Government money trail to party for pro-abortionists

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Ani Ibi:
Judy Rebick is on the war path today.

Ha! :rotfl: She won’t quote these ‘letters’ because they don’t exist. The only problem we have with quoting the posts on her website is that they are so hateful, so profane and destructive that no reputable discussion board would allow them to remain on the net for more than ten minutes. Yet they have remained on rabble without even a comment. Locked but still loaded.

You know what? It just sounds like sour grapes to me. Judy Rebick is mad because only 25 people showed up at the little party the NDP threw for her last Tuesday. She’s mad because London was supposed to be the venue for a breakthrough for abortion and for her own career. And what is it? Solid opposition! Schoolchildren with black armbands! Bad press!

She’s mad too because we uncovered her scam. And it wasn’t even we who did it but the mainstream media! All the evidence against her is on the internet. People like Colin Carrie remember how her website treated him last summer too.

She was betting she could rough-house her opposition which seems to be just about the whole human race and get away with it. Now she has discovered she has ‘feelings.’ Now she knows how others feel when she trashmouths them. People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.


Good work with the information. I’ve just e-mailed 4 friends. Let’s hope at least two of them take up the cause. and contace a few people here, and e-mail a couple of friends, and some of them take up the cause.

They’ll never know what hit them.

Besides the e-mails to the people you are telling us to send e-mails to, how many people are telling their friends and relatives about this?

I’m just thinking that one or two/week who send and then tell one or two/week = GROUNDSWELL!

Mat God richly bless you for acting to save His little Ones. Michael
I have been reading the Rabble Rousers forum responses to the complaints by Catholics of the caricature of the pope by Mike Constable. This may be old news as the thread of May 26-27 was too disturbing to read in its entirety last week. This counterattack is bad news to say the least. Read the following post by the Rabble Rousers editor Sharon Fraser. Is this damaging or not to the prolife movement? :

Cdn Govt Caught Funding Anti-Choice Web Site
EDMONTON, May 25, 2005 ( - The publishers of the PolSpy weblog today called on Liza Frulla , Minister of Canadian Heritage, to review the funding relationship between the Publisher’s Assistance Program (PAP) and, a Web site that regularly features articles that can be construed as hostile to those advocating same-sex marriage and abortion. The
Interim, an affiliated monthly publication of the Life Site that contains the same disturbing messages as their main Web page, received $47,233 in federal funding through PAP in 2003/2004.

Both the Web site addresses, and, appear to be fronts for the same organization, the Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). Both sites give their street address as 104 Bond Street, Toronto, ON. Co-incidentally (or not), this is also the street address of the CLC. All
three sites share the same administrative and technical contact, Steve Jalsevac. It is doubtful that most Canadians are aware that their tax dollars are being used to support the extreme religious positions of the Life Site and the CLC through federal support of The Interim."

NOT if we have an answer, and not if we consistenetly state that answer, which is 1) That our positions are NOT extremem but used to be the mainstream of almost all civilized society in the Western Hemisphere, and that wasn’t so long ago, 2) the Canadian government helps to fund the activities such of those of the website carrying the announcement, some of which are manifestly offensive to Catholics and other Christians. For Speech to be FREE, our positions which are NOT considered extreme except by those who consider living babies to be blobs of tissue, must be allowed in the marketplace of idea, esp. when people are allowed to post and portray things at Government Expence which we find to be manifestly offensive!

You’re right, If we back down from that position one iota, we’re toast! This is a case where any kind of trying to be nice to the people who said the above is instantly cruel to us and to the unborn, The Talmud was correct when it said,“Those who are kind to the cruel will be cruel to the kind!” and “Those who are merciful to the cruel wil be cruel to the merciful.”

May God richly bless those who act to save His Lirrle Ones. Michael
Correction on the above post. It is written by the editor of the site Sharon Fraser who professes to be a Catholic. When asked how she deals with the papal cartoon she responded that she doesn’t go to work as a Catholic but rather as an editor. Only goes to prove yet again how we are our own worse enemies.

There are people who profess to be Catholics who are “Cafateria Catholics”. They think they can pick and choose the beliefs they’ll stand for, and that they can “leave their Catholicism” at home and keep it in their private lives. They think they can participate in publishing unwarranted and offensive attacks against the Church because that’s part of their job.

These people are sometimes our worse enemies, but I don’t know if I want to say they’re Catholics. I’m a member of the TAC, and I know that publishing the cartoon of the Pope doing that is offensive and shouldn’t have been done. I, and just about every member of my congregation would RESIGN THE POSITION rather than allow such an offensive cartoon to be shown on any venue we controlled.

