Harry Potter - Good or evil?

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What I posted is like I stated, an excerpt from the link I gave. And I have read many books about and by Tolkien that explain the origins of Gandalf and the like. Read the link. The author makes alot of sense to me.
Tolkien may have explained the origins of Gandalf in some other works but he does not do so in the Lord of the Rings.

Again, if the magic and occult aspects of Harry Potter make it evil then the Lord of the Rings is just as evil.
Tolkien may have explained the origins of Gandalf in some other works but he does not do so in the Lord of the Rings.

Again, if the magic and occult aspects of Harry Potter make it evil then the Lord of the Rings is just as evil.
I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.

And Gandalf is obviously,even if you’ve read only Lord of the Rings, not just another human.
I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.

And Gandalf is obviously,even if you’ve read only Lord of the Rings, not just another human.
Right, obvisouly he is a very powerful human who uses magic, which is what makes him powerful.

It is not that plain to see that he is not human. I know of many people who read these books and do not pick up the Catholic things in them.

They are not that plain to see.
originally posted by ByzCathGood points but not on topic here.
These individuals are pointing out that the Harry Potter works are evil because they encourage the occult and magic. They do not comment on the stories, on how the characters act.
The polling questions didn’t seem to me to focus solely on the occult aspects of Harry Potter. Only one of the responses mentions the occult. The others have to do with Michael O’Brien’s disapproval, sexualit, and general ‘dodginess’. My opinion wasn’t listed in the answers, so I posted instead of voting

I tried to use a comparison between Tolkien and Rowling to illustrate why I don’t like HP, because Tolkien had already been mentioned. I apologise for the thread hijacking that resulted.

Tolkien does mention that the Wizards are a separate race in LOTR, he just does it in the Appendices, which I admit are not thrilling reading unless you’re a philologist. From Appendix B: "*When maybe a thousand years had passed, and the first shadow had fallen on Greenwood the Great, the Istari or Wizards Appeared in Middle-earth. It was afterwards said that they came out of the Far West (which is where the physical Heaven of the Elves- Valinor- is) and were messengers sent to contest the power of Sauron, and to unite all those who opposed him; but they were forbidden to match his power with power, or to seek to dominate Elves or Men by force or fear

They came therefore in the shape of Men, though they were never young and aged only slowly, and they had many powers of mind and hand."*

That’s all from the bits at the back of ROTK. I apologise again for the continued hijack.
Right, obvisouly he is a very powerful human who uses magic, which is what makes him powerful.

It is not that plain to see that he is not human. I know of many people who read these books and do not pick up the Catholic things in them.

They are not that plain to see.
I’m sorry if that sounded insulting. My point was that Gandalf is not just “a very powerful human who uses magic”. And I agree that the Catholic imagery can be difficult to pick up on.
Lissla Lissar:
That’s all from the bits at the back of ROTK. I apologise again for the continued hijack.
I don’t think it’s hijacking. Everytime HP is brought up Tolkien and Lewis get brought up as well as a defense for HP. It’s a natural comparison, I guess. If some do consider it hijacking then I apologize, also!

Harry Potter gained the Vatican’s seal of approval on Monday when an official said the books helped children “to see the difference between good and evil”.

“I don’t think there’s anyone in this room who grew up without fairies, magic and angels in their imaginary world,” Father Peter Fleetwood told reporters.
I think some “soccer moms” are taking this too far, its a children’s book…Its hardly evil.
Right, obvisouly he is a very powerful human who uses magic, which is what makes him powerful.

It is not that plain to see that he is not human. I know of many people who read these books and do not pick up the Catholic things in them.

They are not that plain to see.
Some further understanding as to the nature of wizards in the the realm of Tolkien’s Middle Earth can be found in The Silmarilion, in which it is stated that wizards , though resembling humans, are not in fact, human, as mentioned in the Apendices at the back of , The Return Of the King. Gandalf, in fact, is given an approximate lifetime before his death in Moria of 7,000 - plus years, always resembling a man in his dotage.

