God's will be done

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I guess this relates to The Problem Of Evil but it came up originally in a discussion about the efficacy of prayer.

In an earlier thread it was argued that certain events occur because it is God’s will. The case in point was the killing of the Amelikites which God ordered (whether you believe this actually took place is not relevant but I assume that there wouldn’t be an argument that God actually has, does and will cause specific events to occur).

A point was made that said that either it didn’t happen or God ordered something that was evil. The counter argument to that was that, as we are not omniscient, we cannot know what the ultimate reason for the deaths were. All we can see, with our limited appreciation of events, is something that appears to be wrong but which, as was argued, must be ultimately good. God cannot order something that is evil.

Fair enough. But a more recent discussion talked about prayers for a sick child. Now this is not a matter about free will - whether we decide to kill or not, or whether it was a free will choice that resulted in harm. The child is sick through no-ones fault.

Now God could obviously decide on whether the child lives or dies. So whatever the outcome, is it valid to say that it is God’s will? Because I have heard arguments that say that it obviously is and although we cannot see any good coming from the death of a child, an omniscient God can. That it’s no good railing against God for what we, with our limited understanding, see as a meaningless and cruel death but which must have a greater meaning.
Things just don’t go how we want them to, do they? Why is that? I think because we are limited in our ability to affect our existences.

Everything goes exactly how God wants it to go, doesn’t it? Why is that? I think because he is unlimited in his ability to affect existence.
I am the Lord, and there is no other; besides Me there is no God: I will strengthen you although you have not known Me. In order that they know from the shining of the sun and from the west that there is no one besides Me; I am the Lord and there is no other. Who forms light and creates darkness, Who makes peace and creates evil; I am the Lord, Who makes all these. Cause the heavens above to drip, and let the skies pour down righteousness; let the earth open, and let salvation and righteousness be fruitful; let it cause them to sprout together; I, the Lord, have created it. Woe to him who contends with his Creator, a potsherd among the potsherds of the earth, shall the clay say to its potter, “What do you make? And your work has no place.” Woe to him who says to a father, “What do you beget?” and to a woman, “Why do you experience birth pangs?” So said the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, and his Creator, "Ask Me about the signs; concerning My children and the work of My hands do you command Me? I made the earth, and I created man upon it; as for Me-My hands stretched out the heavens, and I ordained their host.
  • Isaiah 45:5-12
So many evil, horrendous, and disgusting things have happened. Understatement of the millenium. How can this be, if God is good?

Only God knows. This is the only honest answer we have.

Why should we pray, if everything goes exactly how God wants it to go?

Our prayers make up a part of the fabric of existence. But, we don’t know how our prayers are going to be answered, and we don’t even know what we should pray for. How can we know better than God? How can we ask him to change his mind? Should we try to use him to make things happen the way we want? That all seems silly and empty to me.

We don’t know if it is God’s will for her to die of cancer or not. We can see his will only looking backward. Do you want her to die? Of course not! So, we pray that she does not die. But, she dies anyway. This is evil. This is horrible. There is no justification, there is no answer. Only God knows why this happened. But, we should not conclude that he is evil and hateful, and that we know better how the world should be.

Here is some good news: life is not 100% unmitigated suffering and evil. Most human beings are having a good time most of the time. It’s true! Some of us get the short stick. Why? Only God knows. But, most of us are doing OK most of the time. Isn’t that amazing? There are a lot of good things to enjoy and be happy about. There are a lot of reasons to praise God.

Are you going to feel this way if you lose a child to cancer? Of course not, nor should you! Those Westboro Baptist people who thank God for atrocities are ridiculous. We can rejoice in God’s will, but we can also mourn it.

What we can’t do, is pretend good things are his doing but that bad ones…well his hands are tied I guess. 🤷

In reality, we and God are co-responsible for all of it. We cooperate in the creation of our existences. In a mysterious way, prayer is part of our responsibility too. Do I know how that works? Of course not. Hope this helps, these are just my opinions that I have for now…

John G. Lake is not a good answer to Bradski’s questions.

