In the last few years, I’ve seen such anti-God, anti-family stuff coming out of the Ivy League schools that I would not want to be there or have an impressionable young adult be there for long. I think it would be discouraging and gloomy to be in a place with so little hope and optimism about the human condition and future.Interestingly, cost is really the only reason to consider an Ivy or other top tier school
One thing about homeschooling–if done well, it trains a person in apologetics, debate, reasoning, etc. A good homeschool will constantly play devil’s advocate with a child or teen, helping them to learn to be prepared with facts/sources/history, etc. to defend their own beliefs and not just say, “Well, if you believed in God, you would understand.” Yeah, right–like that will go over good with a Harvard professor steeped in humanism, etc.
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