As for Harry Potter, well, I see no “real” magic in the books. Waving sticks at people is perhaps rude, and jabbering at people in latin, in my own experience, only seems to annoy them. As for the fantastic magical beasts found in both books, they are both taken from ancient poetic metaphors, commonly understood to be constellations in reference, or concepts of changes due to Precession in the night-sky(eg; dragons for Draco, Centaurs for Chieron, Griffons for Ophiucus, Leo, Sagittarius, Ophion, and etcetera), if they are not pure fictions of the imagination of the writer, or derived from the imaginative flights of other writers in history that influenced the author.
I do not see that it is obvious that Gandalf is a very powerful human that uses magic. To the contrary, I see that Gandalf is a person that is rarely seen to use magic, and is more famous as a pyrotechnics expert, a diplomat, a litigator, a tutor, and a trouble-maker.He is known among the races, especially the elves, as a man of great wisdom and perceptiveness, but the books of LOTR do not show a lot of Occult powers displayed by Gandalf per se,except The Fellowship of the Ring; and that book portrays Gandalf actually doing some seriously big magic, using every power he possesses, to fight and defeat a demon called a Balrog, at the cost of his life, to save his friends, and their mission. But then again, to return to Harry Potter, I also fail to see the evil in being a teenager with such strong moral fibre. Here I must admit that my memories of adolescence are unpleasant, awkward, and painful. I wish that under my own tests in adverse conditions, I had done so well as Harry, but then, I was, like so many other “Muggles”, not embued with the legacy of a pile of gold nor the abilty to perform magic by waving a stick and incanting latin phrases… might of come in handy with my algebra teacher, though, alas…

Also, I should add that I have no idea who O’Brian is, and why one should take his side; also I agree with ByzCath that many people who have previously posted views on this string do not seem to have a clear understanding about what the word occult is, nor what it means.
…Based solely on the criteria raised, that of the occult and magic, the Lord of the Rings could be considered just as guilty.

I would forward the suggestion that the argument is actually about power, or powers, not natural to the individuals posting the opinion.

And as such, perhaps the argument is based upon covetousness on the part of the individuals, and clothed in christian virtue. There does not not seem to be any clear definition as to what the terms “occult” and “magic” are, specifically . Perhaps, then, it is jealousy and covetousness that motivate the argument, and not a spirit natural to actual christian virtue, motivating genuine human curiosity?

To be fair and frank, I can identify better with JRR Tolkien’s works than JK Rowling’s Harry Potter series. I am a veteran, as Tolkien was; He saw a Dead Marsh, so have I;he experienced underground, or tunnel warfare, as did I; he saw war, he wrote the experience into his tale, that borrowed heavily from ancient legend and mythology; experienced siege, knew hardship and “Short Commons”(rations);saw young boys turn into “old hands” or veterans. He felt the loss of friends, far away from home, saw his own mortality as subjective, relative.
Harry Potter is a boy. Not a pefect boy, nor even, strictly speaking, a real boy, but rather a kind of Ideal Boy – fearless, moral, gutsy, a little insensitive to girls, but not a brainles fool, nor a cro-magnon; he is normal, and capable of displays of great heroism,sensitivity, ad nauseam…but still, just a boy. Better than Peter Pan, who will never grow up, but less than a man, a kind of human fraction, a work in progress.With power. A lot of it. And, apparently, a lot of human frailty and weakness.
Hi all!

Please allow me to add an (not the) orthodox Jewish view.

