Thank you all for your thoughts… we have had some recent developments which makes it plausible for my husband and I to return to the RCIA staff… we still haven’t decided what to do but we have been in touch with our parish priest about some of these matters.
It is funny in a way because when I was talking to the pastor (hilarious side story) he made a comment about how I really know my stuff… I was so amazed that he thought so… anyway, he mentioned that he needed a bunch more couples like my dh and I. I told him there were so many more people who know more and are better Christians than us but we don’t feel worthy to serve and the EMHC’s that we do have are there for the public show… he said he agreed!
So as for the side story… my sister swears I am going to hell because of it…
My dd has been talking to a young man that wants to take over as Music director… she asked me to contact the pastor and tell him since we are in need of a music director… *see above, So I called and left a message on the parish answering machine. Then I got myself ready for my shower and my phone rang… it was the priest. He was returning my call and wanted to ask me some questions and discuss the music program. I sat there talking to him in my bathroom naked! After about 5 minutes I was scrambling around trying to put my clothes back on because I felt weird talking to the priest naked and ready for my shower. The next day I was talking to my sister and told her how weird it was and how I was trying to get dressed even though it wasn’t like we had camera phones or anything… so she kept telling me I was gonna burn for it… we had a good laugh and I learned not to answer my cell as I am about to get in the shower. All in all I was on the phone for over an hour discussing the music program and several other topics and feeling guilty I couldn’t get my top over my head while talking.
There… I am the amusement for today… enjoy, your turn might be tomorrow…