Have you heard Baptists say "THAT STUFF" about Catholics?

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True, never in my 40 something years of going to Mass, have I ever heard a Priest say anything bad about other faiths.
And converts will realise that too, I really think if your unsure about your own faith, in order to keep alive the untruth, you have to keep feeding it with anti-Catholic baloney.
This is true of our church as well. Our priest has praised protestants for what they do that is holy, but he shows a deep sorry for what they don’t have, like the Eucharist, etc. But he doesn’t speak of them as evil because they are not Catholic. He wishes them the joy that the Catholic faith can bring them.
Hey, guys and gals, there is an enormous difference in the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox doctrines of the “deification of man” and the notion that man can become gods, held by Mormons and other heretics.

God shares his Divine Life with us in Holy Communion. His Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity, are assimilated through normal bodily processes and become our body and blood. This is what the doctrine means – not that we ourselves can become gods.

It just makes sense that we become one with God if we are to have eternal life. We don’t lose our identities. We are made complete.

If we cannot share in eternity which transcends past, present and future, we cannot share in eternal life. Only God has eternal life, therefore, it makes perfect sense that we must become one with God and one another to share in eternal life. Perhaps this is what the Buddha strives for in Nirvana…by becoming nothing one shares in everything. In death alone is one made fully alive.

The foot is still a foot. The eye is still an eye. The ear still an ear. Together they are part of the one body. Distinct but one.
I agree with Mr. Melton , Half you all this includes priest dont even know him and does not have a relationship with him. So stuck on symbols and traditions that doesnt matter. Follow his word , not the Catholic bible.
I agree with Mr. Melton , Half you all this includes priest dont even know him and does not have a relationship with him. So stuck on symbols and traditions that doesnt matter. Follow his word , not the Catholic bible.
How do you know that we don’t know HIm? Have you looked into our hearts? I have a deepening relationship with Him and continue to do so through participation in the Sacraments. He gave us these as a means of personal physical contact that impart grace in our lives.

“Catholic bible” I don’t get this one, you will have to explain further.
I agree with Mr. Melton , Half you all this includes priest dont even know him and does not have a relationship with him. So stuck on symbols and traditions that doesnt matter. Follow his word , not the Catholic bible.
I see that you don’t even know where your incomplete Bible came from.Why don’t you study history and then ask your self why there are books missing out of your Bible.Also, you had better read your incomplete Bible and read Jesus’ warning about judging others.Or do you choose to ignore that part?Catholics not only have a relationship with Jesus,we have the Church He started,we depend on Him and do not question His authority or the Authority He set up!Symbols and traditions that don’t matter,huh? What would these be?Are you insulted by our crucifixes?What is it?You have accused without giving any examples.That is called a hit and run post:nope: If you want to throw darts the least you can do is have a target.😛 God Bless
How do you know that we don’t know HIm? Have you looked into our hearts? I have a deepening relationship with Him and continue to do so through participation in the Sacraments. He gave us these as a means of personal physical contact that impart grace in our lives.

“Catholic bible” I don’t get this one, you will have to explain further.
What i mean by having a relationship is you cant say your saved and a Christian and live like the devil. Being Christian means being Christ like. This just doesnt apply to catholics only , but also to protestants. The bible is the true word of God- Catholic bible is nothing more than the new world translation bible with some latin thrown in…
I see that you don’t even know where your incomplete Bible came from.Why don’t you study history and then ask your self why there are books missing out of your Bible.Also, you had better read your incomplete Bible and read Jesus’ warning about judging others.Or do you choose to ignore that part?Catholics not only have a relationship with Jesus,we have the Church He started,we depend on Him and do not question His authority or the Authority He set up!Symbols and traditions that don’t matter,huh? What would these be?Are you insulted by our crucifixes?What is it?You have accused without giving any examples.That is called a hit and run post:nope: If you want to throw darts the least you can do is have a target.😛 God Bless
This isnt a hit and run post, Oh and by the way when he said it is finished -Jesus means that it is finished…
Hi everyone! 👋

I would venture to say that the vast majority of those who speak ill of the Catholic Church really believe what they are saying to be true. I don’t believe that they are lying. That would mean that they really know the truth and are purposely misrepresenting it. They were probably taught things by people they trust and have no reason to believe that they were mistaught. My heart truly goes out to them, not so much for their mean-ness as for their ignorance.

