriousness of my actions I always justified it by my own standard because I never knew God was real and did not think morals existed and if they did it was because man wanted to control people not for the greater good.
In order for sin to be mortal it must be

You have to KNOW it is a sin
You have to do it anyway even though you know it is a sin, you choose to do it on purpose.

No one, ever in the entire history of the universe, has accidentally committed a mortal sin. It is impossible.
I feel like I justified my sins before I new God with my own understanding.

Survival of the fittest that saying is so selfish.

“Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”

I’m truly so sorrowful over all the wrong teachings in school!
God loves you and you can be forgiven if you are truly sorry. So can anyone be. I overthink things too but With the help of others I have realised I don’t have to stay that way. I am free from those thoughts and so can you be. It takes work. Have a go of the Jesus prayer as you fall asleep
I feel people are not being given a genuine chance of knowing God is real !
No one goes to hell who did not choose to reject God.
And what exactly is choice? Because I feel like I rejected God more than once in my life, and I was nowhere near having any understanding of what I was doing. And if I did it would be even worse…Did I reject God today? In how many ways did I reject God today?
Again, you cannot be guilty of mortal sin and not know it.

The requirements for sin to be mortal:

It is a serious thing, you know it is a serious sin and you decide to do it anyway, in spite of the fact that it is a serious sin.

By committing what you know to be a serious sin, on purpose, you are turning away from God.
In how many ways did I reject God today?
In your daily examination of conscience, you ask yourself this, you ask God for mercy, you express your sorrow and you try harder tomorrow.

“I confess to almighty God and to you my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault…” and continue the prayer.

Maybe a video series like “Forgiven” on Formed.org would be of help?

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