Arlene Alice:

Magic is in the realm of the imagination. I could try and cast the biggest baddest spell I could find and nothing will happen. As an Atheist, I give very little regard to what the bible says about magic, as it was written by men 2000 years ago.Monarchy:
There’s no use talking sense to someone who won’t do some research. I’ve provided loads of links on this thread, plus invited folks to get out their Catechisms on magic, their Bible Concordance on magic, and their Bibles on magic.
In the story, Satan is a fast talker, and may have talked Eve into eating the forbidden fruit, But if he took over her mind then she is not answerable to crimes she did not conciously commitSatan used “mind control” on our first parents who were granted free will to accept or reject satan’s wiley, snares. YE SHALL BE AS GODS! Hah! That’s what the New Age magic proposes.
Maybe real in practice, but not in reality.You have free will to accept or reject the Church’s teachings on magic/witchcraft/sorcery/divination/spells/satan worship, etc. - all the occult practices that the Church declares are for REAL.
Comment withheld…If you want to further argue the point, take it up with Rome…or continue to linger in “la-la” land!