Catholic Civil Rights League, Western Alumni Against Awarding Morgentaler, and Catholics for Lifeworked since yesterday to find the money trail between an anti-Catholic cartoon published by rabble.ca.
Looks like various levels of Canadian government are involved in funding the website on which a cartoon of Pope Benedict XVI appears marching toward a statue of our Blessed Mother, raising his hand in a Nazi salute and saying “Heil.”
$40K startup funding for rabble was provided by the Atkinson Foundation. Atkinson was the founder of the Toronto Starnewspaper.
A few years ago, Judy Rebick(publisher of rabble) was appointed the first CAW Sam Gindin Chair of Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University. CAW (Canadian Auto Workers union) provided $1Min start up funding to Ryerson. Read more. In Canada, universities are heavily funded by various levels of government, mostly provincial.
Since it started, rabble’s operational cost has dropped from $40K per month to $15K per month. It cannot pay its writers and so relies heavily on the resources provided by two NGOs, namely Alternatives and OneWorld. “OneWorld will not approve partnership applications from…organisations advocating intolerance on the grounds of…religion.”
Both these NGOs are heavily funded by the Canadian International Development Agency for which Aileen Carroll is the Minister (of International Cooperation). Carroll, notwithstanding her Roman Catholic faith, has either been absent or has voted against Life bills in parliament. She also approved the allocation of $15M to an NGO which promotes forced abortion population control.
Alternatives has been involved in anti-Israelism for which the Bnai Brith Society has been pretty upset.
Why is the money trail to government so injurious to rabble and its partners? Because government in Canada must respond to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees freedom of religion but also of thought and expression, including freedom of the press. Nevertheless, even though the Charter enjoys paramountcy over all other law of the land, it can limit itself for instance by the hate sections of the Criminal Code.
The Charter doesn’t have much teeth with respect to this case, but its applicability (even in theory) is tremendously embarrassing to the government, particularly when it is a minority government. The real damage is that the money trail proves government bias concerning public money. In this case the bias is against Catholics and Jews.
What is the connection to abortion? The people behind awarding Dr Henry Morgentaler and Ms Doris Anderson the honorary Doctor of Laws at the University of Western Ontario are very organized, much more so than Catholics which are scattered and disorganized. On 31 May, the New Democratic Party (led by abortion activist Jack Layton) is sponsoring a screening of the Morgentaler film Choice at Aoelian Hall at Western*.* The guest speaker is none other than Judy Rebick, publisher of the noxious hate cartoon of our Pope.
Looks like various levels of Canadian government are involved in funding the website on which a cartoon of Pope Benedict XVI appears marching toward a statue of our Blessed Mother, raising his hand in a Nazi salute and saying “Heil.”
$40K startup funding for rabble was provided by the Atkinson Foundation. Atkinson was the founder of the Toronto Starnewspaper.
A few years ago, Judy Rebick(publisher of rabble) was appointed the first CAW Sam Gindin Chair of Social Justice and Democracy at Ryerson University. CAW (Canadian Auto Workers union) provided $1Min start up funding to Ryerson. Read more. In Canada, universities are heavily funded by various levels of government, mostly provincial.
Since it started, rabble’s operational cost has dropped from $40K per month to $15K per month. It cannot pay its writers and so relies heavily on the resources provided by two NGOs, namely Alternatives and OneWorld. “OneWorld will not approve partnership applications from…organisations advocating intolerance on the grounds of…religion.”
Both these NGOs are heavily funded by the Canadian International Development Agency for which Aileen Carroll is the Minister (of International Cooperation). Carroll, notwithstanding her Roman Catholic faith, has either been absent or has voted against Life bills in parliament. She also approved the allocation of $15M to an NGO which promotes forced abortion population control.
Alternatives has been involved in anti-Israelism for which the Bnai Brith Society has been pretty upset.
Why is the money trail to government so injurious to rabble and its partners? Because government in Canada must respond to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms which guarantees freedom of religion but also of thought and expression, including freedom of the press. Nevertheless, even though the Charter enjoys paramountcy over all other law of the land, it can limit itself for instance by the hate sections of the Criminal Code.
The Charter doesn’t have much teeth with respect to this case, but its applicability (even in theory) is tremendously embarrassing to the government, particularly when it is a minority government. The real damage is that the money trail proves government bias concerning public money. In this case the bias is against Catholics and Jews.
What is the connection to abortion? The people behind awarding Dr Henry Morgentaler and Ms Doris Anderson the honorary Doctor of Laws at the University of Western Ontario are very organized, much more so than Catholics which are scattered and disorganized. On 31 May, the New Democratic Party (led by abortion activist Jack Layton) is sponsoring a screening of the Morgentaler film Choice at Aoelian Hall at Western*.* The guest speaker is none other than Judy Rebick, publisher of the noxious hate cartoon of our Pope.