Guantanamo tip tied to arrests of 22 in Germany

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Uh Matt25,
His brother was a detainee. Sorry, I guess when one guys tries to kill others by blowing himself up and another tries to kill others by firing an AK-47, I tend not to quibble that the methods were different when the intention is the same.
Agfhanistan and Iraq are not the same country. They are not even neighbours. So to suggest that a detainee blew himself up in Iraq is not an accurate statement of fact.
Agfhanistan and Iraq are not the same country. They are not even neighbours. So to suggest that a detainee blew himself up in Iraq is not an accurate statement of fact.
Whether he is killed in Iraq or Afghanistan is irrelevant. What IS relevant is what he was DOING at the time that he was killed. I admitted some confusion in my last post and I thought I clarified it, though apparently not enough for you Matt25. :banghead: If you want to continue to quibble on irrelevancies, that’s you’re own bloody business. I have no more patience for it.
Whether he is killed in Iraq or Afghanistan is irrelevant. What IS relevant is what he was DOING at the time that he was killed. I admitted some confusion in my last post and I thought I clarified it, though apparently not enough for you Matt25. :banghead: If you want to continue to quibble on irrelevancies, that’s you’re own bloody business. I have no more patience for it.
If the US wrongly releases guilty people is it not at least theoretically possible that they sometimes detain innocent ones?
If the US wrongly releases guilty people is it not at least theoretically possible that they sometimes detain innocent ones?
Of course. Do I think there are some innocent people down in Guantanamo? Probably. Do I think most of them are guilty? Yes. Do I think that great cases in a court of law can be made against all of them? No. Does that mean that there is no value to keeping them detained? No. As the OP points out, they’re still giving valuable information. What I object to is the presumption of credibility that you lend to even the wildest charges that these former detainees hurl about. It seems like you are only willing to believe the worst about America and Americans, at least as evidenced by your behavior on this site. I have yet to read any post or thread from you that gives even a shred of understanding of those who don’t hate America. Perhaps it is a foreign concept to you, but Americans generally love their country and believe that it is a force for good in the world. Are we perfect? No. But I would rather live in a country that actually takes a stand for good in this world and does something about it (however imperfectly) than to rank myself among the effete, ankle-biting, infested with the stench of the culture of death, carping, European Union.

Back to the original point: It seems to me that the UK doesn’t seem to have much of a process for keeping these guys off the streets, or even under surveillance once they’re turned over to your side of the pond. Might as well give them a ride over to Finsbury Park once they are done taking pictures.
Back to the original point: It seems to me that the UK doesn’t seem to have much of a process for keeping these guys off the streets, or even under surveillance once they’re turned over to your side of the pond. Might as well give them a ride over to Finsbury Park once they are done taking pictures.
If they are innocent why not let them go?
If they are innocent why not let them go?
Do you have any means of keeping track of them once you do? I should remind you that there is this thing called a war going on. Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not, the Islamofascists have delclared war on the West. And they did so long before W became president. They have declared war on you. Everywhere where Islam bumps up against another religion (or in the case of Europe, no religion), there is violence and bloodshed explicitly condoned by the Q’uran. Think about Nigeria, Bosnia, Phillipines, Indonesia, Pakistan and India, Israel, and Sudan. In 1998 Osama declared war on the United States. His goal is to establish Islamic domination over the whole world and to reestablish the Caliphate. And his is not a deranged lunatic vision with only a few followers. There are literally hundreds of millions of muslims (no exageration) who not only agree with him but consider him a hero. Check out the website of MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, that provides translations of all the broadcasts and newspapers of the middle east, and you will get a far less sanitized version of what the middle east REALLY thinks about you compared to what you’ll get on the BBC. And the Wahabbis and other radical muslims have already inflitrated Europe. They are working on radicalizing the muslims already there who, by the way, are the only ones having children in Europe nowadays. What Suleymann the Magnificent failed to accomplish, what 4 major invasions of Europe failed to accomplish, they will accomplish simply through force of demographics. Right now, in mosques all across Europe, in the Finsbury Park Mosque in England, the overthrow of Western democracy and the establishment of Sharia is being preached. So go ahead, keep your head buried in the sand, and gripe about what the United States is doing. You’ll make a great dhimmi once the Caliphate of London is established. At least, until they decide to chop off your head.
Do you have any means of keeping track of them once you do? I should remind you that there is this thing called a war going on. Whether you like it or not, whether you want it or not, the Islamofascists have delclared war on the West. And they did so long before W became president. They have declared war on you. Everywhere where Islam bumps up against another religion (or in the case of Europe, no religion), there is violence and bloodshed explicitly condoned by the Q’uran. Think about Nigeria, Bosnia, Phillipines, Indonesia, Pakistan and India, Israel, and Sudan. In 1998 Osama declared war on the United States. His goal is to establish Islamic domination over the whole world and to reestablish the Caliphate. And his is not a deranged lunatic vision with only a few followers. There are literally hundreds of millions of muslims (no exageration) who not only agree with him but consider him a hero. Check out the website of MEMRI, the Middle East Media Research Institute, that provides translations of all the broadcasts and newspapers of the middle east, and you will get a far less sanitized version of what the middle east REALLY thinks about you compared to what you’ll get on the BBC. And the Wahabbis and other radical muslims have already inflitrated Europe. They are working on radicalizing the muslims already there who, by the way, are the only ones having children in Europe nowadays. What Suleymann the Magnificent failed to accomplish, what 4 major invasions of Europe failed to accomplish, they will accomplish simply through force of demographics. Right now, in mosques all across Europe, in the Finsbury Park Mosque in England, the overthrow of Western democracy and the establishment of Sharia is being preached. So go ahead, keep your head buried in the sand, and gripe about what the United States is doing. You’ll make a great dhimmi once the Caliphate of London is established. At least, until they decide to chop off your head.
My friend nothing frightens we more than gung ho idiots who are willing to forego the rule of LAW at the drop of a hat simply because they don’t have the tools, brains or intelligence to combat that which they don’t, won’t or can’t understand. You may have been bought up on deeds of daring do in the old west, the rest of us were bought up to follow and protect the only thing that seperates us from those you condemn so outrightly and thats THE RULE OF LAW. Once you forego that, the ONLY bastion of freedom, you might as well have your head chopped off, its useless anyway because you will have stopped using that grey spongy thing inside it.
This is a copy of the same questions I asked in the ‘Will anyone notice this Hate Crime’ thread. I wanted to insure that Matt25 and Norwich both had a chance to see and answer my questions.

