I have no problem with violence, blood shed or gore in movies when done with artistic merit and keeping with the content of the genre or plot of the film…but I am also not a gorehound for the sake of gore. I dig explosions, bloody shoot em ups, etc…but nothing prepared me for how Gibson staged the Scourging…it shocked me, but was very necessary… I believe the Holy Spirit worked thru him and said its time ALL Christians as well as others woke up and seen what Christ went thru…think it didnt happen like that? Look again at Shroud of Turin…over 120 Scourge marks…front AND back…I think people needed a brutal wake up call that Jesus was NOT scourged like most other movies portray…as if he was whipped with a feather…for those who cant take it…you have your other Christ flicks…this one tells the brutal truth of what happened and I am glad it was shown…and I LOVE Mel Gibsons crazy skewed violent flicks…and God must have seen that Mel had the talent to bring this flick to life…yeah…I think God liked Braveheart and The Patriot…and did his own casting call for The Passion.