Gun Carrying Catholics Armed

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I voted no by mistake.
There is this " owning " and “carrying” difference.
We own for the ranch,not carry.
No issue owning with restrictions .
When someone’s in a career that deals with criminals, the insane, and/or the unstable, it’s a healthy thing to be able to do… and for their family members to be able to do.

In many cases, it’s the opposite of paranoid. 😉
I put maybe because I personally don’t own one but my parents do. And I live with them so…

And happy birthday @Cruciferi.
The example I gave was what people I know say about it. My goal is to never let anyone know if I have one or not
I support gun rights and can definitely see the value in owning one. I do not own a gun simply because my husband and I haven’t budgeted for them yet. 😁
so you are for the restriction of any weapons with the capability of an AR15, then, I take it?

Or just rifles with pistol grips and barrel guards that look scary? Because there are several rifles with the capability of the AR that just look like “regular” rifles.
Nope, just the AR-15.

The AR-15 has proven to be a high risk weapon and there’s no reason the general public needs access to it.

And spare me with the “scary looking guns” nonsense. I’m a gun enthusiast, a committed 2nd amendment advocate, and have a marksmanship award from my military time.
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It means the AR-15 has been the weapon of choice for mass shootings.
Would you prefer banning both?. Or just arguing against somebody’ s vote?
This is a poll.
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I should have said for “many” mass shootings.
So if a certain type of gun being predominantly used in mass shootings is a criterion for banning certain weapons, why aren’t you for banning handguns?
The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding in their gun use. Most have never killed anyone, and never will. Why would we need laws to ban handguns?
I carry concealed although open carry is legal. I carry whenever I leave the house. I carry a pistol because I am not expecting trouble. If I were expecting trouble, I would have a shotgun or rifle. There are places I go that are posted as no carry zones. I go to as few of those as I can and when I have to, I leavethe pistol in the car per state law. If a place is not properly, legally posted, I carry. I took an oath to defend my country against all threats, foreign and domestic. There was no expiration date on the oath.

On the 2nd amendment, I believe that any restriction on it is a violation of the constitution. If a person isnot a convicted felon, they should be able to own any weapon they can afford, including 16" naval guns. malitia at the time of the founding fathers was every able bodied male between 16 and 60 and covered all weapons including cannon.

Pffft. Have you ever shot anything in the head at close range? It is neither nice nor pretty.
I’d rather get shot in the head with a .22 than a 5.56 NATO.
Owning a gun or a weapon is a human right and is in most cases an act of compassion. Catholic teaching fully supports defense of self and of property.
This is obviously going to come out in favour of Yes because this site is populated mostly by American’s in my most humble opinion. Nothing wrong with that, just if you are brought up with gun bearing being one of your laws/rights (forgive terminology) then it’s going to be how you see life. Other place where you aren’t brought up with guns such as UK are going to vote differently (possibly) just because police don’t even carry guns (except a minority of them) and the general public certainly don’t unless criminals or possibly in the countryside famers may own shotguns etc. point is it is rarely legal. So less a part of their culture. I am just pointing that out. I don’t know the scope of other countries covered on this site. I was brought up in a place you could buy a AK47 on the street corner for 50 bucks but it was a certain time and some call it a civil war or a narrowly avoided one.
bumpstock is more of a technique than a device
The companies selling bump stock devices for hundreds of USD would seem to contradict that statement.

And please, spare me of any “rubber band” comments.
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