Harry Potter - Good or evil?

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I can’t believe how uptight some people are about books like these. I take it you don’t like The Wizard of Oz or Star Wars either? How about Robert Jordan? Ursela LeGuin? Mythology? The Tolkien/Lewis point has already been made. I told my uncle the plot of The Wheel of Time (he’s a priest) and he thought it sounded interesting…and not evil.

These are the same people who will tell everyone that my books are evil once I get them published. Of course, they will probably also ignore all the Christian morals in them and the importance placed on what people choose to do with power that they have (and very very few in my story are able to use magic).
Father Amorth is very concerned about it. I think he’s a guy in the know.

I agree with Fr. Amorth. The Harry Potter story blurs the lines between good and evil. It make good characters do evil deeds for so called “good results”. Although I think an adult could read it and be able to see this. I do not think that Kids (especially now days) are able to dissern properly. With TV today they are being bombarded on all sides with this same type of blurring of good and evil, after that then comes the acceptance of relativism as well as so many other heresies. This is exactly what Satan wants.

Look to the Truth which is Christ!!!
Ok, Harry Potter and the other good characters in those books do not have anything to do with black magic or evil socery. Truth is, they only use their powers for good. Its the evil characters in the books that are evil. What’s wrong with someone having a different kind of brain power?
Many people here seem to forget that the entire point of the books is to show good triumphing over evil. You say that harry Potter is bad, but then are C.S. Lewis and Tolkien and Star Wars fine? All of them are fine. Read the books before you listen to the review of someone who hasn’t read the books yet and when they hear it involves “magic” they think its evil.
And why is having anything to do with sex a poll question? The closest that it gets to that is when Harry is holding hands with his date. ooohh no!
Up front the movies and books make referrences to real occult practices, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and such, do not. Harry Potter if not anything else increases interest in the occult (occult numbers have been exploding since the books came out).

The Lord of the Rings has a clear evil force (the Ring) that can not be used for good no matter how hard one tries. Harry Potter uses the same magic and spells as the “evil” people. Those that look down on the occult practices in Harry Potter are painted in an unfavorable way (preparing the readers for those who will critize the book).

Last but not least, the book is full of the Wicca selfserving philosophy that what your actions are does not matter as long as you don’t step on someone else’s toes. Which is a complete contradiction to the Christian faith.
Up front the movies and books make referrences to real occult practices, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and such, do not. Harry Potter if not anything else increases interest in the occult (occult numbers have been exploding since the books came out).

The Lord of the Rings has a clear evil force (the Ring) that can not be used for good no matter how hard one tries. Harry Potter uses the same magic and spells as the “evil” people. Those that look down on the occult practices in Harry Potter are painted in an unfavorable way (preparing the readers for those who will critize the book).

Last but not least, the book is full of the Wicca selfserving philosophy that what your actions are does not matter as long as you don’t step on someone else’s toes. Which is a complete contradiction to the Christian faith.
I am guessing that you have either never read the book or practiced Wicca. I have done both. In my early twenties, I did get into Wicca very shortly. I can assure you that nothing done in Harry Potter at all resembles modern day witchcraft.
I would reccomend reading “Looking for God in Harry Potter” by John Granger. (No joke.)

It is an easy read and is very intriguing.
I am guessing that you have either never read the book or practiced Wicca. I have done both. In my early twenties, I did get into Wicca very shortly. I can assure you that nothing done in Harry Potter at all resembles modern day witchcraft.
I guess I should have posted the source for that info, I was a little tired last night and didn’t think of it.

The book is Harry Potter and the Bible: The Menace Behind the Magick It is written by Richard Abanes who is an occult expert.
I’ve read most of the books and saw two of the 3 movies. I thought they were wonderful…

Here is Abp Chaput’s take on Harry Potter…
**So then, what’s the
verdict on Harry Potter?
    *By Archbishop          Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.*

    A friend, his wife and youngest child recently saw "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone." Both adults are well-informed and serious about their faith, so I was interested in their reactions. I've already received dozens of letters and e-mails from parents wondering if this movie is suitable for their children.  

     The friend and his wife — who have not read the Potter books — came back baffled at criticism the film has received from some Christian quarters. They found it to be a terrific fantasy yarn that kept them thoroughly entertained for two hours. They then went home, had dinner and got back to the routine concerns of their lives. None of them, including their child, began tinkering with magic. None of them, including their child, developed an unhealthy attachment to Ouija boards. (How do the parents know that about their child? They do what parents are supposed to do: They keep watch.)         

