At the Fall, the static of the world went fuzzy maybe and everything turned into something else. Use your imagination. Its unnatural to have people under you walking upside down thinking they walking right side up when in reality everyone is side ways! lol
But that’s NOT unnatural if you and the other people are living on the surface of a sphere!
The convention of putting the North Pole “up,” the South Pole “down,” and most of the continents “sideways” is just that, a convention adopted by map and globe makers. The only real “down” on Earth is “toward the center of the planet,” and everyone standing on the surface falls in that direction.
Out in open space, which comprises most of the universe, there is no up and down at all. If you release an object, the perfectly natural result is that it will just hang there until some outside force acts on it. That’s an effect of its REAL "innate heaviness, " its mass or inertia, by which an object at rest will remain at rest until acted upon, and an object already in motion will continue moving at constant velocity until acted upon by some other force.
That IS natural behavior in most of God’s creation. We only think otherwise because we normally live on the surface of a planet whose mass produces enough gravity that most things, when released unsupported, fall toward it.
The Earth is awesome, most especially because it is inhabited by creatures with the potential to exist in eternity with God – but that doesn’t mean we should judge what’s normal or natural for the rest of God’s creation based solely on our experience here.