Good new priests

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I have seen many comments from people on this forum, and elsewhere, lamenting the state of seminary formation. Some have suggested that all seminaries are going to hell in a handbasket…

I live in the La Crosse, WI diocese. I just want to say that in the past few years, every new Priest I have come across is very faithful to the Magesterium and I would trust each and every one of them (that I’ve met, anyway). I attribute this to former Bishop Raymond Burke, and I can only pray that our replacement continues with the strong formation.

Anyway, I just wanted to post that all is not lost everywhere, and it is my sense that - albeit very slowly - the tide is turning in many other dioceses around the country.

For those of you in dioceses where things look bleak, keep praying. All it takes is a few Priests on fire for the Church to start holding others to account, as well as their Bishops and what is being taught in the seminaries.
My experience with young priests is exactly the same. I would add:

My parish is rather large (4500+ families) and we have therefore seen a number of new seminarians come through over the last few years. To a man, every one of them is thoroughly attached to the Church and faithful to the magisterium. The fire of Christ clearly burns in them!
I am going through the formation process in my diocese (Seattle) and the men I have met who go to the seminary are absolutely phenomenal. We need to pray more for holy vocations, as a church.

I agree!! All is not lost.

We had NO priests ordained in our diocese this year–which is very sad…although we had two permanent deacons ordained, and I don’t want to minimize their contributions!!

We will have NO priests ordained next year either. 😦


We have a GREAT guy who will be ordained the next year…absolutely wonderful guy!!!

And two the year after…

And potentially three the year after…!!

And there are 15 or so young men who are in college but affiliated with our vocations program, discerning their call as we speak!!

Welcome to the springtime!!!
In our archdiocese all the new priests and deacons I have met are strong faithful men loyal to the Magisterium. Let’s continue to pray for these men in seminary! 🙂
We have a similar situation in the Twin Cities… we had 6 wonderful seminarians ordained priests this spring, and our priesthood ordination class next spring will have an amazing 14! (might even be 16, not sure) And the following years also have very strong priestly vocation prospects.

I know quite a few of the newly ordained and the soon-to-be ordained, and plenty of the seminarians in the minor seminary–almost all of the ones I know are going to be amazing, faithful, and orthodox priests.

Meanwhile, their older, liberal brother priests are gradually retiring and/or going Home to meet their Lord…

Now, we just have to wait a few MORE years for these young guys to start taking pastorships – and then to start replacing the older liberal bishops.

I predict a new “summer” in about 10-15 years, if not sooner.

AMEN!! :dancing:

I would say that the current generation of priests are overall totally faithful ot the Magisterium. This has been noticed by Fr. Andrew Greeley (who is not particularly faithful) and he has even called this new crop of priest young fogeys for sticking to the consistent teaching authority of the Church.

In the weblog world of what is called St. Blogs there are many excellent blogs by young priests.

Fr. Bryce Sibley
Fr. Rob Johansen
Fr. Todd
Fr. Jim Tucker
Fr. Gio
Fr. Jeffrey Keyes
Fr. Dowd (in seminary)
Amen to your list! They are all very good young priests. I saw Fr. Stravinskus (sp) on EWTN and he says that the priests up to 55 are good, those from there to 75 are not so good (there are, of course, always exceptions) and those over 75 are mostly good. Pray for Mother Mary to keep these young men in her care, under her mantle. She is, after all, their mother and what a mother she is!
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