I also think that many of them don’t realize how mean they are being. They really seem to believe that they are “loving the sinner and hating the sin” and don’t seem to know they have crossed the line. I used to post on a Protestant site (until I got kicked off) where Catholics are regularly called names and laughed at among the other members. I was called disgusting when I was kicked off the site. They really seem to be completely unaware that they are behaving in a way unbecoming a Christian and believe it to be an attack of the beliefs rather than an attack of the believer. Again, my heart is sad for them.

My sister, who attends a Baptist church, has told me that they never cut down Catholics there. She’s never heard about the Church being the whore or that all Catholics are going to hell. Guess they aren’t all the same

Anti-Catholics can really really use our prayers.

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
This isnt a hit and run post, Oh and by the way when he said it is finished -Jesus means that it is finished…
So what is your point?Who is saying what Jesus said was wrong?Ellaborate your position.You don’t make sense,so far all you have done is throw out general accusations,with no specifics.God Bless
So what is your point?Who is saying what Jesus said was wrong?Ellaborate your position.You don’t make sense,so far all you have done is throw out general accusations,with no specifics.God Bless
I mean that you dont need to wear a cross (crucifix) to remind you of what was done on calvary. Also you dont need sacraments to help you along either. That is all I am saying . the Holy Spirit will bring all things in remebrance - he is part of the Godhead.
I mean that you dont need to wear a cross (crucifix) to remind you of what was done on calvary. Also you dont need sacraments to help you along either. That is all I am saying . the Holy Spirit will bring all things in remebrance - he is part of the Godhead.
Wear a cross sometime Joe and see how people’s eyes are drawn to it when you speak to them. They might even be non-believers and ask you questions. Evangelization, through the cross of Jesus Christ, can be a beautiful thing. Furthermore, you subscribe to the unBiblical doctrine of sola scriptura and you have no regard for sacred Tradition, so I will not address your insult regarding the sacraments.

I mean that you dont need to wear a cross (crucifix) to remind you of what was done on calvary. Also you dont need sacraments to help you along either. That is all I am saying . the Holy Spirit will bring all things in remebrance - he is part of the Godhead.
Hi joehar! 👋

I don’t think any Christian; Baptist, Catholic or otherwise; wears a cross because he “needs” it as a reminder or what was done on calvary. Jewlery is worn so others can see it, not ourselves. People who wear crosses wear them as a visible profession of their belief in the saving work of the cross.

Judging by your comment on the sacraments it seems that you’ve been mistaught about what they are. If you’re intersted I’d love you explain to you what sacraments are. Let me know!

In Christ,
Nancy 🙂
The bible is the true word of God- Catholic bible is nothing more than the new world translation bible with some latin thrown in…
Was trhat supposed to be funny, or just merely stupid?
Catholics don’t get to be God! Thats shows you how much they don’t understand.

Now this may come as a surprise to you but upon salvation Catholics (and other Christians that may pass judgment) do BECOME GOD!:love: Check out CCC 460.:hmmm: Study all the notes and go to the writtings it came from. In a few weeks you will know the difference between ‘get to be God’ and ‘become God’. Good ole Jack may be partly right, just out of context?:eek: Jack Chick does not want to share the Gospel of Christ with us, he wants to force feed us his abridged and edited version of his bible and missinterpretation of it on us.

Jesus gave His Church a ‘verbal Gospel’. That Gospel is now in the Tradition of the Catholic Church. The bible is Tradition from the Catholic Church. So Jack Chick is spreading Catholic Tradition, just a bit skewed!😃
I get the feeling you think I agree with Chick. He’s a goober. My whole post was dripping with sarcasm.
Church Militant:
He’s a dishonest dork from over in Pensacola. I’ve seen one of his videos and he wasn’t 5 minutes into it before he posts a quote from the CCC TOTALLY outta context and says that we believe that we become God. then goes on to compare us to the Mormons. His footnote said he got it from Chick Publications, which means he doesn’t do his own homework. I’ve had guys come back from his videos and jump me saying that the pope approves of evolution. I just pointed out that I have no respect for Hovind because I’ve caught him not kowing what he’s talking about and misrepresenting the Catholic Church. Then I said, " Did he quote a particular pope and give a papal document? If not he’s full of baloney again because I’d have to see it in writing and then we could look at it in context to see just what was said and meant." The guy shut up.

