Harry Potter Books

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I am a big fan of Harry Potter. I have read all of JK’s books, and I went to a midnight party for the sixth book. And I must say: what is going through Benedict’s mind??? What is so wrong with them? Teaching kids to fight the forces of darkness (and thereby Satan)? Teaching them to fight against evil and wrongness? Is that what is so wrong about them? Oh, I guess it is because it contains witchcraft :rolleyes: . Oh please. Wicca is NOTHING like Harry Potter. In Harry potter, they poof chocolate bars out of thin air. In Harry Potter, they have magical wands and brew potions to transform you into a toad. In Harry Potter they have spells to levitate things into the air. In harry Potter they get on brooms and fly around. In Harry Potter they play a sport called Quidditch which is basically soccer played on a broom using bats with “soccer balls” floating around in the air.
In WICCA they use “magicK” which is rituals not unlike some rituals we use in Mass. They chant “spells” adressed to their “Goddess” that are essentaially a glitzy extension of a prayer. If the Harry Potter books promote “immoral behavior” and “introduces witchcrfat at a young age” then get rid of ALL fantasy books. ALL fantasy books have a form of “witchcraft” like Harry Potter. I suppose the Lord Of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, written by two well-respected Christian authors, are immoral too! Torch them too! I am Catholic, and I am a teen, and have never had any thoguhts of doing “witchcraft” at all. END RANT. Well, what do you think? For or against Harry Potter?
never read any of the books but really enjoy the movies (in fact i have the 2nd one playing in the background right now…lol)
I have read all the books, that includes the latest one. I loved them all. I agree with pretty much everything you said.
you hit the nail on the head for me bro… i’m a teen too, and i finished the 6th book like 3 days after it came out. haha when people say that stuff about witchcraft, i always say somethin like “ok if any of these things actually existed: unicorn hair, phoenix feathers, gillyweed, or blast-ended skrewts - - i would be right with you.”
I am a big fan of Harry Potter. I have read all of JK’s books, and I went to a midnight party for the sixth book. And I must say: what is going through Benedict’s mind??? What is so wrong with them? Teaching kids to fight the forces of darkness (and thereby Satan)? Teaching them to fight against evil and wrongness? Is that what is so wrong about them? Oh, I guess it is because it contains witchcraft :rolleyes: . Oh please. Wicca is NOTHING like Harry Potter. In Harry potter, they poof chocolate bars out of thin air. In Harry Potter, they have magical wands and brew potions to transform you into a toad. In Harry Potter they have spells to levitate things into the air. In harry Potter they get on brooms and fly around. In Harry Potter they play a sport called Quidditch which is basically soccer played on a broom using bats with “soccer balls” floating around in the air.
In WICCA they use “magicK” which is rituals not unlike some rituals we use in Mass. They chant “spells” adressed to their “Goddess” that are essentaially a glitzy extension of a prayer. If the Harry Potter books promote “immoral behavior” and “introduces witchcrfat at a young age” then get rid of ALL fantasy books. ALL fantasy books have a form of “witchcraft” like Harry Potter. I suppose the Lord Of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, written by two well-respected Christian authors, are immoral too! Torch them too! I am Catholic, and I am a teen, and have never had any thoguhts of doing “witchcraft” at all. END RANT. Well, what do you think? For or against Harry Potter?
I think you have just done a great job of proving that I amright in believing that young people have a great deal more common sense than you often get credit for!!
P.S.: I LOVE Harry Potter, & I’m old enough to be your grandmother!!
Because of all the bad press, I used to be against Harry Potter, but my hubby and kids loved them. When I finally read the books for myself, I was surprised at how entertaining they were.

In my late teens and early twenty I practiced WICCA and I can honestly say that nothing in the books at all is similar to Wiccan practices. If these books are bad then so are greek myths, which actually do contain stories of another religion. Yet, most of us would let our children read stories of other culture’s myths because we know that our kids can differentiate between reality and make believe.