This was in The Jerusalem Post weekend magazine in August of last year. Since it is not in/on the online version, I am retyping the article. DW & I found it very interesting:
Harry Potter - a closet Jew!
by Rosally Saltsman
Harry Potter books are becoming contenders for the title of bestseller of all time - a title held heretofore by the Bible. This isn’t surprising, considering many of the themes in the series echo traditional Jewish values.
Wizards keep themselves separate from muggles (non-magical people). They live, work and study in their own community and have their own values, rules, traditions, and way of life.
The students and faculty of Hogwarts come primarily from a noble lineage of wizards, though one can become a wizard through diligent study (and an innate spark).
The curriculum also resonates with Jewish beliefs. Charms class demonstrates that we affect the world with our speech; Potions teaches that what we eat affects our essence; Transfiguration class teaches self transformation. Care of Magical Creatures students learn to respect all living things; Divination class conveys the fact that there is meaning to the changing seasons and movement of the planets, and Defense Against the Dark Arts emphasizes the need for constant vigilance in fighting the evil forces of the world.
Professor Dumbledore, the school headmaster, bears a striking resemblance in appearance and manner to a sagacious rabbi. A uniform of black robes distinguishes wizards from muggles. Rowling’s books also contain references to prophecy and the afterlife.
Although not likely to join the list of classic Judaic texts, Rowling’s magical writing captures the essence of Jewish philosophy, mirroring the precepts of Judaism has always offered the world.
In the latest book, the Sorting Hat adds a new lyric, encouraging students to adopt unity and brotherhood in order to defeat the enemy. Only through cooperation, loyalty and adherence to the traditions and rules of the wizardly world will they be safe.
The Jewish people are also called upon to present a united front against the physical and spiritual threats that assail us.
Perhaps Hogwarts can provide a lesson for us as well.
For a contrary orthodox Jewish view, see tinyurl.com/2uojo.

Continuing on the Harry Potter-Judaism theme, DW notes that wizards are no different/better/worse than muggles in that neither are free of fears, prejudices, etc. I noticed another wizards-Jews similarity: wizards/Jews are the objects of a strikingly powerful, yet utterly irrational fear/hatred/distrust among some non-Jews/muggles. But as Professor Dumbledore would say, wizards/Jews are neither better nor worse than muggles/non-Jews, merely different.

DW & I have read all the Harry Potter books & loved them.

As an orthodox Jew, I don’t see any harm in Harry Potter and certainly not in LotR (J.R.R. Tolkien, like his good friend C.S. Lewis, was a pious Roman Catholic). Harry Potter and LotR are what they are, fantasy. I trust that the vast majority of readers can distinguish between the real world and the fantasy/unreality of certain books. I was an avid D&D player back at college (George Washington University, 1981-1985); like with books, I see no harm in that either (I had a ball). David Copperfield’s sleight-of-hand is, likewise, harmless fun. There is, I think, a substantive difference (of kind, not degree) between actually resorting to ouija boards, mediums, etc. and reading/playing fantasy for recreation.


I think that some people need to lighten up and get out more.

Of course…the foregoing is just what we wizardly folk want all you muggles to think! 😉 😛 🙂

On a lighter note, consider that…
  1. Butterbeer is kosher (under the supervision of the Rabbinical Court of Manchester)!
  2. One of London’s finest kosher restaurants (just which one is a closely guarded secret) delivers kosher meals to St. Mungo’s!
  3. The Israeli Minister of Magic works for the Mossad!
  4. Israel kicked Wales’s butt in quidditch last week!
  5. UK Chief Rabbi Andrew Sacks is currently negotiationg with Prof. Dumbledore about opening a kosher kitchen at Hogwarts for its Jewish students!
  6. UK Chief Rabbi Andrew Sacks is also negotiating with Prof, Dumbledore about making Kabbalah (see forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?p=236347#post236347) a NEWT-level elective at Hogwarts!
  7. Wouldn’t you like to know how we use our tefillin (phylacteries; see jewfaq.org/signs.htm#Tefillin) & Hands (see jewfaq.org/signs.htm#Hand) as defense-against-the-dark-arts-countercharms!
Be well!

