I’m not disagreeing with you…but didn’t Jesus tell the pharisees…"give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar…give to God what belongs to God
I find that particular verse a little too convenient for modern govts/ authority, how do we know it was not a metaphor or symbolic of something else?
Dont cause any problems, dont question our actions, just keep going to work everyday to pay all your bills, keep paying your taxes year after year, etc. we will take care of the hard stuff for you. lol
Governments have succeeded at brainwashing too many people in modern times, there is NO way any of these things would have been accepted back in the late 1700s, people would have stood up against Govt back then, joined together, but today, everyone is far too worried about getting into legal trouble, which would cause personal problems, loss of jobs, income, home, cars, arrest record, etc etc. I dont think its any coincidence all those ‘concerns’ outweigh taking action as our Constitution requires, a slow, methodical conditioning of the population over the years has led to this kind of society.
One indicator of this is, if some of the historical american patriots we celebrate every July 4th were alive today and did some things they are known for, they would be labelled domestic terrorists, and jailed.
Of course, everytime there is a major terrorism event, our lawmakers tell us not to change anything about our lives, not to let the terrorists win, but they dont even realize, they are doing the exact opposite, they are doing the changing for us, with majority of people being duped into thinking its whats best…go figure? LOL