Christus Rex:
Harry Potter - they are brilliant books, and certainly didn’t make me want to ride on a broomstick wearing a cape turning my teachers into frogs
Perhaps most people and kids, like you, will not feel drawn to practice witchcraft after reading an endearing novel which has witchcraft as a central theme …
… but even if a small minority of children ARE suggestible enough to fall into this very serious danger, it is cause for caution.
Children are not all the same. For that matter, I know some adults who also should not read these books. We have to be discerning and not dismiss caution about these books.
Some have implied that the church (U.S. Bishops, etc) approves of the HP books/movies. Pope Benedict (as Cardinal Ratzinger) did not approve.
Regarding Harry Potter, then-Cardinal Ratzinger spoke of “subtle seductions, which act unnoticed and by this deeply distort Christianity in the soul, before it can grow properly”
Hopefully only a small minority of kids and adults are suggestible enough to get interested in magic from these books.
But I think too many people do not realize how serious the danger is if indeed they do fall into it ! We are basically talking about the first commandment here.
Why are we so thirsty for entertainment? Too many people are worried about missing out on some delicious pleasure of entertainment, something that is such a runaway “hit”. But we need to be discerning, and not forget to put God first.
We all need to form our minds around the central truth of our faith - that God is the center and the source of all life, of absolutely everything we have - it all comes from Him ! Every one of us needs to be vigilant in this. Jesus summed up the law into two commandments. The FIRST one is “Love God with all your heart mind soul and strength”. This helps us understand how to do the other commandment, to “Love your neighbor as yourself.”
Little children who are still forming the ways in which they think may very possibly be harmed by reading books, however entertaining, that depict other children being delivered by their own magic powers which they have developed, rather than by God.
Are stories about fairies and magic common to all times and cultures. Probably. Does that mean it’s a good idea for anybody who wants to follow Jesus? Not necessarily!
Not every human mind looks at things the same way. Some people, both kids and adults, are more vulnerable emotionally and/or psychologically. What seems so obviously a fantasy to most may at times not seem so to them. These are the ones who are in danger from books like this. And it can indeed be a serious danger. Anything that leads one to believe that they can conjure magic by their own power is a grave danger.
Look at this short catechism paragraph …
**2138 **Superstition is a departure from the worship that we give to the true God. It is manifested in idolatry, as well as in various forms of divination and magic.
… and keep in mind that the HP movies/books are marketed largely to children, who may not have yet been formed in saving Christian spirituality. Relying on Divine Providence is not a trivial part of our faith. This has to be taught and practiced - it does not come naturally to most of us. The Harry Potter movies and books may seem most appealing to the ones who are most at risk, the lonely people thirsty for “deliverance” who are not knowledgable in spiritual matters.
With all the dreamcatchers dangling from rearview mirrors and all the new age spiritism books selling briskly it’s obvious there is a great hunger among adults for the supernatural life that we sense is out there. Harry Potter is in that same vein, directed toward children, some of whom are among the most vulnerable souls out there.
Praised be Jesus Christ! Now and forever!