ssv 👋
As ByzCath has noted, this has been done to death elsewhere in these fora, and I believe my opinions have been well represented in those threads. I just like this quote from the USCCB review of the first movie.
Parents concerned about the film’s sorcery elements should know that it is unlikely to pose any threat to Catholic beliefs. “Harry Potter” is so obviously innocuous fantasy that its fiction is easily distinguishable from real life.
USCCB Movie Review​

De gustibus non est disputandum
John of Woking:
It is not very christian however. I wouldn’t want my children reading it
90% of great world literature is not very Christian, but I want my children to grown up first with a strong grounding in their faith, and then a strong education, especially in literature and the liberal arts, with the ability to read anything and discern universal truths no matter how they are expressed. I also want them to know how to read, think, analyze and discern lies, illogic, biases, agendas, and core assumptions of authors and writers. The won’t learn this by restricting their reading to a narrow approved list of Christian books.
As I have said in every thread that deals with HP, please read the following exerpt (if not the whole book).

Looking for God in Harry Potter

I can already hear the collective sighs from those who oppose this silly-satanic-deluded story…

Truly, I have never been opposed to HP, but after reading this, and appreciating the works of the Inklings, it did make me view the stories in another light.

(the file is a .pdf, and is available if you go to the publisher www.tyndalebooksellers.com and look up Looking for God in Harry Potter.)
As I have said in every thread that deals with HP, please read the following exerpt (if not the whole book).

Looking for God in Harry Potter

I can already hear the collective sighs from those who oppose this silly-satanic-deluded story…

Truly, I have never been opposed to HP, but after reading this, and appreciating the works of the Inklings, it did make me view the stories in another light.

(the file is a .pdf, and is available if you go to the publisher www.tyndalebooksellers.com and look up Looking for God in Harry Potter.)
I will admit that I did not, and most likely will not, read your excerpt but from your comments here I think guess at what it says.

The Harry Potter stories are works of fiction. I think you make a large leap when you call them silly-satanic-deluded.

If you truly believe this then the Lord of the Rings is just as evil as I know many people that this work helped into the occult and I am one of them.

I have never read any of the Inklings but I am sure that any christain under pinnings are as hard to find as they are in the Lord of the Rings.

Again, this is just a work of fiction.
I will admit that I did not, and most likely will not, read your excerpt but from your comments here I think guess at what it says.
I think you might have guessed wrong.
The Harry Potter stories are works of fiction. I think you make a large leap when you call them silly-satanic-deluded.
I totally agree with you. They are only works of fiction. I was being facetious when I tagged on the silly-satanic remark. I was further commenting on people’s nature to absolutely reject something without exploring the other side.
If you truly believe this then the Lord of the Rings is just as evil as I know many people that this work helped into the occult and I am one of them.
I absolutely do not believe this. Lord of the Rings is one of my favorite novels. I guess I wasn’t being clear in my humor.
I have never read any of the Inklings but I am sure that any christain under pinnings are as hard to find as they are in the Lord of the Rings.
The Inklings were JRR Tolkein, CS Lewis, and Charles Williams. They were wonderful authors and great men. The Inklings
Again, this is just a work of fiction.
Couldn’t agree more. My previous post and the link therein just supports that philosophy.
I have never read any of the Inklings but I am sure that any christain under pinnings are as hard to find as they are in the Lord of the Rings.
Yeah, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is definitely not full of Christian imagery. :rolleyes:

The Inklings were Charles Williams, J. R. R. Tolkien, Jack and Warnie Lewis, Hugo Dyson… and a few others that I can’t really remember. All of them were Christian, and most of them were concerned with spreading the truth of the Gospel through sub-creation: they believed that myth and poetry were central to truth, and that humans were natural myth-makers. It’s fascinating theology.
Lissla Lissar:
Yeah, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is definitely not full of Christian imagery. :rolleyes:
Again, it might have Christain imagery but that doesn’t mean that it is easy to see and understand.

I know of many people who have no clue.
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