You’re right. The Church has never been very responsive to the laity’s (name removed by moderator)uts, and that is sad.
I’ll have to disagree there. When a people who rarely pray, only go to Sunday mass when they have to, don’t know Scripture, don’t understand Catholic teaching in the first place, contracept, abort, divorce, cheat on their spouses, etc., have the audacity to tell Rome how best to follow Christ, I get a little frustrated. I am by no means saying that the majority of the laity is like this, but the Magesterium is comprised of men whose whole lives are devoted to prayer, study of God, prayer, self-denial, prayer, and penance. As a fallible human being, in humility I would much rather trust their judgement than your average Joe down the street.
At least listen and consider, versus being close minded and inflexible when sound reasoning and common sense dictate otherwise. Non-abortion causing contraception for medical reasons is a perfect example.
I have to disagree here too. I have yet to find a compelling reason to change the Church’s teachings on these matters. The theology and reasoning - and even science - is pretty solid. Even if I weren’t a Catholic, I would have a hard time justifying the use of contraception at all.