If I took a picture of my office window you’d see the Appalachian mountains I grew up in, friend.With all due respect, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about.
I guess the game wardens in the states that confiscate AR-15 “deer rifles” don’t know what they;re talking about either, eh?
To all you AR15 deer hunters out there - get a rifle that throws a round heavy enough to humanely, reliably drop the animal.
I own a few ARs. Love my Colt.Go do some actual shooting with people who know what they’re doing. AR’s a extremely accurate rifles, and are just as capable as any “real” hunting rifle.
Not as accurate as my bolt guns. Sorry kid.
Now is a tight and expensive AR as accurate as a loose, crappy bolt gun? Yeah. But those tight ARs aren’t to be found for under $1k. And I bet 90% of the rednecks that deer hunt with ARs are using $500 S&Ws, Rems and other cheapo, discount ARs. Those are not precision rifles.
I don’t doubt it. What we don’t tell folks about are the screw-ups where we neck shot the deer with a weak round and it got away and suffered for half a day before it died.I’ve dropped 3 deer with three shots at roughly 75 yards (legal, there’s no limit on does in my state). It’s not that hard.They’re dead when they hit the ground.
Get a real deer gun, dude. States have banned AR deer hunting for a reason. A good reason. Even if you don’t wanna see it.
They’re not “sporting rifles”.