                                                                                                                          My initial reaction to the first Harry Potter book was much the same. I read it on a plane after another couple of friends had complained about it. I enjoyed it. It struck me as a better than average children's fantasy — but of course, I don't have children. If I did have children in today's culture, I might very well have found it more troubling.
I think people’s uneasiness about Harry Potter comes from the same roots as our uneasiness about Halloween. When the spirit of American culture was overwhelmingly Christian, Halloween played its role in the drama of salvation — a night of tricks, treats and symbolic confusion overcome by the dawn of All Saints Day. Forty years ago, Halloween could be enjoyed as harmless fun. Many good parents still see it that way with no ill effects.

Human culture is never value-neutral. Our music, art, books, politics, economy, architecture and films all express who we are. They’re a window on our soul. If demons and monsters populate our video games, they didn’t get there by accident. We let them in, and we let them stay. Therefore, it’s more important than ever for parents to scrutinize what their children read, watch, listen to and play. The trick as a parent, I suspect, is to find the right recipe of vigilance mixed with humor and common sense.

So what’s the verdict on Harry Potter? That’s a matter for parents, not bishops, to decide. I think Harry Potter can be happily enjoyed as a children’s fantasy movie. Nothing in the film attacks the Christian faith, and good does win out over evil. At the same time, unfortunately, characters in the Potter books do sometimes accomplish good things by doing bad things, like lying.

In other words, J.K. Rowling is a very different author from C.S. Lewis or J.R.R. Tolkien. If you’re looking for Christian allegory, Harry Potter isn’t it. Magic and sorcery can be harmless if we understand them simply as story-telling superstition. If we start believing in them, if we develop an abnormal interest in them, we quickly get into trouble. The Church rejects witchcraft for a very good reason. The devil is not a myth.

** Parents who foster an active Christian home for their children probably have little to worry about from a film like Harry Potter. Parents who don’t have a lot more to worry about than just this film. The Church teaches that parents are the primary educators of their children for a good reason. They know — or should know — their children better than anyone else. With Harry Potter, as with so much else, parents are the first and best judge.**

Hmmm…So what’s the response of those who think Harry Potter is evil to the Archbishop’s article?
I have never seen or read any of the stuff but Monsignour Peter Elliot, a friend of mine from the Melbourne Archdiocese has strongly advised against it.
The Mons has written many prayer books and books on liturgy that you may have seen.
Mons has also written extensively on the ‘new age’ movements so I take his word.
Watch out and God Bless
Br CreosMary
If you look closer at the book you will find some good morals.

As with nything we do in life, we must do it responsibly. Whether driving a vehicle, using a firearm or merely crossing the street, there can be things both wonderful and dangerous.

I have seen all the Harry Potter movies, and read all the HP books to date. They were fun and enjoyable fantasy stories. I began reading them because they were popular and my children wanted to read them. I told them I would consider it- after which (not witch) I began reading and watching. I also did a little extra digging and read some more or less scholarly critics from other Christians, etc.

J. K. Rowling is known to be a Christian who I believe attends the Church of Scotland (I dont know whether she is devout or nominal). Much of the imagery and symbolism in her books are medieval Christian.

For example, the two major Dorms are Griffindor and Slytherin. Slytherin is an obvious parody of the Serpent or Satan, and houses such evil charaters as Draco (=dragon). On the other hand, Griffindor- a Griffin was reportedly a middle ages symbol of Christ.

Also, the spell harry is taught in one of the books to use against evil, is “Expecto Patrones-” or “expect the Father.” What appears when Harry speaks this spell is a Stag- another image of Christ, The Wounded Stag, from Christian mystical and contemplative traditions. The list goes on.

There are some good articles on the subject from Touchstone Magazine- A Journal of Mere Christianity (a journal with Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox writers). The links are below (although I don’t know how to paste them into his format so they will show as hyper links).

Toucshtone: touchstonemag.com/index.html

PS the new issue is on the Holy Father (although I have not yet recieved my copy). Two of the articles can be rea online.

-Fr Aidan+


The Alchemists Tale by John Granger touchstonemag.com/archives/article.php?id=16-09-034-f
how can you fight something you don’t know about? I teach 5th grade CCD and my students had been asking me about the books. I decided to read it so I could tell them WHY it was so EVIL! Only problem is that once I read it, I realized that it isn’t evil after all. It is well written and interesting. I wouldn’t recommend handing it to a kid a saying “here, read this”; rather a parent should read the book before or with their child (depending on the age of the child) and discuss the issues that it raises. (If you don’t have kids, feel free to read it yourself - it isn’t just a kids book).
The entire theme in the book is that love is the most powerful force in the world. Seems very Christ-like to me.
I haven’t read HP so I probably don’t have much to contribute… but in my day the in books were Alan Garner (weirdstone of brisingenham, owl service ect… which had wizards and magic and stuff - you know - the kind of thing that captures children’s imaginations…

Is there some qualitative difference between these and HP - or have all our childhoods been corrupted…
Although I think an adult could read it and be able to see this. I do not think that Kids (especially now days) are able to dissern properly. With TV today they are being bombarded on all sides with this same type of blurring of good and evil, after that then comes the acceptance of relativism as well as so many other heresies. This is exactly what Satan wants.
“Kids nowadays”? Did kids change into something different than they used to be while I was sleeping? If kids today are not able to discern properly, it’s not because of TV’s evil influence over them. If kids today can’t make the right moral decisions, it’s not because society has gotten to them and warped them.

