No, it doesn’t. One who follows the Magisterium can speak of Catholics who openly dissent from the Magisterium, and there is no hypocrisy in that.
You conflate sinlessness with truthfulness.
One, for example, may commit a sin against the 6th commandment; committing a sin is not the same as rejecting the truth of the commandment. Weakness in sexual matters is not the same as rejection of any truth that, for example, fornication is wrong. Not all who fornicate deny that it is wrong; but some (actually, in this day an age, most) deny that it is wrong, whether or not they are fornicating. And if a popular magazine supports living together, one who follows the Magisterium may say that the editor of the magazine is picking and choosing what moral laws they accept; and at the same time, the one following the Magisterium may commit the sin.
The editor is not going to go to confession. The one following the Magisterium who sins is going to go.