How did this thread go from giving up refined sugarin lent, to cocaine? I suddenly hear the sultry sounds of J J cale.
How so. When one claims to be addicted to sugar (which is a macro-nutrient found in basically everything) the first thing anyone will say is “when you need something sweet…grab a piece of fruit”…which is full of sugar. In turn that’s like telling an alcoholic when they need that hit, grab a beer instead of a swig off the bottle because that beer has less alcohol in it.By your logic, a person couldn’t make substitutes with how their time is spent to help them get over their internet addiction. A person who is addicted to smoking can in fact use a toothpick or a lollipop etc as a psychological and physical aid, and just because it helps doesn’t mean they were never addicted to cigarettes…
Yep…the whole “dopamine” and sugar effects the brain the same as cocaine argument.And, sugar also releases dopamine and messes up the reward circuit in the brain. They have a similar effect on the brain but of course the Cocaine is much more powerful.