I have a few questions for Matt25 and Norwich, I asked these same questions of St. James, another appologist for Islam and anti-American, but he refused to answer.
Do you condone or condemn the Palestinians, Chechens, and Kashmiris who give up their lives to kill enemy civilians?
Will you condemn by name as terrorist such groups as Abu Sayyaf, Al-Gama’a al-Islamiyya, Hamas, Hizbulla, Islamic Jihad and al-Qaida?
Should Muslim women have equal rights with men (i.e. in inheritance shares or court testamony)?
Do you accept the validity of other religions?
Do Muslims have anything to learn from the West?
Should non-Muslims enjoy completely equal civil rights with Muslims in Muslim countries?
May Muslims convert to other religions?
May Muslim women marry non-Muslim men?
My friend nothing frightens we more than gung ho idiots who are willing to forego the rule of LAW at the drop of a hat simply because they don’t have the tools, brains or intelligence to combat that which they don’t, won’t or can’t understand. You may have been bought up on deeds of daring do in the old west, the rest of us were bought up to follow and protect the only thing that seperates us from those you condemn so outrightly and thats THE RULE OF LAW. Once you forego that, the ONLY bastion of freedom, you might as well have your head chopped off, its useless anyway because you will have stopped using that grey spongy thing inside it.
I’m sorry, Norwich. Which one of the 14 UN Security Council resolutions was Saddam in compliance with? Laws are useless unless there’s somebody to enforce them. And that’s certainly not going to be your ilk. I guess we should have gone and passed a dozen more and hope that Saddam’s bribes to France, China and Russia weren’t big enough to get the sanctions lifted outright. I guess we just have to resort to calling all Americans (or at least the ones we don’t agree with) “Cowboys”. America has helped you more than you’ll ever know. I’m done with this forum, as I have no patience with people who complain about the splinter in their neighbors eye, but ignore the beam in their own eye.

So Norwich and Matt25, repeat after me:
There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Prophet,
There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Prophet…

Or in the language you’ll be speaking soon:
Laa ilaaha illallaah, anna Muhammadar-rasulullaah
Laa ilaaha illallaah, anna Muhammadar-rasulullaah…
Everywhere where Islam bumps up against another religion (or in the case of Europe, no religion), there is violence and bloodshed explicitly condoned by the Q’uran.
Which bit of the Quran?
I’m sorry, Norwich. Which one of the 14 UN Security Council resolutions was Saddam in compliance with? Laws are useless unless there’s somebody to enforce them. And that’s certainly not going to be your ilk. I guess we should have gone and passed a dozen more and hope that Saddam’s bribes to France, China and Russia weren’t big enough to get the sanctions lifted outright. I guess we just have to resort to calling all Americans (or at least the ones we don’t agree with) “Cowboys”. America has helped you more than you’ll ever know. I’m done with this forum, as I have no patience with people who complain about the splinter in their neighbors eye, but ignore the beam in their own eye.

So Norwich and Matt25, repeat after me:
There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Prophet,
There is no God but Allah, and Mohammed is his Prophet…

Or in the language you’ll be speaking soon:
Laa ilaaha illallaah, anna Muhammadar-rasulullaah
Laa ilaaha illallaah, anna Muhammadar-rasulullaah…
Are you suggesting that Saddam was an Islamic extremist? I always thought he was a secularist, Osam bin Laden believed that too. Whats you source on this?
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