I think that each parent should follow their own instincts with these books. If a parent really believes that they would harm their child then they shouldn’t let them read them. But, I see no harm in them for my own children.
In my late teens and early twenty I practiced WICCA and I can honestly say that nothing in the books at all is similar to Wiccan practices.
Oh, Deb!! God bless you for sharing that! I have wanted for so long to hear that…It was what I thought, but how do I know??
I think that this will bring peace to a lot of people’s minds. There has been so much said the opposite, but it was always from people who (a) knew nothing about Wicca, & (b) have never read any of the Harry Potter books!
I have thought often, that someone who knows about both needs to speak up!!
Thank you! I am sure that a lot of folks will feel more at ease on the subject now…
I have no problem with them but then again my parents drilled the faith into me so much that I’d rather die then turn. That said, and knowing full well what happens when you mess with the occult (my parents really taught me about it because they’re charismatic Catholic and yeah I know well enough to stay away.) That I feel it is no danger to myself.

However there is B]definitely a danger. Harry Potter not only gives us the usual tantalizing hints of the powers of darkness, they also give tantalizingly subtle persuasions towards instant gratification. Of clicking your fingers and there it is, your deepest desires at your disposal.

Also the fact that these Witches and Wizards are seemingly normal kids, there is nothing special in their personalities that make them “magic” just theyre born with it. Unlike with other characters such as Gandalf and Merlin who are mythical, these kids are at the same level as the average kid, teens can actually relate…

So we have to be careful its dangerous but can be controlled I mean if your strong in the faith go for it, if your gonna read it to your kids and explain they shouldn’t try this stuff, why not? But if your going to let a child who’s in danger allready of being turned from the faith by western culture read a book with tantalizingly delicious short cuts to power your asking for it.
But if your going to let a child who’s in danger allready of being turned from the faith by western culture read a book with tantalizingly delicious short cuts to power your asking for it.
Here’s an apparently well-kept secret: There isn’t a single bit of actual magic* anywhere in a single Harry Potter book. As an example of what really happens when people think material such as Harry Potter provides “delicious short cuts to power,” I submit the following website: Spellcasting 101: Don’t Try This at Home.

– Mark L. Chance.

*And if you’re of the same mind as Saint Augustine on the subject, there isn’t a single bit of actual magic anywhere. Those who claim to practice magic are merely deceived by wicked spirits. 😉

To sum it up: if your kids are taking the wrong message out of Harry Potter, either they’re too young to be reading it, or you had better start being more concerned with raising them right yourself and less concerned with what they are reading.
First off, I have to say that I believe Pope Benedict XVI is quite a bit more highly qualified to speak authoritatively on such matters than are we laity. (And now down from my soapbox…)

I own the first two movies and have been considering upon my sister’s recommedation reading the entire series. I don’t fear being swept off my feet by an overwhelming urge to dabble in the occult … but I am a mature adult. Our Holy Father has not expressed concern for minds as old as mine, or that, most likely, of any other member posting on the forums here.

What we have to remember is that young children are very, very impressionable. And the occult is a dangerous thing. I witnessed in the third Harry Potter film what seems to amount to one-on-one spiritual warfare (Harry versus the Dementors) … and that performed by a mere child. This is not candy bars and phoenix feathers. This is an image of a youth taking authority over an evil spirit, to say nothing of the ideas of power and control that would tempt any grade school kid.

While these books and movies are only stories and are in most cases probably perfectly safe for those of proper age and reason, I will not permit my still impressionable children exposure to them except under my own guidance and strict supervision.
He didn’t take authority over an evil spirit, that “spell” he used was to use happiness and love to combat depression and evil.
He didn’t take authority over an evil spirit, that “spell” he used was to use happiness and love to combat depression and evil.
I would not expect a seven-year-old to appreciate the nuances of what Harry was actually thinking and using. What a child would actually see in the film is Harry, using his wand, shouting words in a foreign language, and defeating an evil creature that flies through the air.