Your encomium of Lake perverts the problem of evil.

See this.
I think if there was just one greatest purpose for God to create the universe and life, it would be that God loves Each and everyone of us as he loves himself.

God has given us the greatest commandments to go and do likewise.

But to love your children as you love yourself, has to mean you set them free, and it seems we are not very good with our freedom from God.

I believe that life on Earth is our training ground, after death we stand before God, and we will come to know that God’s greatest commandments make sense.
I think if there was just one greatest purpose for God to create the universe and life, it would be that God loves Each and everyone of us as he loves himself.
People have children because of a biological need. God created us in order that…we should love Him. Or in order that He should love us.

Both imply a need. That God wanted something. That without it, He didn’t have what He felt He needed. That He wasn’t complete until we were created…and He is loved.

That doesn’t ring true.
People have children because of a biological need. God created us in order that…we should love Him. Or in order that He should love us.

Both imply a need. That God wanted something. That without it, He didn’t have what He felt He needed. That He wasn’t complete until we were created…and He is loved.

That doesn’t ring true.
No actually. Love means to care about the welfare, the good, of another as “other.” That implies love is not self-concerned, not self-absorbed nor moved primarily by one’s own needs. It means the needs or “good” of others - for its own sake - is what one cares about with regard to the others. Love is not motivated out one’s own need, but for the good of the other.

I think it is narcissism talking - your own, that is - when you claim “both imply a need.” It may seem that way to you, but it ain’t so with God.

It isn’t that he has a need to “be loved,” but that what is best for us is to become lovers of all that is good and that is what he wills for us on our behalf: to love Justice, Goodness, Truth and Love for His (the eternal Singularity’s) own sake.

Am I reifying? You bet, precisely because I recognize the subsistent “Otherness” of Justice, Goodness, Truth and Love. God is not me - God is subsistent in himself, that is the realization of love - which is to love Other as Other, for its own sake not from “need” or dependency, but from a fundamental act of free will.

In our case, however, we happen to be dependent upon God, but when we become lovers of God, that isn’t primarily the motivating factor. We are his children, not his slaves. Our dependency isn’t what God wants to move us to love him - which goes a long way to explaining his hiddenness. He empties himself for our sakes and, in a real sense, becomes us - fully takes on our humanity - for our sakes, to underwrite the possibility of completing our love for each other through our Love for the Reality of Truth, Justice, Goodness and Love.
God created us in order that…we should love Him. Or in order that He should love us.

That doesn’t ring true.
God loved us before creation began, I believe this was his ultimate purpose.
Both imply a need. That God wanted something.
Possibly you are right, we are created, so God had a reason.
That without it, He didn’t have what He felt He needed. That He wasn’t complete until we were created…and He is loved.
If we loved God, we would obey his commandments, and there would be peace on Earth. Even if we obeyed God and lived in peace with each other, I am not sure this would make God any greater. But the commandment to love God has a deeper meaning, we show our love directly to God by how we treat the poor and the needy,

Mathew 25

34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’

37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
In our case, however, we happen to be dependent upon God…
Totally. Completely. Without end. He has made us to be utterly dependent on Him. We have no choice in the matter. Behave, or else…

We neve have the opportunity to grow up. As it is said, we are all God’s children. Always will be. Always watched over. Always being judged. And either rewarded or punished. Totally dependent.

It doesn’t sound like love to me. It must do to you.
Totally. Completely. Without end. He has made us to be utterly dependent on Him. We have no choice in the matter. Behave, or else…

We neve have the opportunity to grow up. As it is said, we are all God’s children. Always will be. Always watched over. Always being judged. And either rewarded or punished. Totally dependent.

