I find it interesting that you that you would tell me to lighten up. I read some of your other posts and you have no problem ripping into people when it suits you. You have no problem calling people names and making pejorative remarks when it suits you.
I also find your remark about being bossy quite humorous considering the way you rant at other people.
Blessed are the humble in spirit - you my friend are not blessed in this way. You are just the fountain of knowledge aren’t you? Perhaps it’s time you got nose out of the air you could see yourself in the mirror. May I suggest you direct your predilections away from spreading the gospel according to Prestor John and broaden your horizons to include less of your ownself importance.
Sorry that was not very charitable but then again calling a person a jack *** isn’t either. I make no apologies for what I believe. If I didn’t worry about the dangers here I wouldn’t be so firm in my statements.
Sincerely and respectfully,
You responded to my post honestly, and before I withdraw completely from this string, I must reciprocate the honesty you have shown.
I have, as of this date completed a complete re-cap of all of your posts, in addition to a second look at your posted bio data.
And my earlier apology stands as I meant it, but I want to answer your somewhat impolitic remarks as to my tendency in my remarks about topics with which I have authority. If, in my limited scope of authourity I can find the chance to pontificate, God forgive me , I do; and if, in the strange twists that are sometimes posted in the strings on this forum,if I may add caustic soda to my remarks without cause, I hope in charity to be quickly corrected and given the chance to apologize, then offer amends.
But your comments give no quarter, and take no surrennder by implication…
I have no problem saying things when I have the authority to back up , by either education or experience; or both, what I say. I am prepared fully to defer to any person that overules my posted opinions with greater athourity, and facts to back it, as is the norm in a forum of peer criticism and review. My pejorative remarks are qualified by the conditions I have mentioned.
Humility, as you have surmised, is not a virtue that I possess in perfection; I struggle to attain this saintly goal, as I am sure you do as well,every day of my life; however, this is perhaps not a comment worth remarking upon anymore in such a public forum…
My barracks does not supply mirrors to every room, there is only a great big on in the hallway,and small ones in the men’s washroom. And further, in consulting the Base (Catholic) Chaplain, he assures me that there is no Gospel according to Prester John, only to John, Apostle to Our Lord Jesus, the Christ.
I know of no fountain of knowledge save Our Lord…
You do seem to very convicted in the beliefs and prejudgments that you are comfortable in, and I have no special gift of the Holy Ghost to say to you what I would like to, any more than I have a degree in Theology or Applied Industrial Widgjet design and Execution.
But, may I invite you any time to our Chapel, on the base in Halifax Nova Scotia, fullof pensioners, cripples, PTSD sufferers, widows and orphans, burn victims, and people whose believe is that St Mary is CoRedemptrix, including myself. You would be welcome, and treated as an old friend. You would not come away from us afraid or humiliated, angry or chagrined.
Sincerely, and respectfully, and lighten up, there is still good in this word of tears, and going on a ghost-hunt doesn’t severely risk your soul.
Prester John
Nil Sine Labore