I have, many times over from my family, no less; often ending up in a heated debate whith them acting like I was talking hearsay. They don’t believe bout the Apotles that died for Jesus… Some, like my pop and brother often used violence on me while my mom used her words.
Wow…Have never had it quite THAT bad though one guy threatened to “crack” me for my defense of the faith. He’s a Prot so I just said (quietly) “That sure sounds like the Christian way to deal with this” and he went away. Came back later and apologized saying that I was “the most Catholic person he’d ever met”. I just grinned and said thanks for the compliment and that I’d always try to live up to it. We still disagree, but he dares not mouth off in front of me because he knows that I’ll call him anything he says that isn’t true. People get nnuts w/all this, and I’m sure tghere are days when we are as foolish as anyone else, but defending the faith just seems to come with the turf.