The recent development after Paris attack: leaders of the world gather discussing intelligence coop, war, and so on… Since when armed criminals (ie two brothers in Paris attack) get the authoirity to change the whole world?
In my opinion, ISIS/ ISIL/ DAESH in middle east and Paris Attack are two different matters, despite they claim “organization” and religion as their excuse.
Military intelligence use terrorism as an excuse to spy on innocent targets without any warrants, detain civilians without trial, our privacy information is so prone to crime because our gadgets are designed with spying-policy in mind. Our privacy is insecure because spying on innocents are allowed.
It is not impossible to create completely secure gadgets. It’s a matter of whether the policy makers allow gadget designers to do so. Rightnow they are not allowed to do so. By who? By US Military. All encryption methods are ruled under US policy. All encryption are up to the number of digits allowed by US. Individual privacy is less important than “national security” aka “military victory”.
No morality neither ethic principle can give any right to a military to deal with civilians (even if they are armed and dangerous) in a military way. Intercepting innocent people is a crime in itself.
We are creating a military-ruled world, where the strong dictates.
And here is the morality to uphold: “THOU SHALL NOT STEAL (INFORMATION)” !
Last year I was trying to become property agent. Before long I realized that if you are gadget savvy, you can steal others contacts which means clients. Even our chats/ text messages are not secure. And who to blame? US Intelligence policy on allowing immorality to happen all the time. Btw, I quit without closing any deal. I knew property agency was not my fate.
I receives anonymous messages/ missed calls from around the world. and I never have got any social media whatsoever. People are curious about my email address and so on. I fear gadgets. In the past (back in 2002-2005 in my old address) my home phone rings in the middle of the night (2-4am) everynight when I was fast asleep. When I picked it up it was either wrong number or the person spoke in foreign laguage that I dont understand. At first I didn’t know who persecuted me. I bought a fax machine and activate it at night. so that persecution stopped.
If we have no privacy, we can’t have freedom of speech neither security. It is all about the military winning the war.
If I speak against some immorality, others who disagrees with me-- groups of activists, individual haters, or even terrorists-- they are able to persecute me in my own home, simply because of opinion difference. My ISP can read my forum threads. If my privacy is not important, some of the ISP staffs may have extreme difference of opinion with me and persecute me using my own phone, If they are an organization, defenseless me have to be dealing with the terrorists extremists myself in my own home & phone. And the thing is this: they own my phone, I don’t have it. They haven’t steal money from me because they know if they do, that will be the end. So these people are secret activists. So you see, US military power abuse trickle down to “whoever have power, they use that power to dictate”.
Good bye crime-law & privacy, welcome military-ruled world where dictators (power abuse, economic giants, unfair activism, invisible crime, terrorism) thrives.
In my opinion, ISIS/ ISIL/ DAESH in middle east and Paris Attack are two different matters, despite they claim “organization” and religion as their excuse.
Military intelligence use terrorism as an excuse to spy on innocent targets without any warrants, detain civilians without trial, our privacy information is so prone to crime because our gadgets are designed with spying-policy in mind. Our privacy is insecure because spying on innocents are allowed.
It is not impossible to create completely secure gadgets. It’s a matter of whether the policy makers allow gadget designers to do so. Rightnow they are not allowed to do so. By who? By US Military. All encryption methods are ruled under US policy. All encryption are up to the number of digits allowed by US. Individual privacy is less important than “national security” aka “military victory”.
No morality neither ethic principle can give any right to a military to deal with civilians (even if they are armed and dangerous) in a military way. Intercepting innocent people is a crime in itself.
We are creating a military-ruled world, where the strong dictates.
And here is the morality to uphold: “THOU SHALL NOT STEAL (INFORMATION)” !
Last year I was trying to become property agent. Before long I realized that if you are gadget savvy, you can steal others contacts which means clients. Even our chats/ text messages are not secure. And who to blame? US Intelligence policy on allowing immorality to happen all the time. Btw, I quit without closing any deal. I knew property agency was not my fate.
I receives anonymous messages/ missed calls from around the world. and I never have got any social media whatsoever. People are curious about my email address and so on. I fear gadgets. In the past (back in 2002-2005 in my old address) my home phone rings in the middle of the night (2-4am) everynight when I was fast asleep. When I picked it up it was either wrong number or the person spoke in foreign laguage that I dont understand. At first I didn’t know who persecuted me. I bought a fax machine and activate it at night. so that persecution stopped.
If we have no privacy, we can’t have freedom of speech neither security. It is all about the military winning the war.
If I speak against some immorality, others who disagrees with me-- groups of activists, individual haters, or even terrorists-- they are able to persecute me in my own home, simply because of opinion difference. My ISP can read my forum threads. If my privacy is not important, some of the ISP staffs may have extreme difference of opinion with me and persecute me using my own phone, If they are an organization, defenseless me have to be dealing with the terrorists extremists myself in my own home & phone. And the thing is this: they own my phone, I don’t have it. They haven’t steal money from me because they know if they do, that will be the end. So these people are secret activists. So you see, US military power abuse trickle down to “whoever have power, they use that power to dictate”.
Good bye crime-law & privacy, welcome military-ruled world where dictators (power abuse, economic giants, unfair activism, invisible crime, terrorism) thrives.