It doesn’t sound like love to me. It must do to you.
The above seems include as a premise, a very juvenile understanding of God’s relationship to man. This is a straw man of the Loving Father.
The above seems include as a premise, a very juvenile understanding of God’s relationship to man. This is a straw man of the Loving Father.
Feel free to point out where any statement was incorrect.

Are we not always watched over? Are we not dependent on God? Are we not rewarded or punished at the end of our lives? Are we not judged?
Fair enough. But a more recent discussion talked about prayers for a sick child. Now this is not a matter about free will - whether we decide to kill or not, or whether it was a free will choice that resulted in harm. The child is sick through no-ones fault.
No. Perhaps the child would have lived if prayers had been offered up for his cure.

That is the “work” that needed to be done in order to have the cure.

Just like the “work” that needs to be done for a family to have bread on their table is for them to plant and sow and reap (or go to Publix and buy it :))

God could provide for both (the cure and the bread), but God gives us the dignity of causality, as Blaise Pascal calls it, to effect change.
Now God could obviously decide on whether the child lives or dies. So whatever the outcome, is it valid to say that it is God’s will?
Yes. Whatever the outcome it is correct to say it is God’s will.

But one must understand the difference between God’s antecedent will and God’s permissive (or consequent) will, as detailed by the Angelic Doctor, St. Thomas Aquinas, (referencing St. John Damascene) centuries ago.
Hi Bradski,

As far as some of the stuff in the Old Testament goes, I think if they had it all figured out than the Old Testament would not have needed to be fulfilled with Christ in the New Testament, where he certainly spoke directly against many practices in their,

Such as the sermon on the mount “You have heard” “But I say” and “Moses allowed it because of your heard hearts, but in the beginning it was not so” and “Lest he who is without sin cast the first stone” etc so I certainly take the Old Testament with a grain of salt.

Anyway, I haven’t studied enough of the Old Testament.

As for God’s will, I believe everything that happens is either directly willed by God to happen or is permitted by God’s will to happen (our free will).

Sorry to have neglected your thread Bradski but to add a few thoughts. Why doesn’t Jesus heal everyone today? Because we are His body now, and our faith is weak. Now we pray like this, Oh God, if it is thy will… This is a weak.and doubt filled excuse. The Apostles never prayed this way. In fact, they knew God so well that they didn’t even need to pray. In Acts 3:6 Peter simply commanded the cripple to rise up and walk.He did not doubt. Paul did not hesitate to raise people from the dead. He never called 911.

How did this apostolic faith die out? It seems it only took a few generations. But i believe God is restoring it today and soon we may even see the “greater works” prophesied by Jesus. I’m hoping to see it in my lifetime.

All the best,

I think that’s valid. I think the perfect example would be the crucifixion of Christ, one can only imagine how meaningless, senseless and cruel such a death would have been at the time. How could God come to save His people and end like that? And yet in a divine way it’s turned upside down to show in the greatest splendor the Glory of God, His redemptive suffering, which testifies to His love and mercy for man.

I believe prayer makes a large difference, however, it’s generally “Please X, but nevertheless, thy will be done.” and if God sees it fit, he will do X, if not, “thy will be done” and “Jesus I Trust in You.”

I also believe prayer is not only about asking for X, Y or Z, but also about helping us endure what must happen, if He does not see it fit to grant X, Y or Z.

As through prayer, I believe much light Is granted to the soul and it is strengthened and fortified.

Anyway, just some of my thoughts. I hope this has helped

God Bless You

Thank you for reading
Hi Bradski,

As far as some of the stuff in the Old Testament goes, I think if they had it all figured out than the Old Testament would not have needed to be fulfilled with Christ in the New Testament, where he certainly spoke directly against many practices in their,

Such as the sermon on the mount “You have heard” “But I say” and “Moses allowed it because of your heard hearts, but in the beginning it was not so” and “Lest he who is without sin cast the first stone” etc so I certainly take the Old Testament with a grain of salt.

Anyway, I haven’t studied enough of the Old Testament.

