This is excellent advice. We need to be clear with him that is not to speak I’ll of my MIL, because he has and set boundaries. Then, if he accepts those boundaries we will let him know when and if they will be welcome over.
I do think , however, that Unfortunately, he has basically disinvited himself from any future holiday or birthday party that my MIL is at because it would cause her pain. I am not trying to play God, but he should have thought of these consequences before he proposed- without even speaking to his sons first. That being said, it wld cause my MIL too much pain so he needs to accept this fact as well- about parties I mean.
I do think , however, that Unfortunately, he has basically disinvited himself from any future holiday or birthday party that my MIL is at because it would cause her pain. I am not trying to play God, but he should have thought of these consequences before he proposed- without even speaking to his sons first. That being said, it wld cause my MIL too much pain so he needs to accept this fact as well- about parties I mean.