The argument is invalid since it** confuses** full knowledge of the sin with full knowledge of God, which are not the same. One can have full knowledge of Sin and hence full culpability on our part because our reason permits us to understand these things. Full knowledge of the sin simply means that you are very well aware what you do is evil, both in the moral and legal sense, and yet despite this, you still willingly committed it, without any remorse on your part. That indeed, is full culpability.I reject the doctrine of hell for the following reasons:
Thus a simple sylogism:
- Full culpability requires full knowledge. But here, even though the crime is technically against the Infinite/Eternal God, man does not have full knowledge of God. At best, man’s knowledge is abstract. Following the idea of Cardinal Newman, our knowledge of the infinitude of God is notional…abstract. At anyrate, I could quote any number of Church Fathers on the fact that our knowledge of God is incomplete (Gregory of Nyssa, Augustine, Thomas, etc.).
Full culpability requires full knowledge.
Man does not have full knowledge.
Therefore, man is not fully culpable.
Ergo, no hell.
A mass murderer who, despite knowing that what he does is abominable, still gleefully slaughters people for the fun of it certainly is a prime candidate for hell. Even secular authorities usually punish these people with execution, or life imprisonment with hard labor depending on the prevailing laws, which are usually human society’s equivalent of hell, simply because there is nothing else heavier human society could do with such hopelessly recalcitrant and evil individuals.
If you are a Christian and sincerely believes in God because Holy Scripture says so, there is really no need for a rational or logical understanding of **what really God is in Himself, the true nature or God. **Scripture itself simply asks us to believe and be faithful, and be wary of the consequences of sin.