Hahahha look at this--may be crack in the pro-abort wall

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Awesome. I think this should be manditory for a certain “pro-life democrat” I know.
Awesome. I think this should be manditory for a certain “pro-life democrat” I know.
Yes who’da thunk it? I suspect NG is not a right wing organization. So it’s going to be hard to describe the film as “Operation Rescue” propaganda. Isn’t it disgraceful that the birth of a baby is called “hideous?”

Lisa N
It makes you wonder if some of the pro-aborts are in need of an exorcism:(
What a truly bizarre piece of writing that Virginia Heffernan review in the NY Times of the NG piece is. She repeatedly goes out of her way to emphasize how the piece avoids political statements, yet is practically frothing with agendas of her own. How anyone can string toether a sentence that includes the notion of the “hideous miracle of life” either needs to have her nuts and bolts tightened or medication adjusted, I’m not sure which.
Island Oak:
What a truly bizarre piece of writing that Virginia Heffernan review in the NY Times of the NG piece is. She repeatedly goes out of her way to emphasize how the piece avoids political statements, yet is practically frothing with agendas of her own. How anyone can string toether a sentence that includes the notion of the “hideous miracle of life” either needs to have her nuts and bolts tightened or medication adjusted, I’m not sure which.
It is the medication. Definitely.
“Crack” in the pro abort wall, more like a CRACK POT. That lady seems to have “issues”…she seems to think a female’s anatomy in the process of giving birth is like one on a porno…
From the article this lady does seem to have problems. What lack of taste in her discriptions for shame.
Well I guess Harvard is not all its cracked up to be,huh?God Bless
It is also disturbing that she finds the movie to be a celebration of 4-D ultrasound, rather than of the “hideous miracle of life.” I wonder what other miracles she thinks are hideous?

That she believes that showing a human female’s vagina in the context of the birthing process is tantamount to porno further demonstrates how whacked out her values are.

I don’t know how any of you good people could POSSIBLY have a problem with Ms. Heffernan or anything she says. After all, she has a PhD from Harvard​

Aha!!! Proof there is such thing as an educated idiot.
I tried to go there from work…ahem…but got this firewall message:

The Websense category “Pro-Life” is filtered.

Pretty sad.
When will the film be aired? How can a copy be obtained?
Well after sleeping on it overnight, I wonder if NG will be prevailed upon to shelve the thing entirely for “indecency” or something.

What ever happened with the big Silent Scream broadcast brouhaha? Did any stations show it? Seems like a hundred years ago now. I was pro-abort back then but strangely intrigued with seeing anything like that, seeking conversion I guess.
caroljm36 said:

National Geo is doing a film on the entire life of the child in utero! THIS is cool…watch the fireworks now.


I’m not sure why you consider this to be a “crack in the pro-abort wall.”

Overall I rather like National Geographic. As for the reviewers comments I’d like to point out that not everyone finds fetuses or even childbirth to be as adorable as some of the posters here do. Frankly watching my own kids born was a rather messy and often pretty disgusting event. And despite what anyone tells you all newborns are not beautiful. In fact given the various fluids they tend to be coated in and the frequent deformations of the head as they are born they are often pretty hideous. Fortunately that stage passes.

Seen in that light the term “hideous miracle of birth” tends to make sense. You can certainly disagree but don’t pretend she’s crazy for saying it.
I’m not sure why you consider this to be a “crack in the pro-abort wall.”

Overall I rather like National Geographic. As for the reviewers comments I’d like to point out that not everyone finds fetuses or even childbirth to be as adorable as some of the posters here do. Frankly watching my own kids born was a rather messy and often pretty disgusting event. And despite what anyone tells you all newborns are not beautiful. In fact given the various fluids they tend to be coated in and the frequent deformations of the head as they are born they are often pretty hideous. Fortunately that stage passes.

Seen in that light the term “hideous miracle of birth” tends to make sense. You can certainly disagree but don’t pretend she’s crazy for saying it.
Hideous miracle??? I believe that would be an oxyMORON. An oxymoron making sense? I don’t believe that is possible.

I don’t have to pretend that she is crazy for saying it. It is quite obvious that she is.

Not too surprising to see a pro-abort openly express his disgust for the newborn infant. If you can show such hatred for an infant no wonder it is so easy for you to agree with the legal act of killing a pre-born infant. Makes me wonder how many pro-aborts would be for legalizing infanticide.
Hideous miracle??? I believe that would be an oxyMORON. An oxymoron making sense? I don’t believe that is possible.
That’s fine, but don’t treat your belief as unquestionable fact. I don’t see it as an oxymoron at all. Miracle in no way implies beautiful, only strange, unexplained, or unprecedented. In fact if anything its easier to argue child birth is hideous than miraculous.
I don’t have to pretend that she is crazy for saying it. It is quite obvious that she is.
Again don’t mistake your personal feelings for objective facts.
Not too surprising to see a pro-abort openly express his disgust for the newborn infant.
I didn’t express disgust for the newborn infant. I expressed disgust at how they looked. The appearance is not the thing.
If you can show such hatred for an infant no wonder it is so easy for you to agree with the legal act of killing a pre-born infant. Makes me wonder how many pro-aborts would be for legalizing infanticide.
You seem to have a very shallow view of human life that you equate dislike for the look of something as dislike of the thing itself. Do you hate everyone who is ugly and love everyone beautiful? Hopefully not and yet your logic in assuming I hate infants suggests so. Sad really. And the funny thing is you thought you were pointing out an ugly facet of my personality.
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