So are you saying that the reason women dress in a manner that mimics ripe fruit is because their male bosses prefer that they do?
If makeup was deceptive then technically all other forms of appearance changes are too.
For example a man might wear a suit on a first date.A suit can make a man look very sharp and in many cases quite different than when he’s wearing casual clothes like a tee shirt.
If he being deceptive? No,because most women know that how he looks in a suit is likely not how he will look in casual wear.
It could be argued that all clothing is deceptive because the intention behind clothing is to hide and not expose all our vulnerabilities. This is why people have nightmares about being naked in a public space. All your vulnerabilities are exposed for everyone to view.
So, yes, clothing is deceptive to the extent that it “portrays” you as something you are not or shuts others off from seeing you as you are. It is also one of the reasons why humans do not feel completely at home in this life – there is always something that keeps us from being completely at ease in the world and within ourselves.
This is, by the way, the deep meaning behind Adam and Eve covering themselves after eating the fruit. Exposing one’s vulnerabilities means others can see them and, therefore, have knowledge of how you might be exploited by those vulnerabilities. In fact, knowing one’s own vulnerabilities at a deep level means you also know what would hurt or harm others at their core.
This is very likely why the symbolism of God making the skins for Adam and Eve is included in the Genesis account – there is good reason why we shouldn’t expose our deepest and broken being to others until they have proven themselves trustworthy.
This is also part of what trusting or having faith in God is all about. Permitting him into all the rooms of our “house,” so to speak so that he can help us be healed of deep brokenness.
In short, all clothing is deceptive to some degree, precisely because it hides something about each of us. That might be a necessary thing in the broken state within which we live. There are many who ought not be trusted with the deep truth about others because they will only create more mayhem knowing that truth. However, there is such a thing as being too deceptive or using the fiction deceptively to gain our own advantage.
Women dressing provocatively in the workplace may be more about exploiting the vulnerabilities of men or enhancing their own power than merely about “looking nice,” whatever that entails.
Women will often say it “gives them confidence,” but they never specify confidence to do what, precisely. Is it confidence over feelings of vulnerability or confidence to exploit others?