Hello, is anybody home?

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I couldn’t afford it, but then, if I did really want to say something and it was deemed flag-worthy under the old system , the one that wasn’t moderated that well and where people were flagging for the sake of it, would I get a refund?
I would welcome more participation, and possibly even moderation (not censorship, just moderation) from priests, and I even have to wonder if there could be either a retired or auxiliary bishop who could jump into the fray. As much as I am guilty of this sometimes myself, I have to question the prudence of having a gaggle of laypeople, commenting on every matter under the sun, with no clergy there at least to provide some gentle direction, as well as to correct those who are totally “out on the flight deck”, so to speak.
One idea I’ve been tossing around in my head is that priests could be granted a special status/permission where they could “approve” someone else’s post - meaning that the post conforms to the Church’s teaching. Sort of like when you read a medical article and at the bottom it says “clinically reviewed by a doctor on January 5, 2020”
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I will also ask, you have floated the suggestion of paying for postings. Would that be a one time cost or per post or per thread.
This is in the spirit of brainstorming, but I was thinking a one-time (non-refundable) fee of, say, $10 that would be donated to a worthy cause. (In other words, not a per-post fee, but a per-user fee.) The point would be to deter some of the trolls. But to be clear, I have no immediate plans to do that.
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Not a bad idea, I wouldn’t have thought of that. But would it be feasible for a priest to go through, in effect granting “mini-imprimaturs” to all those posts?
I’d be fine with a $10 one-time usage fee, but my only hesitation would be, it might be worth $10 to some trolls, to “get a license” to come onboard and make trouble. However, they could always be banned without refund of the $10.
Or, without resorting to “imprimaturs”, would it be feasible to have two distinct “like” buttons, one for us vulgus pecum and one for verified clergy users ? It would already make more visible who likes what.

ETA: but then Greg would have to figure out how to prevent threads form degenerating into “the priests like my post better than yours” arguments.
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Not a bad idea, I wouldn’t have thought of that. But would it be feasible for a priest to go through, in effect granting “mini-imprimaturs” to all those posts?
Perhaps not every post, but the ones that are new (not duplicates) and seem to be useful to many people. I wonder how many unique, generally useful questions are out there? Maybe in the low thousands? Then when someone posts a duplicate question, we close the topic and refer them to the official answer.

To find the generally useful questions, we can see which ones are being found by Google/Bing searches and focus on cleaning up those answers. For instance, we could have the original question at the top, followed by the “official” answer, followed by all the other commentary below.

Also, there are some topics that wouldn’t really need to be moderated by a priest, such as the World News category.

As a side note, this forum has about a million topics and an average of 14 responses per topic.

And just to reiterate, I don’t have any specific plans to do this in the very near future, but rather it’s a plan that I’m still formulating. And this discussion and everyone’s questions do help me to formulate the plan.
Or, without resorting to “imprimaturs”, would it be feasible to have two distinct “like” buttons, one for us vulgus pecum and one for verified clergy users ? It would already make more visible who likes what.
Yes, I was thinking something along those lines. I’m not a graphic designer, but I was tossing around the idea of keeping a heart for everyone except clergy and having a cross for clergy.

Without going into too much detail, I’m hosting my own Discourse server which means that I can make changes to the software (in fact, I have already made a few changes here and there). That gets back to what I’ve spent my career doing, which is creating software.
Great idea!

“Vulgus pecum” — learn something new every day!

There could also be some kind of “warning” button, if a post were on the rumble strips of being in error. I have in mind the red/yellow/green light scheme that they had at one time, and may still have, on Dr Jeffrey Mirus’s Catholic Culture website. I’d envision this as only accessible to priests who have been verified as validly ordained and authorized to exercise their ministry.
I haven’t seen any posts on here for 19 hours now. Has the posting function been blocked?

I know some people did not like CAF, and all I can say is, if you don’t like the CAF idea and concept, then just don’t participate. That’s simple. However, some of us enjoy this kind of thing, and, more importantly, take satisfaction and peace in knowing that there are some venues, where intelligent, charitable discourse can take place even on controversial matters, and to be able to say the things that, for whatever reason, nobody else is saying.

We might do well to recall, if one is old enough to, what it was like back in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, when the Fatima adherent or one who accepted Humanae vitae (just to use two examples) was the “weird one”, possibly the only one in your parish (or at least the only one who would admit it, yes, it was that bad). Waiting for that monthly magazine or writing “letters to the editor” or “letters to the bishop” was a pretty wretched existence. We’d better “make hay while the sun shines” and say everything that’s on our minds — all it would take, would be a few well-placed EMP blasts, or worldwide Internet censorship, and the easy communication we have now, would be gone perhaps forever. The more we can get ideas out there while we can, the better it will be for the faithful and for those seeking. You can never know enough about our holy Catholic Faith.

None of us are anybody — I know I certainly am not — but Our Lord gave us intelligence, writing skills, and the desire to share our faith for a reason, and St Paul urges us always “to be ready for a reason for the hope that is in you”.
Catholic Answers has agreed to notify their user base once I’m ready for more traffic. They’re waiting for me to give them the green light (pardon the pun). So we will have more users here (and therefore more posts) coming soon. My hope is by the end of this month.
At the moment, email notifications are disabled. I just come and look at the Latest page.
Hi catholic-questions,

Nice to see the forum again!

Can we consider that now the forum is ressucited and active again?

because there is no news threats nor activity for a few days…

Is he now referenced on seach engine?
Sorry, we’re not quite ready to go fully live. I am working on a few technical things that have taken longer than I’d hoped. I will create a welcome post and pin it to all the categories when I’m ready. Fingers crossed for that to happen this week.
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