Have you heard of the term "cafeteria" catholic?

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No, it doesn’t. One who follows the Magisterium can speak of Catholics who openly dissent from the Magisterium, and there is no hypocrisy in that
Maybe you should reread my post.
Your loyalty and sincerity is to be truly commended. I agree that the Catholic Church can hold it’s head up high as one which has not caved into passing trends and fashionable opinions held by superficial protestors.
We can boast that we know (and claim to follow) all of the Church rules and teachings, come up with magisteriums and other interesting Latin terms and call our brothers who are not as ‘true to the cause’ as us cafetaria catholics but who knows how much love for God and other people they may have in their hearts. Sinners loved being around Jesus, pharisees (most of them) did not.
It would be better called “buffet” Catholicism, but it doesent have quite the same ring as “Cafeteria catholicism”
“Cafeteria Catholic” is more alliterative and catchier.

But it is negative and I wouldn’t call anyone that personally. Different people have different opinions, and if want to shut down communication, calling them names is a good way to do it.
It means picking and choosing your beliefs… so “I believe what the Church teaches on the life of Christ, the Real Presence, and papal authority, but I will choose to knowingly and willingly disobey the Church on matters like gay ‘marriage’, abortion, and the all male priesthood.”
I think there was a Greek word for those who pick and chose their beliefs. It was
. But we can’t use that!
A view expressed this way makes the Church sound stubbornly totalitarian and authoritarian. Is that what you want?
It isn’t what we want. It is reality. What ‘we want’ when we make up our own beliefs is our own religion. Our own religion would make us god, since we are the creators of it. Catholicism isn’t a philosophical exercise. It is a religion founded on the revelation of God and maintained by his appointed stewards, the Church. What we want has nothing to do with the truths of dogma. Our goal should be to conform our will (what we want) to the truths of the Faith.
Not necessarily “dislikes”. More often than not it is conscientious objection.
Any promotion of Pope Francis as liberal has primarily been done by secular media in my opinion. God bless you!
Yes I am familiar with the desire of some “liberal” catholics to kidnap Pope Francis as their own. But the truth is more complex than that. Just because he said “don’t judge” in regard to gays, doesn’t mean he was in favour of gay marriage at all. And I notice too that Chrstians of other denominations believe the Pope belongs on the left side of politics for being vague and not spelling out doctrine.
No, it doesn’t. One who follows the Magisterium can speak of Catholics who openly dissent from the Magisterium, and there is no hypocrisy in that
Maybe you should reread my post.
I did. and I stand dead square on what I said. You mistake the term “hypocricy”.
Hi Max, we called it smorgasbord. Take little of yhis and that but if it doesn’t please skip it. I have learned and still am that somethings don’t taste good in just a nibble. Being a full mature Christian requires a good bite to chew on and savor. I am not a Catholic at the moment. But I can use this as an example, Marian devotion. There was a time I cringed when people would speak of it. Oh but I prayed and asked God to please help me understand because on the other side I found discussion of the subject to be repugnant and at best disrespectful of Mary. Well by George she was a kid when God shared His plan and she totally submitted (such a terrible sexist offensive word today). And what is more she is Jesus’ mother who we all proclaim to love and trust. Come talk disparaging about my momma and see what that gets you. And someone would dare bring her up and not show her due respect when her Son made you and molded you in the womb and knew you before your greatest grandparents were but a twinkle in someone’s eyes? The pride and ungratefulness of God’s crown of creation is only matched by the serpent himself when he said “I will…”
A view expressed this way makes the Church sound stubbornly totalitarian and authoritarian.
It isn’t.
It is rather God’s teaching handed down to us.
If there is something we have a problem with, the error is ours. We must study the teaching more, learn where the flaw in our reasoning is, and overcome it.

Too many people think they can disagree with God’s church while still agreeing with God. They are in error.
I don’t think its a become one thing, it’s more like you end up one through giving up.
Your heart is wrong about very rare exceptions because all the unborn are equally human. And divorcees needn’t get into new (sexual) relationships. They can choose to follow God. There’s always platonic friendships that can ease the loneliness left by divorce. Anyhow, if they got married with the idea that a Christian marriage is forever, they’re still technically married though legally not. And if you’re married you don’t go looking for new relationships.
The Pope certainly would uphold the teachings of Christ.
You seem to think these are arbitrary rules. They are not.
Actually, Lucifer said I WILL NOT

Big difference. That is the crux of the “cafeteria catholic” problem,

And submission has nothing to do with sexism. Christ HImself submitted to being crucified for our salvation.
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Respectfully, you need to chill on the random capitalizations and memes. Relax.
They are very good memes. Truth and Mercy are one.

Anyone with a spark of goodwill can become Catholic and strive to live the whole faith, such as going to Confession, believing in the Eucharist, devotion to Our Lady, works of mercy, and orthodoxy.
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