Have you ever had to defend your faith?

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I used to have to defend the Catholic Faith all the time. Then I decided to stop getting involved in the activties of some of the so-called Catholic churches around here. Now I am no longer around people who attack the Catholic Faith.
Yes, all the time–girlfriend, her parents, my family, friends, and more than anything else, here: forum.protestwarrior.com/viewforum.php?f=10

In all humility, I think I’ve raised the tone of the place to something respectable there. Lots of anti-Catholics, but over the last six months they’ve discovered there manners. It’s a direct result of frequently visiting this place…

When I went to prison and was first sent to maximum security. They call out your name and cell number and where your “call out” is. For example, “Dismas, 205, out for Catholic Mass.” When I got back from my first Mass I had a bunch of anti-catholic tracks on my bunk. Smokescreens, Chic, Lorraine B. all the usual people. Being Catholic in prison is about as popular as being a child molester. Even more so now! (Pun intended) But from that experience I have grown into the Catholic I am now. I love our Church I love our Faith and I love Jesus! I’m thankful for all He has done for me. Now I’m at a Catholic College in Kansas, after doing a 7 year bit for Att. Murder!
Who said God’s plans make sense? They sure are funny at times! Thank you Lord!
All the time. It 1st started with my mother in law which is how I went from a cafeteria Catholic to an on fire Catholic (by doing research to answer her questions).

About 5 or 6 years ago I started having discussions with my Fundementalist Baptist manager a work. He saw me reading my bible at work on my lunch break and inquired into what version I was reading. I consider him a good friend but we have definately gotten into some pretty heated debates over the years. I think I’ve helped him get past some on the misconceptions he was taught about the Catholic Church. Although ofcourse we still disagree he has admitted he’s learned alot about Catholicsm from me.

I have another manager at work who is a lapsed Catholic. He calls himself Catholic but rarely goes to Mass and disagrees with just about every church teaching. He has been sucked into the church of Moral Relativism. I’ve some lengthy and sometimes heated discussions there as well.

A few years back my non-denom mothers group started a small bible study. There I had discussion and lengthy exchanges of written material with an anti-Catholic ex-catholic women.

I’ve had moments of opportunity with co-workers, friends and family as well.
Sir Knight:
Have I ever defended the faith? Yep, defending the faith right now. Could use some help here.
Okay Knight…I’ll be there from now on & protest warrior too. The Irish love to scrap about a worthy cause.

“Saint Michael the archangel defend us in battle…”
Sir Knight:
Have I ever defended the faith? Yep, defending the faith right now. Could use some help here.
Are you “PD” there? And how did you find this forum?

Looks like you’ve got your hands full. Some interesting arguments they’re raising. Some serious and basic flaws in their understanding of Catholicism. Might be interesting to look into a bit more closely.

Well, it’s late. I’ll leave the window up, perhaps I’ll find time later.

Are you “PD” there?
No, I’m somebody else
And how did you find this forum?
I try to correct Catholic misconceptions where ever I find it. Sometimes I get in a little bit over my head and could use some back-up from folks more knowledgeable in the faith than I.
Church Militant:
Okay Knight…I’ll be there from now on & protest warrior too. The Irish love to scrap about a worthy cause.
Appreciate any assistance you can give. Feel a bit outnumbered and don’t want to leave a false impression of the Catholic faith just because I couldn’t properly address all of thier points.
I have to defend the faith myself sometimes. My boss is Jewish and sometimes he’ll say things like why does the church cannonize saints. He even asked why I had a qoute “cross” when its really a crucifix in my car. I remember him saying"you must be a hard core Catholic, I said I’m a traditional Catholic" which is what I am. Didn’t get much of a response from him.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”

When I went to prison and was first sent to maximum security. They call out your name and cell number and where your “call out” is. For example, “Dismas, 205, out for Catholic Mass.” When I got back from my first Mass I had a bunch of anti-catholic tracks on my bunk. Smokescreens, Chic, Lorraine B. all the usual people. Being Catholic in prison is about as popular as being a child molester. Even more so now! (Pun intended) But from that experience I have grown into the Catholic I am now. I love our Church I love our Faith and I love Jesus! I’m thankful for all He has done for me. Now I’m at a Catholic College in Kansas, after doing a 7 year bit for Att. Murder!
Who said God’s plans make sense? They sure are funny at times! Thank you Lord!
Yep…right w/ya!
I have to defend the faith myself sometimes. My boss is Jewish and sometimes he’ll say things like why does the church cannonize saints. He even asked why I had a qoute “cross” when its really a crucifix in my car. I remember him saying"you must be a hard core Catholic, I said I’m a traditional Catholic" which is what I am. Didn’t get much of a response from him.