If kids today are different than kids used to be, it’s because parents today are different than they used to be. People, turn the TV off if you don’t want it influencing your kdis. It seems like we have a generation of parents who want to blame outside influences for what their kids do wrong rather than accept the responsibility of raising those kids themselves. The strongest influence in any child’s life today, yesterday and tomorrow is their parents. TV can’t change that. Society can’t change that. Only the parents can. They can either be the teachers that their kids need, or they can plop the kids down in front of the TV and hope for the best.

Society isn’t messing up our kids by directly influencing them. Those negative influences (I think they used to be called temptations) have always existed and kids have always been exposed to them in one way or another. Society is messing up the role of parents, interfering with their lives, preventing them from being the positive influence they need to be to offset the negative influences that have always been around.

Stop “thinking of the children” and what we need to prevent them from encountering and start thinking about what adults (especially parents) need to do differently.
Rand Al'Thor:
I can’t believe how uptight some people are about books like these. I take it you don’t like The Wizard of Oz or Star Wars either? How about Robert Jordan? Ursela LeGuin? Mythology? The Tolkien/Lewis point has already been made. I told my uncle the plot of The Wheel of Time (he’s a priest) and he thought it sounded interesting…and not evil.

These are the same people who will tell everyone that my books are evil once I get them published. Of course, they will probably also ignore all the Christian morals in them and the importance placed on what people choose to do with power that they have (and very very few in my story are able to use magic).
Oh, now come on. Anything with magic in it is evil? Next you’ll be telling me that I should hate Hans CHRISTIAN Andersen.
I am a reformed fan of Harry Potter. I have read all the books so far, and really enjoy them. I allowed my 7 yr old (now 8) to read the first 3 under my guidence. I will not permit her to read 4,5 or 6 because I know her well. I know they are too dark, too intense. They will not only frighten her but preoccupy her mind. I think that a parent who chooses to allow their children to read Harry Potter needs to be certain that they are grounded in their faith, that you discuss the stories and be certain that the child knows it is purely entertainment and not spiritual reading. If the child seems to be preoccupied with magic and witchcraft it’s time to intervene. Make sure that their time reading the Bible and lives of the saints far outweighs their secular, or Harry Potter reading or viewing. My daughter loves the Saints because she can see that magic in Harry Potter isnt’ reall, but God working in the lives of the Saints results in miraculous things! My children know that this isn’t just for the “official saints” but that they are called to be saints too, and develop their prayer lives, and learn all they can about God so that their lives can be formed and used in the same way. They can experience the Lord in their lives, real miracles, that far surpass the fictional character, Harry Potter, learning “magic” at Hogwarts.

I find many other secular entertainment for children even more disturbing. I watchd a BRATZ movie with my daughter and one of her little friends and found it sickening. It promoted fashion and materialism almost like a religion. I also regret buying the movie, National Treasure, because it promotes and glorifies the Masons. I normally don’t buy movies before viewing, but it came with a reccomendation from my sister in law. She was in Rainbow Girls a group of the Masons, so she would not be aware of my objections to the group.

Be careful parents, I honestly believe that Harry Potter is not nearly as morally offensive as some of the more accepted secular media for children. Especially monitor Scholastic books. Sometimes the more subtle immorality or “new age” religious views can creep in much more easily because we as parents overlook them.
I have written on other threads about Harry Potter. There is a bandwagon which parents jump on because they don’t want to be judged by other parents. The same parents who allow their children to watch Star Wars hate Harry Potter. Too many People are simply afraid to trust their own parenting because they are afraid to look bad at their church or in their social group. I respect parents who choose not to let their children read/watch Harry Potter, but think they are way out of line when they criticize me, especially when they have never read them for themselves.
I have written on other threads about Harry Potter. There is a bandwagon which parents jump on because they don’t want to be judged by other parents. The same parents who allow their children to watch Star Wars hate Harry Potter. Too many People are simply afraid to trust their own parenting because they are afraid to look bad at their church or in their social group. I respect parents who choose not to let their children read/watch Harry Potter, but think they are way out of line when they criticize me, especially when they have never read them for themselves.

I have a friend who won’t let her child read Harry Potter - but she has let him watch R rated movies. I don’t get it…
But to each his own. I’ll decide for MY children - you decide for yours and we’ll get along just fine. (unless your child starts telling my child what they saw in the trashy R rated movie! ;))
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