Please, simply list her basic arguments, KISS please.
I’ve refrained from summarizing her talk for several reasons.
First, I watched the video of the talk because it was recommended by Abyssinia, who provided the link. I watched it to the end. For me, a one hour academic talk can be a lot more beneficial than an hour spent skimming CAF posts. Upon watching the talk, I thought it was worth adding my own recommendation.
In watching the talk, I wanted to see what Dr. Jennifer Roback Morse had to say in its entirety. It was not my intent to give myself a homework assignment or summarizing her talk.
Secondly, even if I summarize it, I do not necessarily summarize it in the way she would. She might find my summary inadequate. In some sense, a summary does not and cannot do justice to the complete text of a speaker.
Third, my reducing the talk to a few bullet points, those who might wish to take issue with Dr. Morse are instead able to simply argue against my bullet points rather than to engage Dr. Morse directly. It’s not really fair to the speaker or her subject.
Having said that, here is what I got out of it. She begins by addressing the question of the essential
public purpose of marriage, and how a public purpose differs from a private or personal purpose.
Marriage has always been the preferred societal place for sex and procreation. One can have sex and procreation outside of marriage, but as we have seen recently, that leads to a lot of social chaos. The
public purpose of marriage in her view, as the preferred place for sex and procreation, is to attach mothers and fathers to their children and to each other.
Sex does have an intrinsic biological connection to procreation, whether any given union produces children or not. One might argue that procreation is not necessary, but then we die out after one generation.
Marriage provides a stable environment for families. Children have a right to be connected to both of their parents. Children have a legitimate interest in the stability of their parent’s union. This is an interest which parents have lately neglected, treating children as if they had no interest in marriage at all. But they do. Parents deny their children their legitimate interests through divorce, through adultery, through abandonment, through lack of commitment, and now through same sex marriage, wherein children must be de facto separated from their biological parents rather than attached to them, if the same sex couple wishes to have children at all. It is an injustice to children.
There is a legal principle, now severely battered, called “presumption of paternity,” wherein a husband was presumed to be the father of the children born to the marriage. Adultery was frowned upon and even illegal, so the presumption, while not infallible, at least tracked biology and the institution of marriage.
That presumption no longer works in same sex marriage. Now, there is a “presumption of parentage,” wherein each party in a same sex marriage (or other marriage) is presumed to equally be a parent to any children acquired during the union. Even being a birth mother in a lesbian couple provides no more right to parentage than the other party. This can come as a shock to a lesbian birth mother fighting for custody.
Indeed, the terms ‘mother’ and ‘father,’ which any child can understand, are becoming increasingly inapplicable. Now it’s ‘parent 1,’ ‘parent 2’ and maybe even parents 3 and 4. There might, after all be the same sex couple, along with a sperm or egg donor, and perhaps a separate surrogate mother, whose womb is rented. So there could be a bio-mom, a bio-dad (somewhere) an egg donor, and a birth mom. Do they all get a place on the birth certificate? What are the child’s rights?
The net result is that marriage and procreation no longer tracks biology. A natural connection to one’s father and mother is no longer thought important, which leads in practice to dis-integration of the family structure. And that leads to dis-integration of society.
I could go on, but then I might also take an hour. If you don’t think marriage has anything to do with children, this won’t convince you. If you think that moms and dads are unimportant or interchangeable, you won’t care about whether sex tracks biology, or whether children ought to know their moms and dads.
Opposite sex unions are the only unions which can generate children naturally. They are the only unions which have the possibility of being conjugal, the only unions which can ever be marital.
And I apologize to Dr. Morse if I did a poor job of translating her talk into the format of an internet forum.