The fact is, Sharon Fraser probably didn’t need to resign the position. She probably just needed to demonstrate the Virtue of Fortitude and said “NO! This cartoon is going to be ‘Fighting Words’ for a host of Catholics and others! I’m not posting it!”

The fact that Ms. Fraser published it and gave such a lame excuse means that she’s probably a supporter of “Abortion Rights” and that the cartoon shows how she really feels about Pope Benedict XVI. Remember, since we disagree with their “self-evident” position, Ms. Fraser and her friends feel pretty much justified in saying whatever they they want about us (The Cartoon is exhibit "A’, The editorial/expose about our “extremist religious positions” exhibit “B”).

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Thanks for the excellent sleuthing folks. Perhaps the time has come for some of us to have a little chat with Ms Fraser’s Bishop.
Traditional Ang, Thank you for your response about the “catholic” editor. Excuse my ignorance but acronyms frequently escape me and I didn’t understand when you said you are a member of the TAC? What does that mean?
Traditional Ang:
Besides the e-mails to the people you are telling us to send e-mails to, how many people are telling their friends and relatives about this?
Let’s get Michael Coren hepped about this. He is a journalist, recently a Catholic convert. <>
I don’t have an email address for Bishop Grecco, but here is his other contact information. Apparently it is better to send snail mail to the clergy anyway.

Most Rev. Richard Grecco, D.D.
Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto
2938 Dundas Street West
Toronto, Ontario M6P 4E7
Phone: (416) 769-6001 Fax: (416) 769-7170

Bishop Richard J. Grecco is the senior Vicar General and the Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto in charge of the Central Pastoral Region and Scarborough of the Archdiocese of Toronto. He is the Episcopal vicar for ethnic communities (exept Italians), and has accepted responsiblity for the many lay groups in our midst.
I’ve been checking out the comments on Rabble Rousers again for their response to Sharon Fraser’s editorial. If anyone needs further evidence this was not innocent satire here is one comment found in the discussion forum dated June 3.

“If catholics can’t stand the heat, they should pick a pontiff who ain’t going to Hell.”
Rosalinda said:
I’ve been checking out the comments on Rabble Rousers again for their response to Sharon Fraser’s editorial. If anyone needs further evidence this was not innocent satire here is one comment found in the discussion forum dated June 3.

“If catholics can’t stand the heat, they should pick a pontiff who ain’t going to Hell.”

Who said we can’t stand the heat? It isn’t us who are lying to cover our butts.
It looks like the leadership of Rubbishdotca Canada is fanning the flames of hatred. Every day Rosalinda check up on them, they are posting worse and worse libel.

We haven’t heard from the bishops at all on this. It’s Bishop Grecco’s territory.

(416) 769-6001
This is also the territory of member of parliament Bill Graham. They have passed it along the channels. Ha! Maybe a few hundred phone calls will get an answer in the next few days.

Here is his phone number:

416 954 2222
This news posted up on Lifesite about a small riot just outside the cathedral of Notre Dame after homosexuals chanting hateful demeaning comments about the Pope and performed a mock marriage of two lesbians before they were chased out. A cleric was beaten and kicked in the neck just outside the cathedral.

Anyone remember 1779 the French revolution and all the violence directed against Catholics? Our Lady was dethroned at Notre Dame for the lady of the new Enlightenment which was taken over by the revolutionaries.

If the hatred on Rabble Rousers and other anti-Christian sites such as Equal rights for Gays and Lesbians Everywhere is not checked there is reason to believe the hatred may escalate to a repeat of history.
If you have any reason to suspect that physical violence may erupt in London, then call the police, Lifesite, and the Catholic Civil Rights League immediately. In the event of imminent violence, then the hate sections of the Criminal Code come into play.

Come think of it, we may have to take precautions at St Michael’s Cathedral. There have been (non-violent) incidents there. But with Sharon Fraser and Judy Rebick fanning the flames of hatred on the website, who knows what will happen next.

