Ah, sorry. Was meaning in the sense of “carrying on your person at all times just in case something happens”. Not “having a gun within reach”.
I might be pumping gas, and I might see one or two guys open carrying. There are several more concealed carrying, and I’m just not aware… because it’s concealed. But there are many, many, many more who have their arms in their glove box. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a gun rack in a truck, although they used to be as common as tool boxes. And then there are many, many, many, many, many more who own, but it’s safely at their house, but they’ve left it there because they’re not expecting to need to be armed to go to the gas station, grocery store, and post office.
When I took my CHL license class, before Open Carry became a thing, the police chief who was running it said, “When you get pulled over for speeding, give them your driver’s license-- but also give them your concealed carry license. And tell them if there’s a gun in the car, before they ask. And when someone tells me there isn’t a gun in the car, I ask them, ‘Well, why not?’ Because it’s important to carry. Just in case.”
I don’t carry on me, because while I’ve got small kids who are good and obedient most of the time, they still do dumb stuff and don’t follow directions just enough for me to not trust them 110%. But there are other people who have kids who are just a bit older than mine, and their families take them deer hunting and stuff. So a lot of that is going to depend on the maturity of the kids involved.
Not everyone who would consider carrying has kids… but I’d expect a significant number of gun owners also have kids, and that would affect the habits of how they deal with firearms, versus how they’d deal with firearms if there were only adults to take into consideration.