In general throughout society grandparents have no legal rights to their grandchildren. If children are orphaned it is not certain the kids would go to the grandparents or extended family. No-one realises this until it happens to them and then the devastation sets it.
I don’t know that it should be “certain”. It also isn’t certain that all grandparents should get the children.
All the children’s organisations are reporting an increase in child abuse in the home due to the increasing use of drugs and alcohol abuse. The law is basically protecting the abuser by not granting legal contact to the grandparents and the abuse is not detected until the child/ren land up in hospital or worse.
**hmm, the grandparents who raised a drug and alcohol and child abuser?? No, I do NOT think parents are automaticly to blame for the problems of their children, but much of the time they most certainly are. I have 2 nephews who were given to my sister and my first thought was, “Oh great, this is just going to perpetuate the problem for another generation.”**
As grandparents are legally irrelevant persons in their grandchildren’s lives they stand by helplessly knowing their grandchildren are being abused, but the law and social services do not recognise their importance. Who better is there to keep in touch for the protection of children.
**I don’t buy it. That sounds like blackmail. “Let me see or do whatever with my grandchildren or I’ll report you for abuse.” If the kids are being abused, they shouldn’t be in the home and the law should be contacted. It’s not protecting the children to have granny visit. If they are in physical danger, they should not be in that home. Period. In those cases, in the states, the courts will try to give custody to a relative, usually grandparents if they are deemed fit. If nothing else, they try family first because their just aren’t nearly enough foster families to go around.**
Our last case was a granny reported her daughter’s new partner to the law and social services for head butting her 7 year old granddaughter. This man cannot see his own children because of his violence and is awaiting trial for the assault but is still living in the house. The granny has found out another assault has taken place but she has been banned from seeing the family now and the abuser is making the family say it was one of the other children who did it. They are living in terror of this man and the granny having no rights of contact could be arrested if she intervenes.
**Well I don’t see that happening here. Things must be very different. In my state if an adult in the home is reportedly abusing any of the children, the other adults are told point blank that the children will be removed unless the suspected abuser leaves the home. It doesn’t matter if it’s a parent or not. They have to go until the problem is resolved unless they want the kids in foster care. If granny thinks there has been more abuse, there is no reason she can’t report it. **