As for God’s will, I believe everything that happens is either directly willed by God to happen or is permitted by God’s will to happen (our free will).

I think that’s valid. I think the perfect example would be the crucifixion of Christ, one can only imagine how meaningless, senseless and cruel such a death would have been at the time. How could God come to save His people and end like that? And yet in a divine way it’s turned upside down to show in the greatest splendor the Glory of God, His redemptive suffering, which testifies to His love and mercy for man.

I believe prayer makes a large difference, however, it’s generally “Please X, but nevertheless, thy will be done.” and if God sees it fit, he will do X, if not, “thy will be done” and “Jesus I Trust in You.”

I also believe prayer is not only about asking for X, Y or Z, but also about helping us endure what must happen, if He does not see it fit to grant X, Y or Z.

As through prayer, I believe much light Is granted to the soul and it is strengthened and fortified.

Anyway, just some of my thoughts. I hope this has helped

God Bless You

Thank you for reading
Sorry to have neglected your thread Bradski but to add a few thoughts. Why doesn’t Jesus heal everyone today? Because we are His body now, and our faith is weak. Now we pray like this, Oh God, if it is thy will… This is a weak.and doubt filled excuse. The Apostles never prayed this way. In fact, they knew God so well that they didn’t even need to pray. In Acts 3:6 Peter simply commanded the cripple to rise up and walk.He did not doubt. Paul did not hesitate to raise people from the dead. He never called 911.

How did this apostolic faith die out? It seems it only took a few generations. But i believe God is restoring it today and soon we may even see the “greater works” prophesied by Jesus. I’m hoping to see it in my lifetime.

All the best,
Feel free to point out where any statement was incorrect.

Are we not always watched over? Are we not dependent on God? Are we not rewarded or punished at the end of our lives? Are we not judged?
This is how I see it at the moment. Scriptures are misused and church structures are misused. Not totally, but somewhat. My blind spot is evangelisation. But I understand catechesis. When people are continuing to enquire there ought to be a space where people look at Scriptures together with frequent substantial explanations added by someone with a little greater experience. Sadly there are often three dirty words, one is community, one is looking for the layers in Scripture which are to do with fruitfulness and growth, the third is whether faith is existential or not.

When outsiders see how well Christians care about each other they will attract more enquiries. Many parables are about how well we helped each other grow. Scriptures are allusive and are meant to be bullet-points or aides memoire on which teachings are hung. I believe God’s will is that we take initiative towards each other as lay people within all the various principles which are hardly ever explained. Some more “controlling” personalities among clergy and their lay cronies in parishes want to keep those ideas quiet. The picture you have described actually uncannily faithfully reproduces what those people project.

In another post you asked about prayer. If an ill girl dies she dies and if she recovers she recovers. God doesn’t always intervene to override His permissive will. Either way, the main point of prayer is the way we are exercising that initiative. To put it one way, He wants to see in what spirit we cared. In anybody’s life there could be tough things ahead and we could be called to take initiative on behalf of a stranger or an enemy. This is sometimes called adult faith.

The things that are addressed to a beginner or onlooker are different from those continuing the journey (though complementary to that). Those whom he is specifically calling at any moment to be further on, from them he looks for little fruits to appear e.g whether one cares for someone’s morale.

Inside church gatherings are many people who have been fed a partial and deficient picture. It is sad when they don’t want the proper version. New wine rends an old wineskin so a new wineskin is needed. God dragging Christians kicking and screaming to a bit of maturity in front of atheists and agnostics is one thing.

(I no longer give my religion statement as Catholic because my churchmanship has always been so unusual that it freaks people out - though one or two say I am more Catholic than before when I was only slightly so. I like my own meanings for my comprehensive set of labels not all of which I have stated. I have cross-checked my meanings with whom I consider reasonably authoritative. My new religion statement is supposed to be a plain description and also hopefully so boring-looking it won’t occur to anyone to query it! In any case I do sometimes have more vague periods and that’s just me.)
Totally. Completely. Without end. He has made us to be utterly dependent on Him. We have no choice in the matter. Behave, or else…

We neve have the opportunity to grow up. As it is said, we are all God’s children. Always will be. Always watched over. Always being judged. And either rewarded or punished. Totally dependent.