We must view these things from the eyes of young children if we are to determine the effect they will have on such.
surf(name removed by moderator)ure:
First off, I have to say that I believe Pope Benedict XVI is quite a bit more highly qualified to speak authoritatively on such matters than are we laity. (And now down from my soapbox…)

I own the first two movies and have been considering upon my sister’s recommedation reading the entire series. I don’t fear being swept off my feet by an overwhelming urge to dabble in the occult … but I am a mature adult. Our Holy Father has not expressed concern for minds as old as mine, or that, most likely, of any other member posting on the forums here.

What we have to remember is that young children are very, very impressionable. And the occult is a dangerous thing. I witnessed in the third Harry Potter film what seems to amount to one-on-one spiritual warfare (Harry versus the Dementors) … and that performed by a mere child. This is not candy bars and phoenix feathers. This is an image of a youth taking authority over an evil spirit, to say nothing of the ideas of power and control that would tempt any grade school kid.

While these books and movies are only stories and are in most cases probably perfectly safe for those of proper age and reason, I will not permit my still impressionable children exposure to them except under my own guidance and strict supervision.
Benedict XVI didn’t say anything against Potter: jimmyakin.org/2005/07/pre16_on_harry_.html
Benedict XVI didn’t say anything against Potter: jimmyakin.org/2005/07/pre16_on_harry_.html
Yes, yes. I have just finished reading the article myself and sending it on to family. My inital comment, however, had more to do with responding to the OP’s statement:“And I must say: what is going through Benedict’s mind???”

Nevertheless, I agree with what Cardinal Ratzinger wrote regarding souls that are still forming. And I stand by my post: the books can be dangerous to young minds.
surf(name removed by moderator)ure:
I would not expect a seven-year-old to appreciate the nuances of what Harry was actually thinking and using. What a child would actually see in the film is Harry, using his wand, shouting words in a foreign language, and defeating an evil creature that flies through the air.

We must view these things from the eyes of young children if we are to determine the effect they will have on such.
Mine fully know that he was speaking latin
Mine fully know that he was speaking latin
Yours would no doubt be in the vast minority, as would all those whose parents take the time to view/read along and explain and instruct.
***Rome’s chief excorcist warns parents against Harry Potter

**Rome’s official exorcist, Fr Gabriele Amorth, has warned parents against J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books, suggesting that Satan is behind the works.

Fr Amorth, who is also the president of the International Association of Exorcists, told the Italian ANSA news agency, Rev. Amorth said “Behind Harry Potter hides the signature of the king of the darkness, the devil.”

He said that Rowling’s books contain innumerable positive references to magic, “the satanic art”. Amorth noted that the books attempt to make a false distinction between black and white magic, when in fact, the distinction “does not exist, because magic is always a turn to the devil.”

In the interview which was published in papers across Europe, Fr Amorth also criticised the disordered morality presented in Rowling’s works, noting that they suggest that rules can be contravened and lying is justified when they work to one’s benefit.

My question is, why are so many Catholics willing to spend a tremendous amount of time and energy defending books and movies that take you AWAY FROM GOD. None of these books and movies would lead a child to JESUS.

Remember that Satan uses all his time trying to get you to look away from the FACE OF GOD.

God Bless our HOLY FATHER, Benedict XVI
surf(name removed by moderator)ure said:
Yours would no doubt be in the vast minority, as would all those whose parents take the time to view/read along and explain and instruct.

This is true. However the merits of Harry Potter should not be judged on the merits of the parents of those reading it. If we are to judge Harry Potter to be bad simply because few parents have/take the time to read it with their children or to educate their children, then we must also judge the Bible itself as bad on the same basis. After all, there are things in the Bible far, far worse than anything in Harry Potter, and there are things in the Bible that the uneducated could very easily misread and through their application do great harm and/or sin. (2 Pet. 3:16) This is not to say that Harry Potter has the same positive merits as the Bible were each to be read correcty, although it does contain some. Nevertheless, as an interesting piece of fiction it should not be condemned merely because it could be misused. So could a kitcen knife.
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