Thanks Katherine
As Catholics we all respect the rule of law when it does not violate the law of God. A lot of conservatives who are avoiding this because of the hate crime dimensions need to view this as a matter of equal protection. Christian liberties are not being defended by local law enforcement in the same way other groups would have their rights protected. That is why we need to put the pressure on DA Doug Moreau. <ldaa.org/roster/moreau.html>
LSU Reveille Columnist Tobias Danna in his Friday column dealt with this in detail.
"And while they know that they have not been deeply victimized by the vandalism, they recognize it as a hate crime, although many of them are against hate crime legislation in general, not seeing how different motivations could make the same act more hateful in one instance than the other. Still, they all respect the rule of law. Like Paul relying on his Roman citizenship to save his life and further his mission two millennia ago, like Thomas More using his agile mind to repudiate all the charges of treason against him before a kangaroo court sent him to his martyrdom, these students insist the law provides all religious expressions equal protection.
The Students for Life display was cosponsored by the St. Mary and St. Joseph Family Memorial Foundation, an organization whose name and mission are well known to many in this area. Students for Life prayed Rosaries over the display. There was no call to political action during any of the events, so even the supposedly “personally pro-life” Senators John Kerry and Mary Landrieu could have attended without hearing a word of condemnation.
But even if the Editorial Board is right about the event being somewhat political and not purely religious, this does not diminish the hate crime charge. Equal protection requires hate crime prosecution here just as much as it would a crime against homosexuals participating in political protests against the ban on gay marriage. While many people are trying to pass this sound reasoning off as foolishness, Scalia’s words ring prophetic. “God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools … and he has not been disappointed.”
As Catholics we all respect the rule of law when it does not violate the law of God. A lot of conservatives who are avoiding this because of the hate crime dimensions need to view this as a matter of equal protection. Christian liberties are not being defended by local law enforcement in the same way other groups would have their rights protected. That is why we need to put the pressure on DA Doug Moreau. <ldaa.org/roster/moreau.html>
LSU Reveille Columnist Tobias Danna in his Friday column dealt with this in detail.
"And while they know that they have not been deeply victimized by the vandalism, they recognize it as a hate crime, although many of them are against hate crime legislation in general, not seeing how different motivations could make the same act more hateful in one instance than the other. Still, they all respect the rule of law. Like Paul relying on his Roman citizenship to save his life and further his mission two millennia ago, like Thomas More using his agile mind to repudiate all the charges of treason against him before a kangaroo court sent him to his martyrdom, these students insist the law provides all religious expressions equal protection.
The Students for Life display was cosponsored by the St. Mary and St. Joseph Family Memorial Foundation, an organization whose name and mission are well known to many in this area. Students for Life prayed Rosaries over the display. There was no call to political action during any of the events, so even the supposedly “personally pro-life” Senators John Kerry and Mary Landrieu could have attended without hearing a word of condemnation.
But even if the Editorial Board is right about the event being somewhat political and not purely religious, this does not diminish the hate crime charge. Equal protection requires hate crime prosecution here just as much as it would a crime against homosexuals participating in political protests against the ban on gay marriage. While many people are trying to pass this sound reasoning off as foolishness, Scalia’s words ring prophetic. “God assumed from the beginning that the wise of the world would view Christians as fools … and he has not been disappointed.”