Government money trail to party for pro-abortionists

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Zenit interview with Fr. Neuhaus, June 6 had some interesting comments of Fr.'s past experience with our beloved pope; in particular, how he reacted to hostile gay activists. Anyone who has peaked at the Rabble Rouser forum knows it is the homosexuals who are expressing themselves with the strongest, boldest language. A revealing insight which demonstrates the character of Pope Benedict.

**"As everybody should know, he is a person of remarkable gentleness and serenity, combined with a keen intellectual curiosity in engaging alternative viewpoints.

As for personal experiences, in 1988 I invited him to deliver our annual Erasmus Lecture here in New York, which was followed by a conference of several days with Catholic, Protestant, and Orthodox theologians.

The public lecture, held in midtown Manhattan, was rudely disrupted by gay activists who waved their pink triangles while screaming pleasantries such as “Sieg Heil!” “Nazi Ratzy!” and “Inquisitor Go Home!” I finally had to call the police to clear the protesters and restore order.

Throughout, the cardinal was the very picture of tranquility. When he got a chance to speak he prefaced his lecture, which was on the subject of biblical interpretation, with a moving reflection on the 1968 student rebellion in Europe that helped him to understand more deeply the indispensability of civility in human relations.

On this and other occasions, it was obvious to me that his tranquility is rooted in a tried and tested faith. The next day the tabloid headlines blazoned, “Gays Protest Vatican Biggy.” He chuckled at his new title of Vatican Biggy."**
A rabble rouser or some equally naughty opponent has just posted the name of Adolf Hitler from Berlin, Germany on the student protest petition site of UWO.

Maybe this is all the energy which the pro-choice death camp can muster up as they would rather resort to name-calling and dirty tricks rather than use reason to defend their continued attack on the unborn and their mothers. A clear illustration of the bully and bluster of cowards.
Don’t worry about it. It is one more signature for us. The rabble camp is just dying to gain some negative attention. They are just so wanting to ‘dialogue’ (which means browbeat us). They so want to have credibility just like the folks who have brain cells, education, and good upbringing.

They want to behave like an out-of-control mob and then they turn around and try to coerce us to treat them as though butter wouldn’t melt in their mouths.

I do not believe they received any letters because of the cartoon or because of their trashmouthing of Catholicism. I believe they made it up. Letters went to politicians and to the bishop. That’s the only dialogue that needs to take place.
We have an interesting article posted by Judy Rebick, Queen of Rabble Rousers making a few extraordinary claims. #1. She felt during her visit to ground zero last week that the local press was favoring the culture of life camp. Wow. Here I feel so guilty now about writing to the editor for printing such negative stuff about our side. How did I miss that one?

#2. She claims the student protest petition site is amassing signatures from mostly Americans. That is a surprise too because I don’t see too much evidence of that; in fact, I couldn’t find a single American on today’s petition while the death camp petition is peppered with our friends south of the border, in particular, CA.

#3. She denies there will be any buses of rabblerousers from Toronto at the “Celebration of Choice” picnic which has been moved to the day before the convocation out of respect for the graduating students. (Too bad they didn’t think of that before selecting Dr. M. as there are students who will not be attending their own graduation ceremony because they cannot bear the thought of being in the same room with a mass murderer and having to endure listening to him speak about how he has bravely defended women. Not a word will be breathed about the mercenary aspect of his career with an estimated 11 million/year in gross revenue from 6 abortuaries across Canada.)

Further bit of good news,Judy now has her hat in hand begging her rabblerousers to donate to a Morgentaler scholarship foundation fund which the Unitarian Church has established.

Better yet, in order to make up for the losses the university has suffered from irate donors anyone who wants to right this injustice against such a forward thinking university ( which promotes killing their own potential students before they are ever born) may contact the UWO development office.

She really sounds depressed - like the prodeath campaign has been set back 25 years because of this folly. We can only hope she is right about this one.:clapping: :tiphat:
Ani Ibi:
Kathy Shaidle runs the Relapsed Catholic website. She is an orthodox Catholic who was once one of the rabble crowd. rabble is furious with her for breaking ranks and are now dumping on her big time:

I’m using the search Function know to try to find the instance where Fr. Malloy said he didn’t want to share the stage with an Abortionist. Since I
m short of PM space, I hope you don’t mind if I use this thread:

Close - but not quite:

Culture of Death rallying against Catholic opposition to abortionist award - Post # 55:

Md. Cardinal To Boycott Giuliani Speech - Post #4:

Back to the search pile… Bad news from an article you linked:

Morgentaler degree faces growing opposition
HERMAN GOODDEN, London Free Press

*In talking with alumni of King’s, or parents of students who’ve been sickened by the university’s decision to honour Morgentaler, Killan points out that there will be 10 convocation ceremonies at UWO this spring. At the ceremony for King’s, Huron and Brescia colleges, the recipient of an honourary degree is going to be Father Edward Malloy, president of the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.

When the news broke about Morgentaler, Killan says he called Malloy. "I certainly alerted him and told him this was happening and that I hoped it wouldn’'t affect his decision to come. I told him, ‘There are 10 convocations, we’ve got our own, and you’re the one we want more than ever now. You’re here to represent our tradition.’ And he said, 'I’ll be there as scheduled.'

“Our students are going to be graduating with a wonderful person. I’m sorry for the parents and the students at the Morgentaler convocation,” Killan said. “By the looks of it, it’s going to be an interesting day.”*

I’ll keep looking, but I’m afraid that has to be the official word.

I’m sorry, but I had hoped he was a better man that that.