Sharon Fraser by the way professes to be Catholic. I see no reason why she should continue to receive communion.
**Sorry, I neglected to add Notre Dame, Paris, France. The date of the beginning of the French Revolution was 1789 not 1779. The name of the deity established in the cathedral of Notre Dame was the Goddess of Reason. Interesting parallel here too the philosopher Jean Jacques Rousseau gives us a clue to the origin of Judy Rebick’s website Rabble Rouser. Rousseau was known to harness his talent as a means of rabble-rousing. All the church property was confiscated during the reign of terror which is something the babblers in the rabble forum refer to on numerous occasions. Dechristianisation of Canada is another one of their goals which traces its origins to the Fr. revolution. **

**It is irresponsible journalism to allow commentary from unstable, out-of -control people who cannot share their viewpoints with clean language, courtesy and civility. **

**As for the police they already know the pro-lifers will be facing the proabortionist crowd. They are like a school of hungry sharks on rabble rousers enjoying a feeding frenzy of anti-Catholicism and it may well be a confrontation not a celebration as they told the press last week. Yes, this may be a repeat of the March for Life in San Francisco last January where the police were needed to protect the praying protesters from the onslaught of angry abortion supporters. June 16 is not going to be a picnic. **

Likewise, in the context of the vilification of the opposition and explicit statements rejecting any dialogue with Catholics it is a dereliction of duty to continue with this convocation ceremony as planned. Maby be it is the Board of Governors of the university which needs to be alerted about the explosive content on Rabble Rousers. How much more evidence would they need that the situation on June 16 could be extremely volatile. I for one wouldn’t want to come face to face with quite a few of the babblers who are not only angry but feel proud and justified in their anger.
Ani Ibi:
Ooooh. The naughty babblers are eating their own or at least who used to be their own. Chalk one up for Catholic conversion and one less for the cult of rabble.

Ooooh. Judy Rebick claims that 300,000 visitors come to each month. I dare someone to register on her site and post the link to the petition against awarding Morgentaler: D-oh! :dancing: :rotfl:

The guy arguing under the name of “Reason” just might be a colleague of mine from the another board. If so, they must have really done something very, very bad, because he’s a LIBERAL and an AGNOSTIC (and an ACADEMIC to boot)! but, I’m pretty sure I can recognize the arguments. Well, the thread is Now Quite Closed, so I can’t do any Shananegans!

They aren’t chewing themselves up yet - They just had a run in with one of my friends. That’s all.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Rosalinda said:
Traditional Ang, Thank you for your response about the “catholic” editor. Excuse my ignorance but acronyms frequently escape me and I didn’t understand when you said you are a member of the TAC? What does that mean?


The TAC is the Traditional Anglican Communion. We’re the group of Continuing Anglicans who gathered around Archbishop John Hepworth of Adelaide, Australia after the various break-ups in the Anglican Communion. The TAC has a total worldwide membership of about 500,000, and we are growing both through the addition of disaffected Anglicans from the Anglican Communion and from the conversion of non-Christians in Africa and Asia.

We’ve been in conversations with Rome since 1994. It now turns out that the man who was Pope John Paul II’s point man in those negotiations was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, who is now Pope Benedict XVI. This summer, our Bishops have been asked to join yours in BOTH the Retreat and the Meeting of the Council of Bishops at the Vatican.

It’ll be the first time Anglican Bishops have ever been invited to EITHER. Just like the College of Cardinals and Pope John Paul II invited Archbishop Hepworth to the Consistory in Dec, 2003. Archbishop Hepworth sat next to the Pope for the service. That was also a first.

Should we succeed, I believe that about 300,000 of the 500,000 present of members of the TAC will be making the move to Rome, along with another 10 million total Anglicans (of various stripes) who will join the group once they can see that the SUI IURIS Church has been set up and is in operation. At that point, the Sui Iuris Church would be called “The Anglican Catholic Church”, and we would be in full Communion with the Roman Catholic Church (just like the Roman Catholic Church and the Byzantine Catholic, Maronite Catholic and the Ukranian Catholic Churches).

And, Yes, I am looking forward to that day and having to tell myself not to “count the ckickens before the eggs are hatched”.

Please pray that this works. I happen to live in an area where most of the parishes are Catholic in name only. I went Parish shopping during Lent, and I found DRY holy water fonts and Jesus in EXILE in the sides of the parish churches.

I happen to be the guy who had to use the internet to get a parish in the East Bay Area to start saying the Creed and to stop using Rite “Make it up as you go” for the Prayers of Consecration (aka “Rite 17”).

I had no choice on that one - There wasn’t a TAC parish in the area, and the other local Catholic parish so badly politicized the “Prayers of the People” (Leftist) that I just couldn’t stand to be there.

So, I’m essentially forced to drag 300,000 Anglicans (including my own Priests and Bishops) in with me… Talk about HEAVY LIFTING!! LOL

I hope this answers your question.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s little Ones. Michael
Traditional Ang, Thank you for your informative response. I wish you and all your brothers and sisters at TAC a safe and speedy journey home. The Catholic Church would certainly be renewed and revitalized by your presence. It is all a marvellous work of God’s grace.
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