I’ve recently met a very nice 16-year-old young man who works with me at the grocery store. he came to the catholic church all by himself (his mother a fallin away catholic and his father a former pentocostal priecher so he’s really got no one at home to encourage him in his new catholic faith) anyway, he’s very knowlagable in the faith and even wants to become a priest. he told me yesterday that he’s reading the “harry potter” books. I tried to talk to him as an adult since he is very mature and seems so strong in his faith. He even had a pretty good attitude about reading the book. he said that he believes that all witchcraft is against Church doctren and to be avoided. I was dissapointed though when I shared with him a message I had heard on Jessi rormero’s “reasons for faith” about Pope Bennidict XVI (when he was head of the congragation of the doctrin of the faith cardnal I can’t spell his last name…Ratzinger) he had written something about the harry potter books. I don’t remember the spasifics, but somethng about how they were evil and catholics should not read them. the young man at work said that the popes statement was only a suggestion and we should not sensor everything that comes into our lives. I aggree with the sensoring thing, but here’s my question for those who know about spiritual warfare;
can reading something like harry potter open up conduates for deamons? I know there are a lot of spells in the story and that’s one of the things that makes me nervous. I know a lot of people on here think it’s no big deal to read that stuff, please, I appriciate your opinion, but I already know it and you will not change my mind. I am looking for someone who is knowlageable on this subject to respond to my question. Also, if you know where I can find the statement made by cardnel ratzinger, that would help as well to deturmine the graveness of his statement. sorry for the long post. I just hate asking a question with out giving proper back ground. so keep in mind a couple of things
this young man is 16
he was baptized one year ago
he wants to be a priest
thanks for any help you can provide
can reading something like harry potter open up conduates for deamons? I know there are a lot of spells in the story and that’s one of the things that makes me nervous. I know a lot of people on here think it’s no big deal to read that stuff, please, I appriciate your opinion, but I already know it and you will not change my mind. I am looking for someone who is knowlageable on this subject to respond to my question. Also, if you know where I can find the statement made by cardnel ratzinger, that would help as well to deturmine the graveness of his statement. sorry for the long post. I just hate asking a question with out giving proper back ground. so keep in mind a couple of things
this young man is 16
he was baptized one year ago
he wants to be a priest
thanks for any help you can provide