That is correct.It depends on the nature of the relationship. If we call the relationship"distance", then surely our walking closer towards the wall changes the relationship for both of us.
The nature of relationship in Christianity is Love. Do you experience God’s Love more when you love Him more?You have to prove that this principle does not apply to a “personal” relationship as well.
God cannot act temporary. I however understand what you are trying to say. You believe that God knows everything eternally, your pray for example, and can answer to your praying by His eternal act. There is however a problem in this view: God’s eternal acts should fork to ensure that He can sustain universe properly. God however cannot know the current time because He dwells in eternal now, hence He cannot sustain the creation by one eternal act.So would a wall be (changeless, that is).
By the way, just because God is eternal and outside of time, doesn’t mean He can’t interact in temporal manner. It is just that every entry into a point of time in the “temporal world” is interacting actually with all of the temporal universe at once. It only appears to us to happen at discrete points of time because we are “stuck” in temporality.