BTW about 6 months ago the IRS and FBI raided Hovind’s places here because he seems to not be paying taxes properly and has issues with the state about his tax exemption on millions of dollars worth of his sales. I haven’t heard what came of it.
Well as we all know (or most of us) the CC is attacked for what it isn’t, not for what it is. The beginning of the first video is where he slanders the church the first time, then in 7 I believe he attacks the church again saying indulgences meant you can pay money to buy the remission of sin. Fun stuff. He also talks about how the Pope accepts evolution as it is taught in its most secular sense. What he should have said is the church requires a few specific things to be believed and a great deal of scientific and religious thought could fill the gap (obviously spontaneous generation of life and a perpetual, eternal creation not being allowed).

The first link on this thread was great. I don’t even think the author provided links to the chick tracts he was plagerizing.
I mean that you dont need to wear a cross (crucifix) to remind you of what was done on calvary. Also you dont need sacraments to help you along either. That is all I am saying . the Holy Spirit will bring all things in remebrance - he is part of the Godhead.
A problem with your statement is you seem to imply we’re supposed to wear one, or that it somehow helps our standing with God and in the church. This would be another first for me, like when I heard from your types that I pray to Mary for salvation instead of Jesus.
I was raised as a Southern Baptist. I learned at an early age that the Catholic Church was the Whore of Babylon and that the Pope was the antichrist. I heard this from the pulpit and in Sunday School. Often! It was a rare Sunday that Catholic teachings were not maligned or ridiculed in the church of my birth. We regularly prayed for Catholics, who were doomed for hell if they didn’t leave their church and become “Bible-believing Christians.”

Individual Catholics (like me!) may criticize Baptist “churches” (and Protestantism in general) but the Catholic Church does not.

In my experience, scratch a Baptist and you’ll find a bigot. I’m sure that’s not true of every Baptist, but that was my personal experience with the Baptists I knew personally and my numerous Baptist relatives in two states.

The last Baptist funeral I attended I swore would be my last. Even at funerals, Baptist preachers can’t resist slamming the Catholic Church.

Jay Damien
Ex-Southern Baptist, ex-agnostic, ex-atheist, ecstatic to be Catholic!
The first Baptist funeral I attended got my back up. The preacher did not slam Catholics per se, but the implication of slamming both Catholics and other Protestants present at the funeral was evident. However, the preacher at the next Baptist funeral was more considerate about the fact that there were people present who were not Baptists, and yes it was a much better service, even though it lacked the depth of a Catholic funeral.

I mean that you dont need to wear a cross (crucifix) to remind you of what was done on calvary. Also you dont need sacraments to help you along either. That is all I am saying . the Holy Spirit will bring all things in remebrance - he is part of the Godhead.
So… all the people who wear those WWJD bracelets are sinners huh?
I agree with Mr. Melton , Half you all this includes priest dont even know him and does not have a relationship with him.

So who needs Jesus? You just judged our priests! Can you pass judgment on me now or would you rather leave us lessor souls for Jesus to waste His time on since yours is too precious? By the way, will you die for my sins too?
So stuck on symbols and traditions that doesnt matter. Follow his word , not the Catholic bible.
If you read one of the numerous protestant bible versions then you read tradition. If you read a Catholic Bible your read Tradition. If you believe the protestant Bible then you believe in tradition. If you believe the Catholic Bible you believe Tradition.

Either way, the Bible is tradition and you believe in it.

As for symbols I love them. I love to wear a crucifix so that when others see me they know I’m a devout Christian. When they ask questions I can evagelize them. Ever time I see a symbol it reminds me of what it stands for. I hang a rosary in my car. Now instead of road rage I just give out blessings and prayers. You should see the look when somebody gives me the finger and I give them a blessing back. Too bad protestants can’t admit to their own symbols.

So from your post I can take it that you too have heard that stuff the Baptists spew out about Catholics. I just read it in your post.
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