Padre Pio “Don’t worry, work and pray.”
I have a close buddy who is a Hasidic Jew & doesn’t play, but he & I have a great relationship and I like him alot. Ya really just have to live it in charity because the Jews catch about as much grief as we do. I’ve discovered that Judaism is far far more complex than I ever knew. Did you know that the Jews believe in a purgatorial state similar to what we do? I was really surprised.
Jude 1:3-4 Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Peter 3:12-17 For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is against them that do evil. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good? But and if ye suffer for righteousness’ sake, happy are ye: and be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled; But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear: Having a good conscience; that, whereas they speak evil of you, as of evildoers, they may be ashamed that falsely accuse your good conversation in Christ. For it is better, if the will of God be so, that ye suffer for well doing, than for evil doing.
I defend my faith most strenuously to other DREs. In the last few weeks I have argued that yes, the Church still teaches about original sin, yes, missing Mass is still a sin, yes, there are angels, no, liturgical dancing is not allowed despite how tastefully you saw it done someplace else, yes, children must have the opportunity for confession before first communion, no, pro-abort politicians may not be lectors and eucharistic ministers, and on and on and on-to people who are commissioned by their bishop and pastor and paid a salary to form catechists to teach the faith to our children and youth. I find the average Texas Baptist or evangelical much more respectful and willing to listen to an exposition of doctrine from the Catechism than the average DRE. This morning at a professional meeting another DRE commented she is so glad we don’t teach about the devil to little kids any more and inflict them with guilt about their sins—the meeting was about preparing children for first confession.
hi folks !
I was a lukewarm catholic untill i finally allowed Gods grace to touch my heart letting the brilliance of the truth blind me.First of all let me admit it is a daily struggle of having to defend the faith and convince myself of the truth in which Gods grace is indespensable and this site is of a very great help
I initially used to get into debates with lapsed catholics and non-catholics which was at times difficult and frustrating but nowadays I prefer to concentrate on speaking with lukewarm catholics not ignoring the lapsed catholics but setting those who are lukewarm on fire remembering our Holy Fathers words that what the church needs most in this century is evangilisation within the church.I guess a balance is important!
I was your prototypical cradle/cafeteria/uninformed Catholic prior to beginning to date an evangelical girl in college back in '95. She was the first to really challenge me about anything, not in a confrontational way, but almost in a teasing way - comparing us to the Boy Scouts, doing our good deed for the day. She also asked about purgatory, and in my stupidity, I replied that the Church no longer taught that. Anyway, that year we had just gotten internet in the dorms, and I’m stubborn as a mule, so after beginning some research on my faith - guess what I found - Catholic Answers! The rest is as they say, history.
I was your prototypical cradle/cafeteria/uninformed Catholic prior to beginning to date an evangelical girl in college back in '95. She was the first to really challenge me about anything, not in a confrontational way, but almost in a teasing way - comparing us to the Boy Scouts, doing our good deed for the day. She also asked about purgatory, and in my stupidity, I replied that the Church no longer taught that. Anyway, that year we had just gotten internet in the dorms, and I’m stubborn as a mule, so after beginning some research on my faith - guess what I found - Catholic Answers! The rest is as they say, history.
Glad you are back in full. Isn’t it amazing all the stuff we get goofed up on? No surprise that Prots have trouble too… :cool:
I have, many times over from my family, no less; often ending up in a heated debate whith them acting like I was talking hearsay. They don’t believe bout the Apotles that died for Jesus… Some, like my pop and brother often used violence on me while my mom used her words.
I have, many times over from my family, no less; often ending up in a heated debate whith them acting like I was talking hearsay. They don’t believe bout the Apotles that died for Jesus… Some, like my pop and brother often used violence on me while my mom used her words.
Wow…Have never had it quite THAT bad though one guy threatened to “crack” me for my defense of the faith. He’s a Prot so I just said (quietly) “That sure sounds like the Christian way to deal with this” and he went away. Came back later and apologized saying that I was “the most Catholic person he’d ever met”. I just grinned and said thanks for the compliment and that I’d always try to live up to it. We still disagree, but he dares not mouth off in front of me because he knows that I’ll call him anything he says that isn’t true. People get nnuts w/all this, and I’m sure tghere are days when we are as foolish as anyone else, but defending the faith just seems to come with the turf. Sigh :gopray:
Most of my family is Protestant and many of my friends are fallen away Catholics and some are getting ready to leave:crying: …soooo YES, I’m constantly defending the Faith!..One of the main reasons I stay on CA Forums is to keep my tools sharpened.:yup: Oh and I forgot to mention that my husband is a very liberal Catholic.:bigyikes: …he is my hardest challenge when it comes to defending the Faith… Annunciata:(
Most of my family is Protestant and many of my friends are fallen away Catholics and some are getting ready to leave:crying: …soooo YES, I’m constantly defending the Faith!..One of the main reasons I stay on CA Forums is to keep my tools sharpened.:yup: Oh and I forgot to mention that my husband is a very liberal Catholic.:bigyikes: …he is my hardest challenge when it comes to defending the Faith… Annunciata:(
No challeges in your life huh Annunciata? 👍 Hang in!
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