I am a big fan of Harry Potter. I have read all of JK’s books, and I went to a midnight party for the sixth book. And I must say: what is going through Benedict’s mind??? What is so wrong with them? Teaching kids to fight the forces of darkness (and thereby Satan)? Teaching them to fight against evil and wrongness? Is that what is so wrong about them? Oh, I guess it is because it contains witchcraft . Oh please. Wicca is NOTHING like Harry Potter. In Harry potter, they poof chocolate bars out of thin air. In Harry Potter, they have magical wands and brew potions to transform you into a toad. In Harry Potter they have spells to levitate things into the air. In harry Potter they get on brooms and fly around. In Harry Potter they play a sport called Quidditch which is basically soccer played on a broom using bats with “soccer balls” floating around in the air.
In WICCA they use “magicK” which is rituals not unlike some rituals we use in Mass. They chant “spells” adressed to their “Goddess” that are essentaially a glitzy extension of a prayer. If the Harry Potter books promote “immoral behavior” and “introduces witchcrfat at a young age” then get rid of ALL fantasy books. ALL fantasy books have a form of “witchcraft” like Harry Potter. I suppose the Lord Of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, written by two well-respected Christian authors, are immoral too! Torch them too! I am Catholic, and I am a teen, and have never had any thoguhts of doing “witchcraft” at all. END RANT. Well, what do you think? For or against Harry Potter?
In WICCA they use “magicK” which is rituals not unlike some rituals we use in Mass. They chant “spells” adressed to their “Goddess” that are essentaially a glitzy extension of a prayer. If the Harry Potter books promote “immoral behavior” and “introduces witchcrfat at a young age” then get rid of ALL fantasy books. ALL fantasy books have a form of “witchcraft” like Harry Potter. I suppose the Lord Of The Rings and Chronicles of Narnia, written by two well-respected Christian authors, are immoral too! Torch them too! I am Catholic, and I am a teen, and have never had any thoguhts of doing “witchcraft” at all. END RANT. Well, what do you think? For or against Harry Potter?