I had been on the fence about Harry Potter (my kids are 5 & 2 so I felt like I had some time to decide) until I read Looking for God in Harry Potterby John Granger. He’s a teacher of classical literature and a Christian father who read the books so he could tell his kids why they couldn’t read them and found the plots, themes and symbols amazingly consistent with a Christian worldview. He does address the magic issue and reminds us that CS Lewis and Tolkien had the same criticisms for their books. I have read all the books and enjoyed them, maybe not as much as LOTR, but still as fun stories. And the idea is to get kids reading instead of watching endless TV. My kids won’t read them at 11 & 12 but perhaps when they are 14 to 16. Also, since I’ve read them its yet another subject to talk about with my kids. . . What do they think of Harry “getting away” with things etc.