It doesn’t sound like love to me. It must do to you.
Ah, but we are not “dependent” in the sense that you presume. Some of what happens TO us is within our power though much is not. THAT, however, is not the important thing because far more important is what we make of ourselves.

In other words, if God gives us the potential and power to become angelic beings and yet we turn ourselves by using that potential and power into demonic beings, then the “dependencies” are not as you claim.

The fact that we are watched over, rewarded or punished is neither here nor there if the grace (potential and power) is within our grasp to make of ourselves what the omnibenevolence, omnipotence and omniscience of God make possible. We, therefore, shoulder full responsibility for abdicating or refusing to make of ourselves what in all possible universes we can and ought to be.
We, therefore, shoulder full responsibility for abdicating or refusing to make of ourselves what in all possible universes we can and ought to be.

As CS Lewis said: The two methods by which we are allowed to produce events may be called work and prayer. Both are alike in this respect – that in both we try to produce a state of affairs which God has not (or at any rate not yet) seen fit to provide “on His own”.
Thank for that, Rose. I hope you are well. This part of the link seems to give me an answer:

“We ought to carry our conformity to God’s will to the point of accepting our death. That we shall die is a decree against which there is no appeal. We shall die on the day and at the hour and in the manner that God decides, and it is this particular death we should accept, because it is the one most becoming His glory.”

It would seem that the author believes that his death will be the will of God. One would assume that all deaths would be so that if your child is dying then it you ‘ought to carry your conformity to God’s will to the point of accepting her death’.

That would seem to preclude offering prayers for her to be saved.
Death is by will of God. All people have fixed time on the world. God give life so God take it. We have no right to judge God because of a short or long life. Is death evil? No. Because we can go to the next life merely by death. Even for an Atheist it is good. Because an Atheist will have a life after death in anyway. The evil thing is being dissolve and never come back.

For prayers. We could not know if a sick human will die or not. So our duty is praying. That is not just to change the conclusion but it is interest in will of God. Praying is one kind of worship. We do not worship to live long but we worship to gain love of God.
Death is by will of God. All people have fixed time on the world. God give life so God take it. We have no right to judge God because of a short or long life. Is death evil? No. Because we can go to the next life merely by death. Even for an Atheist it is good. Because an Atheist will have a life after death in anyway.
Amen! 👍
For prayers. We could not know if a sick human will die or not. So our duty is praying. That is not just to change the conclusion but it is interest in will of God.
This is incorrect. Prayer can and does effect a change.

God has given us the dignity of causality. That is, our prayers, just like our works, actually do result in causing something to happen that may not have happened if we had not acted.
Praying is one kind of worship. We do not worship to live long but we worship to gain love of God.
Again, amen!
Prayer can and does effect a change.

God has given us the dignity of causality. That is, our prayers, just like our works, actually do result in causing something to happen that may not have happened if we had not acted.
“It is not really stranger, nor less strange, that my prayers should affect the course of events than that my other actions should do so. They have not advised or changed God’s mind—that is, His over-all purpose. But that purpose will be realized in different ways according to the actions, including the prayers, of His creatures.”–CS Lewis
That is not just to change the conclusion but it is interest in will of God.
The Christian view is that God gives us, the human person, the dignity of free will.

“If it is foolish and impudent to ask for victory in a war (on the ground that God might be expected to know best), it would be equally foolish and impudent to put on a mackintosh - does not God know best whether you ought to be wet or dry?”–Lewis

And I presume that all of us put on a raincoat when it’s raining outside, yeah? Even though “God ought to know best whether we must be wet or dry”.
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