As I’ve said, NONE of the VIRTUES are worth dang thing if you don’t have COURAGE! I understand the Church Fathers put great stock in Prudence, but lately I’ve seen such a LACK OF COURAGE that the VIRTUES WERE NON-EXISTENT!

Ani, take all the contact information you’ve posted in the past few weeks, and repost it here. Like you said, it’s the 11th hour, and we ALL have work to do!

If you don’t have the time, I’ll give up the search for infor on Fr. Malloy and search for that instead. I think it just might be more important. Just let me know by 12 midnight, so I can work on this tomorrow. OK?

Sorry for the bad news.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Ani - Another Quote:

This one from our favorite Heterodox/Heretic the Rev. Dr Gerald Killan:

Flood the press! Notre Dame President 2 get honorary doctorate alongside abortionist - Post #31:

“I am absolutely opposed to those who argue that Rev Malloy be encouraged to refuse an honorary degree from Western. I have been working vigorously to ensure that the opposite happens. Father Malloy understands the situation completely, and has confirmed he is coming. He knows that he will be speaking to the affiliated denominational college graduates. We want him here to represent our value system and beliefs. We think it would be tantamount to cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face to urge Father Malloy to decline the degree, leaving our convocation empty, while Morgentaler gets a degree two days later. I can be no more clear than this–and on this matter, my mind is fixed.
Gerry Killan”

I was wrong, but there’s Dr. Killan’s e-mail for anyone who wants to “left him have it”. Just remember to be polite and succinct.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Relax Trad Ang. No need for all the links. Just a few things remain to be done:
  1. an email campaign to Bishop D’Arcy and Rev Malloy (details supra)
  2. an invitation to attend the 16 June protest. I’ll post details as soon as I figure out all the highway routes to take.
  3. a debrief after the event to see where we go from here.
Now I can speak to (1) immediately.
  1. Western tried at least twice before to award Morgentaler but was defeated.

***2) This time Dr Killan (Kings College Principal) was on the selection committee. See 2 June entry here: ***

3) Killan’s version differs from Davenport’s version (see link at (1) above). This implies duplicity (cover-up) and therefore wrongdoing.

4) The tree is known by its fruit. After two defeats, the final result was a quid pro quo: Western gets to award Morgentaler and Anderson and Kings gets to award Malloy.

***5) Such a quid pro quo has been explicity forbidden by Bishop D’Arcy, to wit: ***

"Freedom in the Catholic tradition, and even in the American political tradition, is not the right to do anything. Freedom in the academy is always subject to a particular discipline. It is never an absolute. The parameters of the particular discipline guide research. Freedom in the Catholic tradition is not the right to do this rather than that. That would be an entirely superficial idea of freedom.
**Freedom is the capacity to choose the good. **In Ex Corde Ecclesiae, John Paul II makes clear the place of academic freedom when he says that it must always be linked to certain values central to a Catholic university…The words of Pope John Paul II seem to me to be of special relevance here. It is essential that we be convinced of the priority of the ethical over the technical, of the primacy of the person over things, of the superiority of the spirit over matter. The cause of the human person will only be served if knowledge is joined to conscience. Men and women of science will truly serve humanity only if they preserve the sense of the transcendence of the human person over the world and of God over the human person. (Ex Corde Ecclesiae)"

  1. Whether Rev Malloy has been duped or not, whether he will speak about Catholic values or not, are irrelevant. What is relevant at the moment is that a quid pro quo has taken place and that Dr Killan agreed to it and that Rev Malloy agreed to it. Moreover the quid pro quo to which Dr Killan agreed is clearly forbidden by Bishop D’Arcy.
  2. The route to go is to write to Bishop D’Arcy and to Rev Malloy and ask that Rev Malloy decline the award on the basis that a quid pro quo has been accepted where it has clearly been forbidden by the Bishop. This will have to be done by email and by snail mail. Snail mail will have to be sent by express to arrive on Monday morning.
I’ll get the addresses and post them when I have them. I will also try to post a short letter. Perhaps a new thread will be necessary.
Rev Edward A Malloy
University of Notre Dame
400C Main Building
Notre Dame, IN 46556

phone: 574-631-3903


Bishop John D’Arcy
Fort Wayne Chancery
1103 S. Calhoun Street
P.O. Box 390
Fort Wayne, Indiana 46801

(260) 422-4611


Folks might also want to refer to Bishop D’Arcy’s own statements on Ex Corde Ecclesiae:

Part of what Bishop D’Arcy says is particular to the U.S.:

“There is a particular culture in the American academe, a culture in which administrators are able to bring about effective change only after wide consultation and dialogue. Professor Nicholas Cafardi, Dean of the Law School at the University of Duquesne, has described it to me as a culture that works "from the bottom up and not the top down, a culture committed to dialogue." Robert Wild, SJ, the President of Marquette University, agreed with this assessment and told me that, in the university setting, for decisions to achieve their goals, it is necessary to obtain as much faculty participation as possible. As bishops, we must realize that this is the dominant culture of the American Catholic university or college and, unless we understand it and work with it, how can we expect to influence it in the directions outlined in Ex Corde Ecclesiae?”

This is in direct conflict with what Kings has done at Western with respect to the awards. The decision was made behind closed doors and with a fair degree of irregularity in due process.

Bishop D’Arcy also says this:

“Surely, neither the pastoral freedom of the Bishop nor the academic freedom of the theologian should be used to keep us apart. Would not this be a misuse of our respective charisms? It must not be allowed to happen. The freedom of both must always be subject to the truth and must seek the common good.”

Dr Killan has not even addressed matters of common good. In fact, no dialogue has been entered into at all with the ordinary Catholic.
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