I. The attempts of Satan and his agents to prevent the increase of the church, by devouring her offspring *as soon as it was born;* of this we have a very lively description in the most proper images.
1. We see how the church is represented in this vision. (1.) As a *woman,* the weaker part of the world, but the spouse of Christ, and the mother of the saints. (2.) As *clothed with the sun,* the imputed righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ. Having put on Christ, who is *the Sun of righteousness,* she, by her relation to Christ, is invested with honourable rights and privileges, and shines in his rays. (3.) As having *the moon under her feet* (that is, the world); she stands upon it, but lives above it; her heart and hope are not set upon sublunary things, but on the things that are in heaven, where her head is. (4.) As having on her head *a crown of twelve stars,* that is, the doctrine of the gospel preached by the twelve apostles, which is a crown of glory to all true believers. (5.) As in travail, crying out, and *pained to be delivered.* She was pregnant, and now in pain to bring forth a holy progeny to Christ, desirous that what was begun in the conviction of sinners might end in their conversion, that when the children were brought to the birth there might be strength to bring forth, and that she might see of the travail of her soul.
2. How the grand enemy of the church is represented. (1.) As a *great red dragon*--a dragon for strength and terror--a red dragon for fierceness and cruelty. (2.) As *having seven heads,* that is, placed on seven hills, as Rome was; and therefore it is probable that pagan Rome is here meant. (3.) As having *ten horns,* divided into ten provinces, as the Roman empire was by Augustus CĂŚsar. (4.) As having *seven crowns upon his head,* which is afterwards expounded to be seven kings, [ xvii. 10*ch.*](http://bible.gospelcom.net/bible?version=KJV&passage=Re+17:10). (5.) As drawing with his tail a *third part of the stars in heaven,* and *casting them down to the earth,* turning the ministers and professors of the Christian religion out of their places and privileges and making them as weak and useless as he could. (6.) As standing *before the woman, to devour her child as soon as it should be born,* very vigilant to crush the Christian religion in its birth and entirely to prevent the growth and continuance of it in the world."