A couple of folks mentioned it on Catholic Common Sense.
Ideally, yes; I want the answers to be accurate to the Church’s teaching. There are some non-religious sites that do a nice job of answering complex questions in a very simple, straightforward way. For instance, “Stack Overflow” is a good site for those in the software industry where you can read the question and get a thorough, accurate answer by just reading the first response. That said, it will take us some time to get there.Will you be able to have representation from the Church on staff to speak for the official Church position?
I have reached out to my main contact at Catholic Answers. My guess is the information hasn’t yet been shared with everyone in the organization. A minor point is that the data wasn’t “sold” per se, but rather it was “given”.By the way, several of us wrote to Catholic Answers a few days ago before you responded, asking if you and this website were legit. Two of us have yet to get an answer and the third person received an answer from Catholic Answers that said your forum was completely unauthorized and they had not sold any of their data. The plot thickens.
I read in the news that Pope Francis has said yes, there is a moral obligation to get vaccinated.My ultimate goal is to provide a resource to help answer some of the thorny questions for Catholics. For instance, are Catholics morally obligated to get vaccinated?
If your goal is to help provide authoritative answers, you will need a team of official apologists like CAF used to have, and also an approval from your Ordinary, won’t you? I mean, it’s a different thing to have people like me answer these thorny questions, even if I know what resources I would point people to on such issues as Covid vaccines, and to have an “authoritative answer”. In the first event (me and other random lay Catholics, or random non-Catholics with or without an agenda, responding), you can bet there would be a variety of opinions on what could be considered as the Church’s official position. You already have an example of that upthread.It’s hard to get an authoritative answer on some of these questions, and my goal is to help change that.
I’m an ex-CAF member and a current member of @Tis_Bearself’s private forum, where I found out the same way Bear did, when another poster happened on your site and made a thread about it.By the way, would each of you mind telling me how you found this site?
I’ll tell you honestly what I think : I don’t believe you will have years, let alone many years, to build what you want. As you certainly know, Internet reputations are made so quickly now that a lot of your success will hang upon the quality of the space you offer once the site goes public, particularly for a site with such a history, which recently and publicly died a well-deserved death, and whose last months of existence left a sizable part of its former users with unpleasant feelings.And I should stress that while that’s my ultimate goal, it may take many years and resources to get there.
This is a very worthy goal and I wish you every success in this endeavor.My ultimate goal is to provide a resource to help answer some of the thorny questions for Catholics.